Cuck Identity #2

Recently I have been going around the Jewish scriptures again in order to realize some of the indoctrination process of the “good book”, which made me stumble upon one particular verse – and before I knew it – I was again researching CI and had to face palm myself several times. In the end I double face palmed myself with both hands and remained in that position for a while. It even made me wonder whether there is any chance left to really heal our people from the Jewish indoctrination, but then again CI hasn’t managed to infect too many individuals and therefore shouldn’t cause too much trouble in these new Dark Ages of our Time.

I mean, I can somewhat understand their positionthey are afraid of destroying their own Indoctrination, something we have very deeply discussed within this article. They are a combination of Control and Synthesis, since they attempt to take over the Jewish artifact and proclaim it as their own, yet on the other hand they want to merge entirely with the Jewish story and narrative and become Jews themselves with the excuse of calling themselves Israelites – because that somewhat matters in the context of the whole Jewish Book. Matter of fact, Israelites – if you read the Old Testament – were perhaps even bigger lunatics than the Jews from the New Testament. After all, they did Blood rituals and sacrifices of all kinds and, once the supposed Temple is rebuilt, they would have to return to those charming traditions. I guess the CI folk can’t wait to wash themselves in oxen blood for Yahweh. Be as it may, the verse I stumbled upon again was Leviticus 19:33-34 :

When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Now, one has to wonderif the CI folk consider themselves the real Israelites – then they should be following such verses, which would mean that they must accept the migration wave and cannot be against it. If the Jews are not allowing anyone into Israel, and they are supposedly not the real Israelites – then, according to the CI folk – we must do what Leviticus says. Ain’t that a bitch? Alas, some of them might argue that the word for sojourn in Hebrew is ger/gur which means : alien, aliens, foreigners, immigrants, sojourner, sojourners, stranger, stranger’s, strangers. I agree that didn’t help much, we need a deeper explanation to try and help the poor CI folk : to spend a day, temporary resident.

But, how can you send them back as a good Christian? Remember, you must love everyone equally and all are one in Christ – even if they suddenly become your Enemies – you must love them, as the good Christian you are. If they wish to stay in your Land through Evil intent – you must let them, you shouldn’t resist it. If they ask you to allow them to remain forever in your Land – you must let them, because Jesus said that you should give to anyone that asks of you what he wants. There is no fine print regarding any details, it is said very clearly :

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

Keep on giving to everyone who asks you for something, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not insist on getting it back.

I mean, how in the world could Christianity be destroying us? How could the words of Jesus be misunderstood by millions of Christians worldwide? Why, we are giving away our Nations because others want to be part of them. Hell, they want to kill us – so let them do it! Somalians want to become Germans, so we must give them German citizenship. Faggots want to be regarded as Natural, so we must do that as well. Pedophiles want to go into the same bathroom as little children – got to let that happen as well. It also doesn’t look like Communism at all.

Once you realize that the Pope is simply following the Bible – you might want to face palm yourself just like I did. Some weird cocktail flowing through the brains of the CI folk, I must admit. But, at least they are not alone in their shameful ideology – millions of Christians are happily following them – they merely love Jews, whereas the CI folk love themselves as Jews. Somehow, some way, people who read the Bible end up loving Jews one way or the other. An interesting phenomena.


In Chapter 20 of Leviticus we see a discussion about Molech – now where do these CI people connect Molech with Europeans? It always fascinates me how CI wishes to be “European” but ignores the entire European continent, history, culture, mythology, ethnicities – well, basically everything that has to do with the European people. As the Jews themselvesthey attempt to look at ancient European culture and somehow assimilate it into the Bible.

Fascinating, isn’t it? They have become so indoctrinated with the Jewish artifact that they are transforming their own history in order to fit it with the good old Book. Talk about Borgs from Star Trek – this is literally what all these indoctrinated fools are – and all of them are reporting back to the “Collective” – that is to say the Jews. As I have said before – the more people cling to the Biblethe more powerful the Jews become. If the CI people really hated the Jews, they would realize this and drop the Religion – but, they are indeed – indoctrinated.

