Jewish Vocabulary

There is something very cunning and sinister behind the way that Jews use language – they use a certain term in order to neutralize that very term. It might sound like a shocking statement at first, but keep that definition in mind as we proceed with our analysis. Since they represent a particular parasite upon this planet – and we can analyze them in hermetic ways – we can also conclude that this opening statement can be extrapolated upon every realm of our existence. Therefore, “term” can be changed into anything – symbol and race for example.

This sudden realization came to me in a random discussion I had about the Jews – that they have figured out the best way to destroy something – by using that something to destroy itself. Even though that basically follows the nature of a Virus and Parasite – it sure means a lot to realize that they are doing this with an Intent – therefore it is Evil – therefore they are Evil. And, I’ll be damned, it sure is a good thing that we – the sane and awoken still recognize the difference between good and evil.

We mentioned this before – and hopefully by now you understand it – that without this knowledge of good and evil, you become a Slave. You are easily forced into Submission and easily controlled through Suggestion and Choice. All the degeneracy you see nowadays is the result of masses of people growing up without this basic knowledge. But we analyzed this before already – nevertheless – it is always worth briefly mentioning it.

Which leads us to the most basic examples of their neutralization process today. They use the word Diversity in order to destroy Diversity. We all know this, see this and understand this – but the masses don’t. You see, in addition to being brainwashed into a life without knowledge of good and evil, they are also indoctrinated to live only for the moment – but in the wrong way. They are mentally disabled to think ahead, to understand what the future might hold – to prepare themselves or to anticipate the result of something. To them, that is to say their minds, it is impossible to put two and two together and realize that forced diversity into all white nations won’t lead to diversity – it leads to the death of not only the white race, but both races in general. People are becoming so stupid that it is literally killing them. Their own stupidity is killing them.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear.

Stuff like this is where the brainwashing began – a long time ago. Don’t prepare for Winter, Goy! You’ll worry about Winter when Winter comes. Surely, there will be enough to eat and wear. Life is complicated as it is – why would you make it even more complicated by attempting to make it easier through thinking ahead and taking into account possibilities? You got a child you say? Why, don’t worry about him either – just let down all your defenses, worry about the moment – worry only about today. Don’t worry about your life – because remember – whoever loveth his life, shall lose it. Do I sense some kind of positive relationship which you are developing with your own life? My, oh my – you will have to go to hell, my friend.

And one would have nothing against “living in the now”, if it were differently explainedthat when you are doing something you should be entirely committed to that something – be in that something, be in that moment. Do not let your thoughts be occupied by something else, wander around and allow your mind to get confused and become out of focus. Stuff like this is basically explained in Zen – but, since Jesus literally adds in the explanation of not worrying about the next day, that is to say the future at all, and what you’ll wear and eat – he takes it out of proportion and turns it into absolute degeneracy. Were a Nation to live by his words, it would be doomed for destruction within one single generation.

The next example we see the Jews using all the time is – Multiculturalism. Again, we understand that the application of this word, the way the Jews use it, is going to destroy it. There won’t be any multiculturalism once we force the process of it in all White nations. Nature segregates itselfyou can’t plant 20 types of vegetables on top of each other – most of them will die and fight for minerals and water with their roots. Nature and Life don’t work that way. Therefore to have multi-culturalism on this planet – you need to separate each culture – you do the same on your farm, humans do the same with Nations. And you have to leave room for every “culture” to get enough of its own minerals and water – read, way of life. Otherwise, nothing else but Chaos and survival of the fittest will occur.

If you don’t believe in what we Natural National Socialists are talking about – go ahead then and put your toilet seat in the middle of your living room – better yet, put it in the Kitchen – and have a shit while eating and cooking. Have a Pedophile in your home sleeping in the same room as your children – he will surely enrich your experience at home. Even better, invite a Black Panther member to babysit your White children. This is what diversity and multiculturalism are when put into practice – the Jewish way. Now, watch some magic :

Political – of or relating to the government or the public affairs of a country. A person’s opinions about the management of government. Of or relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics.

Correctnessto set or make true, accurate, or right; remove the errors or faults from. Refers to eliminating faults, errors, or defects

Supposed definition of Political CorrectnessPolitical correctness or political correctitude (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term used by some conservatives to describe the attitude or policy of being careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who are believed to have a disadvantage.

