Jez Turner — ‘Whites Won’t Survive Without White Nationalism’ (includes 12-minute video)

Hello Jez,

I thought I’d write to say ‘hello’ to you and all the others, and to say that almost seven months into my sentence, I can still say that taking up the nationalist cause was the best choice of my life!

Being an active nationalist is like living in a different world to the decadent and empty one around us. One has a circle of loyal friends and associates of a diverse range of backgrounds and occupations, yet who share a bond based on their higher values and love of nation.

Being part of this community allows one to live by such noble values as honour, love, duty, loyalty, brotherhood and courage, and through their adherence to these values, to find meaning and a higher purpose in life, which this selfish, individualistic, materialistic, ‘zombified’ modern world cannot provide.

Those of this corrupt world will twist what I’m saying around, and say instead ‘You have been brainwashed’, —  ‘These extremists are not your friends – they are just using you’,  — ‘You should be watching TV, getting drunk, spending money and having fun instead’.

How little they know!

These people could never grasp the fact that others do not share their enthusiasm for their way of life.  Blinded by the illusions sent by hell, driven by greed, lust and the pursuit of a mirage they have turned their backs on reality.

The idea that there could be anything in the world more important than themselves seems unthinkable to them.  Their mantras of ‘humanity’, ‘equality’ and ‘individual liberty’ only serve to make them feel better and righteous in their lack of culture and values. They can’t even understand love anymore. All that is left is the perverse animal drive, which they have ennobled in its place.

Family to them is an inconvenience, a burden.  Instead of raising a healthy family in the traditions of their people, they spend their time partying, getting drunk, taking drugs, and indulging in perverse, loveless sex, and to excuse themselves they have declared the family ‘an outdated social construct’.  Women should not marry and raise children, they say.

Women should instead pursue meaningless careers, and enjoy themselves with different men every weekend. And if they get pregnant, they can save themselves the hassle of raising children by having abortions. Family life is slavery, so they are told, and they will be much happier serving the needs of mass consumption.

They scoff at tradition. They think they know more than all of their ancestors put together. Fools!  Take away all the technology they inherited and see how long they will last!

They laugh at the thought of a creator of the universe, whose ever-present laws apply to us all. The integrated community, perfect symmetry and innate beauty of the universe and of all creations in it, not to mention consciousness itself, is all an accident of nature, they are constantly being told. All this just happened to create itself out of a chance mixture of matter, without any intelligent plan or design. There is no divine plan for mankind, other than to serve the economy and be a slave to their own petty passions.

They denounce Europeans who feel an affinity for their own kind. We are just ‘hate-filled racists’, and ‘race is just a social construct’. There are no races and different cultures in their world, only rootless individuals and their profitable ignorance and selfishness. To them, it is right and just to pursue riches at the expense of others, but it is wrong to care about those with whom we share ethnic and cultural bonds — that is, if you happen to be of European descent.

They deny us the right to our inheritance and our own homelands. They impose ‘multiculturalism’ onto our communities, subvert and slander all traditional institutions, and spread, like a disease, their perverse, corrupt way of life, devoid of all that makes life worth living. And then they isolate, slander and persecute those of us who still value identity, culture, tradition and community. And they still believe that their ‘Prevent Strategy’ will persuade ‘the extremists’, i.e. those of us who believe in something greater than their profane values. They would prefer us to simply give up our healthy values, our very identities, and to betray our friends and families. They would like us to conform to their meaningless, empty, sick world.

Their efforts are in vain!

In their ignorance, they will never understand people like us, or even the very idea that there is much more to life than money and hedonism. They cannot grasp the notion of culture and identity, as they have none themselves, and this is why they will never be able to defeat us.

Their world offers us nothing, for it has negated all that we hold sacred: love, honour, identity, friendship, loyalty, tradition, order.

Their world is in chaos, while our world is one of the last bastions of sanity.

In our struggle, one will find meaning, purpose, true friendship, support, and a world in which one can live by noble values — here to develop one’s character, to be around other virtuous people, to find fulfilment in life knowing that all one holds sacred will live on long after one is gone.

It is in discovering his roots, in taking up the struggle for his people, that one becomes a real man.

Expensive clothes, partying, money and social capital gained through conformity to the current fashions do not make a man.

True manhood is measured by fighting for a noble cause with honour and courage, and through one’s capacity and willingness to endure hardship, persecution and public condemnation, while all the time remaining above the decadence of the world.  And what could be a more worthy and righteous cause than the moral regeneration, freedom and prosperity of one’s nation in line with divine law?

Our enemies can never take this away from us.

If they put a man in prison for defending his family, he is not going to regret defending his family and ‘change his ways’. Likewise, as I sit writing this from my prison cell, I am not going to cease defending what I hold sacred.  This sounds as ridiculous to their ignorant minds, as their expectation that I might even consider doing otherwise sounds to me.

Doing the right and honourable thing in this corrupt world is worth all the persecution and hardships it brings. The condemnation of traitors and lowlifes does not bother me, for I stand before a higher judge — a judge who has a wholly different view to theirs. I would not swap this life of mine for any other life in the world, for nothing beats it — and nothing will beat me either. I would much rather choose a hard life where honour, love, kinship, community and tradition still have meaning than an easy life of conformity to the empty, meaningless and sterile values of a society in terminal decline!

They cannot extinguish this most beautiful and holy flame of tradition. Despite all their efforts, it will only endure throughout the ages guiding all generations of our people, and it will burn ever brighter the more they put us to the test.  And this is why, in the end, we will win, even if the world around us goes under, we will remain strong, standing among the ruins, for God is with us and as long as we are with him, our victory is as assured as the sunrise in the morning.

Lawrence Burns
Peterborough Prison,
6th July 2017

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