Let us also see what Adam Weishaupt, the Jewish Jesuit, said about Christianity when he was planning the JWO alongside his indoctrinated friends :

One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it, is genuine Christianity, and that its end was to free the Jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the hieroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian.

Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion – of opinions which were current -and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons – he taught by parables.

Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father’s kingdom, who’s children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves.

Is that so hard to believe? The Freemasons are basically preaching Communism – the very same thing Jesus and the Bible are preaching. Communism is Judaism, Judaism is the fucking Bible – Jesus brought Liberalism into the story and that’s it. But, the CI people don’t see it – or – pretend to not see it, since they are Indoctrinated. That is to say – the CI folk also wish to “rebuild the Temple and rule from Israel while the rest of the world is Communism” – only in their case, they are the real Jews.

Every Jewish revolution was done in the spirit of Christianity – “freeing the slaves”. It is being performed once again in the 21st century through White privilege – Whites are so “privileged” that everyone else in comparison to them must be a “slave” – therefore the Christian spirit must make haste to destroy the White Race – and it is doing exactly that. Let us look into another character, Joel Richardson :

Bluntly stated, if the Gospel that one preaches does not culminate with a Jewish man ruling the world, then it is not the Gospel of the New Testament. The scriptural testimony is thorough, consistent, and clear that after Jesus returns, Israel will exist as a national kingdom, with many other distinct nations [Gentiles] rallying to her as the global leader. At the heart of the nation of Israel will be Jerusalem and the Temple, from which Jesus the Jewish King will reign over His people [the Jews].

Jesus fully understood and affirmed that He was the King of the Jewish people who would someday rule as king over a restored Jewish kingdom–one that would last “from then on and forevermore.” We cannot claim to affirm the Gospel as it was understood by the apostles unless we proclaim the future coming of the Jewish King who will rule the world from Jerusalem. To proclaim anything less is to diminish and distort the message of the Gospel.

I have done a deep analysis of all this already in the Cuck articles so far – 1, 2 and 3. It really hurts my mind when I see that people still don’t get it – it’s like they can’t read the fucking text in the Bible with a working brain. The Jew wishes to create a Global Communistic rule out of One single centerhis own Nation. In order for that to work he has to annihilate Freedom and Creativity. Freedom, because a Free person will not submit to Communism. Creativity, because a Creative person challenges Authority. These two combined have made the White Race a definition of excellency and therefore – we must cease to exist – so that the remaining people of this world can be easily ruled by Jews – that is to say – they can be easily indoctrinated. As of late our own White Race is being indoctrinated from all angles – and we really are running out of time in this Cosmic battle.

Some can be awoken to the fact that everything in the Bible is being told to exclusively Jews. Some never knew that the 10 commandments were also exclusively for the Jews, since the first one explicitly talks about God delivering his Chosenites out of Egypt – but, even here, CI has found a way to work around it :

The Egyptians, before they started breeding with Nubians, were indeed White Adamic men and women, having descended from Ham. The Hebrews were a subset of Adamic man that Yahweh chose to be his people, Israel. So, yes, what we have here is Adamic man kicking out Adamic man. But, it’s not too surprising really, because we whites have always been fighting amongst ourselves.

I stand back in amazement. Breathing seems complicated after such a shocking loss of IQ. So, the Hebrews – as a subset of Adamic man – were the chosen people of Yahweh. Now, focus here with me. At this time, Egypt existed and all of freaking Europe – but these “Adamic Whites”, and only these ones – are the real Israelites. They seem to forget that God sent the Israelites to Egypt into bondage in the first place. And then these fucking lunatics attack me for saying that no matter what type of Jew is in Europe – we regular “goy White Europeans” – are fucked – destined to be ruled by the “real Jews”.