Did we just witness Jewish mathematics? 2+2 = 5? How can something that is based on the functioning of a government and the need to eliminate faults turn into a term that doesn’t try to offend anyone? How can you set something right and make things true – how can you remove errors or faults from something – if you cannot offend anything or have to be extremely careful to not point out that someone or something might actually be the reason why everything is in the shit?

Can’t you see how Jews used this term to not only defend themselves, but also all their Shabbos Goy immigrants that they have brought into our lands? How can we ever eliminate faults, errors and defects in any of our Governments if we cannot point to them – because, and this is important – these faults, errors and defects are found in organic life formsHumans! It isn’t the Sky that is destroying our Nations!

We didn’t experience 300 tornadoes in one week, which have destroyed all our cities, lands and farms! It is fucking people who are destroying our Nations! And Jews are the most responsible people in this case! If you have to get shit done the right way – you can’t be influenced by emotions. But, the Jewish invented term of political correctness is entirely based on exactly that – emotions! Yet again we can see how they used a Word to destroy that Word and everything that it is being applied to.

And through all this massive brainwashing and mostly emotions, they are using the White Race to kill the White Race.

You must understand this crucial false use of language and words – you must comprehend what is happening right now and how they are destroying everything that is True, Right and Noble in this world. They are not using counter-terms, but are using the word X to destroy the word X through its wrong application. If they were saying – we are going to destroy White culture – you’d have people obviously resist. But, since they are – bringing in Multi-culturalism – no one sees it as a threat. Well, we do and get ridiculed for it, hell even put in jail depending on which Jew prison you are currently living in.

As we have discussed before – the Jews use terms to also protect their Indoctrination – Sexist, Racist, Nazi, Anti-Christ, Satan – whatever. But, you’ll also notice that all these terms again are basically used to destroy something which they do not represent at all. Just like political correctness – they made up these terms. It is always the same with these lying motherfuckers. The world truly can’t experience peace and freedom as long as they are allowed to operate and influence anything – anything at all.

By that very same fashion have they managed to steal an ancient symbol and turn it into their own – the supposed star of David. Its occult meaning can be simplified to the unification of the Male and Female principles – not really becoming One – but, working together in Unity. They, however – have turned it into a Transgender symbol of lunacy and idiocy – a symbol of destruction, because they apply it as a symbol of Neutralization :

To counteract the activity or effect of, make ineffective, propaganda that is difficult to neutralize, kill, destroy.

We’ve come to realize how much indoctrination and brainwashing the Jews are using – not only to affect our own People, but the entire World. Everything they do, preach, sell and advocatehas been done through Love, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Freedom of Speech and their religious version of God. All these terms are also the foundation of the indoctrination center called Masonry – they literally replaced their entire Nation and Race – an entire Race of brothers and sisters – with Lodges and Kosher ideologies. They managed to twist and destroy the very definition of Love by applying it the same way they apply Diversity. And people suck it up, yet I don’t see anyone ever attempting to give you a definite and reasonable explanation of the term Love. Because, they don’t know what it means anymore.

Through New age propaganda they sold to the world the idea of “loving your Self”, instead of “knowing your Self”. For Love, there has to be two – it doesn’t work any other way. You have to have a male and female. You have to have your own kind. What happens when you brainwash these people into loving their Self? Have you actually ever witnessed these lunatics? I have. Big crazy eyes, a fake wide smile, narcissistic talk and very offended by anything that goes against their indoctrination.

Since they are told to love their “Self”, they have to make a difference between “I” and the “am” – the “I am” is basically the Self – at least hermetic teachings identify it as such. The “I” is the male principle, the “am” is the female principle. The unity of these two in its entirety is “Love”. So, the principles love one another, and the Self is the result of it. How can “you” now love your “self”, once you become it? You can’t. An enlightened person is free from this illusion and is now able to love something or someone else. A White aware person who got to know his Self is now ready to love his Race. If he is indoctrinated by the New Age crap to love his “Self”, he will never be able to love his Race. Picture it this way – the moment you attempt to love your self – you have to split in two, you create an Ego projection of what you think you are.