CI people are therefore everything you read and hate about the Jews in the Bible. The context of the biblical narrative is slightly different between the “real and fake” Jews – for the CI people, all Whites are Adamic and they are the Chosen rulers of Whites and Everyone else; whereas for the Jews they are a totally different Race that was chosen as the rulers of Everyone.

They represent everything you hate about Zionism. They represent everything you hate about the Liberalism that is within the words of Jesus. They represent everything you hate about Communism and Theocratic Globalism. They are even more indoctrinated than the Jews themselves. Now, I didn’t make up that quote – you can find it on their own forum – this one guy has almost 30,000 posts on that forum. He probably rewrote the whole Bible to fit the CI narrative. Good thing the fake Jews brought the Bible to the real Jews then. Notice also the Obadiah verse he has as his name, representing the part of the Bible which is dealing with the deliverance of Israel :

And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.

I assume they believe that Jews are Esau, whereas Jews believe we are Esau. This is basically the only point where they probably indoctrinate people – claiming that Esau was a race-mixer which pretty much all Jews are, while Whites are still pure and therefore can only be the children of Yahweh. But, they ignore all the other nonsense of the supposed “Chosen people” which are entirely anti-Aryan – the circumcision, the sprinkling of Blood in rituals, the child sacrifices, the human sacrifices, the explicitly Jewish holidays, the incest throughout their “holy Israelitic bloodline” – it goes on and on – because they are indoctrinated and can’t let go of the Jewish artifact. They can’t let go. As if you need a “biblical reason” to hate the Jews for what they are doing to us. But, as I said – you can’t educate an indoctrinated personyou can only save him by destroying his indoctrination. While we are at it, let’s look into another funny part of the Bible :

Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Be on your guard before him and obey his voice; do not be rebellious toward him, for he will not pardon your transgression, since My name is in him. But if you truly obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.

Since Satan means adversary and enemy in Hebrew – God is letting us know that he himself will be “Satan to your Satans”. Anyone who opposes Jews is a god damn Satan – because it means enemy and adversary in Hebrew. Since it would sound ridiculous to scream that shit into our face, they replaced it with the word “anti-Semite”. Ironically, this created a positive effect for them – because we are suddenly the “anti-something” – and not them. Cunning bastards.

Semitic relates to the 3 sons of Noah – Shem, Japheth, Ham. According to Jews and their Shabbos Goy, Japheth are the White people, Ham the North Africans and Shem all Semites. Picture it – 3 different races born out of one single mother and father. I guess race-mixing began a long time ago. And even more ridiculous – pure Whites being born out of such a relationship. In order to make the CI narrative work – everything would have to be entirely White in this scenario. So, Jared Taylor might jump in here and saySemites look h’white to me. No race-mixing could have ever occurred afterwards according to the CI narrative, because nobody else survived the supposed global flood.

Can’t you see that you cannot follow the Bible in regards to reality? Can’t you see what it is doing to you? How it is literally fucking up your mind? All this nonsense, just and only to preserve the term Jew? The term Israelite? The term Yahweh? Can’t you see that without the Bible there is no Israel whatsoever and that only this way you entirely ruin the Jewish game? Ah, why am I even trying – I mean, here we have this guy celebrating Hanukah. By the way, I love how the Menorah isn’t regarded as Idol worshiping, but a simple Pagan necklace is immediate Devil worship.

I guess I don’t have a striking conclusion to add here. CI are basically Jews of the Bible who hate another branch of the Jews that race-mixed with some other people – that’s it, that’s all there is to them. To cover their Jewish tracks they attempt to identify as Europeans. It is really just a sad mess we find ourselves in as a Race – with all these various branches of the Jewish Bible attempting to destroy and annihilate us. Wherever you find the Bible being worshiped – you should get the fuck out of there and run. This includes every Masonic lodge, every Church and Cult. Do not let them even begin your Indoctrination process. People like us, who have to heal indoctrinated Whites are putting ourselves in danger as well – but – we got enough Willpower to resist it. Not so long ago, we were burned at the stake for refusing the indoctrination – Christians used the following words of Jesus as a justification for their actions :


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Cuck Identity #2

Recently I have been going around the Jewish scriptures again in order to realize some of the indoctrination process of the “good book”, which made me stumble upon one particular verse – and before I knew it – I was again researching CI and had to face palm myself several times. In the end I double face palmed myself with both hands and remained in that position for a while. It even made me wonder whether there is any chance left to really heal our people from the Jewish indoctrination, but then again CI hasn’t managed to infect too many individuals and therefore shouldn’t cause too much trouble in these new Dark Ages of our Time.

I mean, I can somewhat understand their positionthey are afraid of destroying their own Indoctrination, something we have very deeply discussed within this article. They are a combination of Control and Synthesis, since they attempt to take over the Jewish artifact and proclaim it as their own, yet on the other hand they want to merge entirely with the Jewish story and narrative and become Jews themselves with the excuse of calling themselves Israelites – because that somewhat matters in the context of the whole Jewish Book. Matter of fact, Israelites – if you read the Old Testament – were perhaps even bigger lunatics than the Jews from the New Testament. After all, they did Blood rituals and sacrifices of all kinds and, once the supposed Temple is rebuilt, they would have to return to those charming traditions. I guess the CI folk can’t wait to wash themselves in oxen blood for Yahweh. Be as it may, the verse I stumbled upon again was Leviticus 19:33-34 :

When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Now, one has to wonderif the CI folk consider themselves the real Israelites – then they should be following such verses, which would mean that they must accept the migration wave and cannot be against it. If the Jews are not allowing anyone into Israel, and they are supposedly not the real Israelites – then, according to the CI folk – we must do what Leviticus says. Ain’t that a bitch? Alas, some of them might argue that the word for sojourn in Hebrew is ger/gur which means : alien, aliens, foreigners, immigrants, sojourner, sojourners, stranger, stranger’s, strangers. I agree that didn’t help much, we need a deeper explanation to try and help the poor CI folk : to spend a day, temporary resident.

But, how can you send them back as a good Christian? Remember, you must love everyone equally and all are one in Christ – even if they suddenly become your Enemies – you must love them, as the good Christian you are. If they wish to stay in your Land through Evil intent – you must let them, you shouldn’t resist it. If they ask you to allow them to remain forever in your Land – you must let them, because Jesus said that you should give to anyone that asks of you what he wants. There is no fine print regarding any details, it is said very clearly :

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

Keep on giving to everyone who asks you for something, and if anyone takes what is yours, do not insist on getting it back.

I mean, how in the world could Christianity be destroying us? How could the words of Jesus be misunderstood by millions of Christians worldwide? Why, we are giving away our Nations because others want to be part of them. Hell, they want to kill us – so let them do it! Somalians want to become Germans, so we must give them German citizenship. Faggots want to be regarded as Natural, so we must do that as well. Pedophiles want to go into the same bathroom as little children – got to let that happen as well. It also doesn’t look like Communism at all.

Once you realize that the Pope is simply following the Bible – you might want to face palm yourself just like I did. Some weird cocktail flowing through the brains of the CI folk, I must admit. But, at least they are not alone in their shameful ideology – millions of Christians are happily following them – they merely love Jews, whereas the CI folk love themselves as Jews. Somehow, some way, people who read the Bible end up loving Jews one way or the other. An interesting phenomena.


In Chapter 20 of Leviticus we see a discussion about Molech – now where do these CI people connect Molech with Europeans? It always fascinates me how CI wishes to be “European” but ignores the entire European continent, history, culture, mythology, ethnicities – well, basically everything that has to do with the European people. As the Jews themselvesthey attempt to look at ancient European culture and somehow assimilate it into the Bible.

Fascinating, isn’t it? They have become so indoctrinated with the Jewish artifact that they are transforming their own history in order to fit it with the good old Book. Talk about Borgs from Star Trek – this is literally what all these indoctrinated fools are – and all of them are reporting back to the “Collective” – that is to say the Jews. As I have said before – the more people cling to the Biblethe more powerful the Jews become. If the CI people really hated the Jews, they would realize this and drop the Religion – but, they are indeed – indoctrinated.