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And this projection, which you attempt to identify as your Self, becomes literally your Child. You want everyone to Love your child and go wild and mad if someone says something bad about it – this is why these brainwashed people are highly toxic, even though they pretend to be all-loving and all the other bullshit associated with it. The only way to entirely protect this illusion of the Self is to create a world in which everyone accepts anything – a world of absolute chaos – which pretends to love every possible “choice” of the Child. Basically, you create an alter ego which is allowed to do one mistake after the other and will never grow up, as the only thing it is supposed to experience is the “good” – but, it won’t ever know what the True good is because it is evading the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

You have this same example with parents, mostly mothers, who overly “protect” their child and never let it grow up. This is what happens to these people who “love their Self”. In addition to that – since they don’t know their Self – their ego projection of it can be influenced by suggestions and choice, resulting in the modern transgender fluid idiocy.

Not so long ago I had a discussion with one such specimen who was trying to really love her Self. We talked about feminism, degeneracy, faggotry, faggots adopting children, Jews and the NWO – and, as she lost ground in our debate – her only final response to me was – you don’t love yourself enough. You should love yourself more, then all these problems will look like nothing! It’s like someone attempting to hypnotize you and drink poison. They want to change your mind – which leads us to the final term we’ll analyze here – change :

Make or become different. Make or become a different substance entirely; transform. Alter in terms of. Take or use another instead of. Give up (something) in exchange for something else. Remove (something dirty or faulty) and replace it with another of the same kind. The act or instance of making or becoming different. A place where merchants met to do business.

Suddenly the word doesn’t sound so wonderful as when it was promoted not so long ago – change we can believe in – my motherfucking ass, alright. With all the stuff we have learned and analyzed so far, you’ll probably be disgusted by this propaganda and the very terms used in it. We already know that “belief” is the basis of indoctrination – now, we also understand the implications of change and the way Jews apply words. We can simplify it into – change we can indoctrinate. Replace change with transformation and add context to it and voila – transformation of White America into non-White America we can indoctrinate.

The new age mantra also wishes you to believe that literally everything changes and that change is perfectly fine and natural in every possible aspect. They want you to think that there is no difference between Good and Evil in change – therefore everything associated with it is alright. Well, well – give them this simple example – Tumor is a change that happens within your body – and if Change is natural and good, why would you wish to prevent it or now that you have it, fight it and heal it? You should embrace this change! Just as you should embrace Diversity and White genocide and Change into Brown Hybrids, Goyim!

Change without knowledge leads to Chaos again – the state of Mind which suits these brainwashed people. The state of mind which suits the Jews who wish to rule over them. But, all these Zombies are worthless, hopeless and helpless without a system that is continuously taking care of them. How long would any transgender, faggot, feminist – hell, even Jewish – community last without our help? A few days? They have no future. All these unnatural phenomena would actually take care of themselves – and that is exactly what we got to do – expel them, separate from them and let them see how long they’ll last.

Cycles happen within our Universe. That is true. But, if elements within those cycles were to change – we’d cease to exist. If water on Earth were to turn tomorrow into something else, even worse – poison – we’d all die. If the Oxygen would change, even only its percentage, we’d die. If the White race changes through forced race-mixing, it’ll die and be gone forever. There is no turning back from race-mixing; it destroys the race within few generations. We have analyzed that already before as well. Jewish agenda’s wish to make you believe that our resistance of our Genocide is “fear” – that we are stuck in some kind of “fear and survival” mode – and there was a certain character who associated these elements with the “lizard people” – David Icke. A lot of his followers even think Whites are the Lizards.

They brainwash their occult followers through Alchemy, making them believe that it’s all just a grand game of chemistry that is being performed. Yet, they seem to forget that certain combinations cause explosions, destruction, withering away – some combinations become abominations – some cause sicknesses. That which is Good within a Good system, requires no change.

But, the only Lizards are the Jews and their blind followers – they are afraid of the entire world and therefore need to conquer it entirely. They are afraid of different people and therefore need to assimilate all after their liking and idea. The White race itself is the definition of Diversity upon its planet – all Races together are the definition of Humanoid life forms on this planet – and the Jews are hellbent on destroying everything. It is not too late to change the outcome of this game.


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