Let us also see what Adam Weishaupt, the Jewish Jesuit, said about Christianity when he was planning the JWO alongside his indoctrinated friends :

One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it, is genuine Christianity, and that its end was to free the Jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the hieroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian.

Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion – of opinions which were current -and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons – he taught by parables.

Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father’s kingdom, who’s children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves.

Is that so hard to believe? The Freemasons are basically preaching Communism – the very same thing Jesus and the Bible are preaching. Communism is Judaism, Judaism is the fucking Bible – Jesus brought Liberalism into the story and that’s it. But, the CI people don’t see it – or – pretend to not see it, since they are Indoctrinated. That is to say – the CI folk also wish to “rebuild the Temple and rule from Israel while the rest of the world is Communism” – only in their case, they are the real Jews.

Every Jewish revolution was done in the spirit of Christianity – “freeing the slaves”. It is being performed once again in the 21st century through White privilege – Whites are so “privileged” that everyone else in comparison to them must be a “slave” – therefore the Christian spirit must make haste to destroy the White Race – and it is doing exactly that. Let us look into another character, Joel Richardson :

Bluntly stated, if the Gospel that one preaches does not culminate with a Jewish man ruling the world, then it is not the Gospel of the New Testament. The scriptural testimony is thorough, consistent, and clear that after Jesus returns, Israel will exist as a national kingdom, with many other distinct nations [Gentiles] rallying to her as the global leader. At the heart of the nation of Israel will be Jerusalem and the Temple, from which Jesus the Jewish King will reign over His people [the Jews].

Jesus fully understood and affirmed that He was the King of the Jewish people who would someday rule as king over a restored Jewish kingdom–one that would last “from then on and forevermore.” We cannot claim to affirm the Gospel as it was understood by the apostles unless we proclaim the future coming of the Jewish King who will rule the world from Jerusalem. To proclaim anything less is to diminish and distort the message of the Gospel.

I have done a deep analysis of all this already in the Cuck articles so far – 1, 2 and 3. It really hurts my mind when I see that people still don’t get it – it’s like they can’t read the fucking text in the Bible with a working brain. The Jew wishes to create a Global Communistic rule out of One single centerhis own Nation. In order for that to work he has to annihilate Freedom and Creativity. Freedom, because a Free person will not submit to Communism. Creativity, because a Creative person challenges Authority. These two combined have made the White Race a definition of excellency and therefore – we must cease to exist – so that the remaining people of this world can be easily ruled by Jews – that is to say – they can be easily indoctrinated. As of late our own White Race is being indoctrinated from all angles – and we really are running out of time in this Cosmic battle.

Some can be awoken to the fact that everything in the Bible is being told to exclusively Jews. Some never knew that the 10 commandments were also exclusively for the Jews, since the first one explicitly talks about God delivering his Chosenites out of Egypt – but, even here, CI has found a way to work around it :

The Egyptians, before they started breeding with Nubians, were indeed White Adamic men and women, having descended from Ham. The Hebrews were a subset of Adamic man that Yahweh chose to be his people, Israel. So, yes, what we have here is Adamic man kicking out Adamic man. But, it’s not too surprising really, because we whites have always been fighting amongst ourselves.

I stand back in amazement. Breathing seems complicated after such a shocking loss of IQ. So, the Hebrews – as a subset of Adamic man – were the chosen people of Yahweh. Now, focus here with me. At this time, Egypt existed and all of freaking Europe – but these “Adamic Whites”, and only these ones – are the real Israelites. They seem to forget that God sent the Israelites to Egypt into bondage in the first place. And then these fucking lunatics attack me for saying that no matter what type of Jew is in Europe – we regular “goy White Europeans” – are fucked – destined to be ruled by the “real Jews”.

CI people are therefore everything you read and hate about the Jews in the Bible. The context of the biblical narrative is slightly different between the “real and fake” Jews – for the CI people, all Whites are Adamic and they are the Chosen rulers of Whites and Everyone else; whereas for the Jews they are a totally different Race that was chosen as the rulers of Everyone.

They represent everything you hate about Zionism. They represent everything you hate about the Liberalism that is within the words of Jesus. They represent everything you hate about Communism and Theocratic Globalism. They are even more indoctrinated than the Jews themselves. Now, I didn’t make up that quote – you can find it on their own forum – this one guy has almost 30,000 posts on that forum. He probably rewrote the whole Bible to fit the CI narrative. Good thing the fake Jews brought the Bible to the real Jews then. Notice also the Obadiah verse he has as his name, representing the part of the Bible which is dealing with the deliverance of Israel :

And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it.

I assume they believe that Jews are Esau, whereas Jews believe we are Esau. This is basically the only point where they probably indoctrinate people – claiming that Esau was a race-mixer which pretty much all Jews are, while Whites are still pure and therefore can only be the children of Yahweh. But, they ignore all the other nonsense of the supposed “Chosen people” which are entirely anti-Aryan – the circumcision, the sprinkling of Blood in rituals, the child sacrifices, the human sacrifices, the explicitly Jewish holidays, the incest throughout their “holy Israelitic bloodline” – it goes on and on – because they are indoctrinated and can’t let go of the Jewish artifact. They can’t let go. As if you need a “biblical reason” to hate the Jews for what they are doing to us. But, as I said – you can’t educate an indoctrinated personyou can only save him by destroying his indoctrination. While we are at it, let’s look into another funny part of the Bible :

Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Be on your guard before him and obey his voice; do not be rebellious toward him, for he will not pardon your transgression, since My name is in him. But if you truly obey his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.

Since Satan means adversary and enemy in Hebrew – God is letting us know that he himself will be “Satan to your Satans”. Anyone who opposes Jews is a god damn Satan – because it means enemy and adversary in Hebrew. Since it would sound ridiculous to scream that shit into our face, they replaced it with the word “anti-Semite”. Ironically, this created a positive effect for them – because we are suddenly the “anti-something” – and not them. Cunning bastards.

Semitic relates to the 3 sons of Noah – Shem, Japheth, Ham. According to Jews and their Shabbos Goy, Japheth are the White people, Ham the North Africans and Shem all Semites. Picture it – 3 different races born out of one single mother and father. I guess race-mixing began a long time ago. And even more ridiculous – pure Whites being born out of such a relationship. In order to make the CI narrative work – everything would have to be entirely White in this scenario. So, Jared Taylor might jump in here and saySemites look h’white to me. No race-mixing could have ever occurred afterwards according to the CI narrative, because nobody else survived the supposed global flood.

Can’t you see that you cannot follow the Bible in regards to reality? Can’t you see what it is doing to you? How it is literally fucking up your mind? All this nonsense, just and only to preserve the term Jew? The term Israelite? The term Yahweh? Can’t you see that without the Bible there is no Israel whatsoever and that only this way you entirely ruin the Jewish game? Ah, why am I even trying – I mean, here we have this guy celebrating Hanukah. By the way, I love how the Menorah isn’t regarded as Idol worshiping, but a simple Pagan necklace is immediate Devil worship.

I guess I don’t have a striking conclusion to add here. CI are basically Jews of the Bible who hate another branch of the Jews that race-mixed with some other people – that’s it, that’s all there is to them. To cover their Jewish tracks they attempt to identify as Europeans. It is really just a sad mess we find ourselves in as a Race – with all these various branches of the Jewish Bible attempting to destroy and annihilate us. Wherever you find the Bible being worshiped – you should get the fuck out of there and run. This includes every Masonic lodge, every Church and Cult. Do not let them even begin your Indoctrination process. People like us, who have to heal indoctrinated Whites are putting ourselves in danger as well – but – we got enough Willpower to resist it. Not so long ago, we were burned at the stake for refusing the indoctrination – Christians used the following words of Jesus as a justification for their actions :


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