Let’s Get Out of the Middle East — and the UN

Ron Paul
September 27, 2011

The Palestinian Authority’s recent announcement that it would seek UN recognition as an independent state dominated the news and the political debate in the United States last week, though in truth it should mean very little to us. Only a political class harboring the illusion it can run the world obsesses over the aspirations of a tiny population on a tiny piece of land thousands of miles away. Remember, the UN initiated this persistent conflict with its 1947 Partition Plan.

Unfortunately the debate is dominated by those who either support the Israeli side in the conflict, or those who support the Palestinian desire for statehood. We rarely seem to hear the view of those who support the US side and US interests. I am on that side. I believe that we can no longer police the world. We can no longer bribe the Israelis and Palestinians to continue an endless “peace process” that goes nowhere. It is not in our interest to hector the Palestinians or the Israelis, or to “export” democracy to the region but reject it when people vote the “wrong” way.

I have reservations about the Palestinian drive for UN recognition. Personally I wish the United States would de-recognize the United Nations. As most readers already know, in every Congress I introduce legislation to end our membership in that organization. The UN is a threat to our sovereignty– and as we are the main source of its income, it is a threat to our economic well-being. Increasingly over the past several years, we see the United Nations providing political and legal cover for the military aspirations of interventionists rather than serving as an international forum to preserve peace. Neoconservatives in the US have grown to love the United Nations as they co-opt the organization under the guise of endless “reform.” Under the sovereignty-destroying doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect,” adopted at the 2005 World Summit, the UN takes it upon itself to intervene in internal conflicts of its member states whenever it believes that human rights are being violated. Thus under “Responsibility to Protect,” the UN provides the green light for a kind of global no-knock raid on any sovereign country.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

If asked, I would personally counsel the Palestinians to avoid the United Nations. UN membership and participation is no guarantee that sovereignty will be respected. We see what happens to UN members such as Iraq and Libya when those countries’ leaders fall out of favor with US administrations: under US and allied pressure a fig leaf resolution is adopted in the UN to facilitate devastating military intervention. When the UN gave NATO the green light to bomb Libya there was no genocide taking place. It was a purely preventative war. The result? Thousands dead, a destroyed country, and extremely dubious new leaders.

While I do not see UN membership as a particularly productive move for the Palestinian leadership, I do not believe the US should use its position in the UN Security Council to block their membership. I believe in self-determination of peoples and I recognize that peoples may wish to pursue statehood by different means. As we saw after the Cold War, numerous new states were born out of the ruins of the USSR as the various old Soviet Republics decided that smaller states were preferable to an enormous and oppressive multi-national conglomerate.

The real, pro-US solution to the problems in the Middle East is for us to end all foreign aid, stop arming foreign countries, encourage peaceful diplomatic resolutions to conflicts, and disengage militarily. In others words, follow Jefferson’s admonition: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.”

The above reposted from Ron Paul’s House website.

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64 Responses to “Let’s Get Out of the Middle East — and the UN”

  1. Why the heck isn’t this guy President? Who else writes stuff like this? Can you imagine Newt Gingold or Sarah what’s her name saying anything as smart as this? Ron’s actually talking about politics the way it should be talked about. Real issues! Heaven’s do we need him in charge.

  2. As far as Ron Paul goes, People, Listen to yourselve. I mean, really, here we go again. First it was Obama giving his glorious speech and promises on changing and just about everyone fell head over heals over him and practicly worshipped him like a saint or savour. Now everyone knows different.

    Now, Ron paul is speaking like a saint and everyone is now falling head over heels over him like he’s the new savour to be. I know it sounds like I’m speaking aginst the man, but lets not get ahead of ourselves THIS time. He’s a Congressman. What has he done for his own people locally around him in Texas?

    Talks a good talk. Has he walked it? What has he done that is so great? In his own area I mean? Has anyone ever REALLY looked into his record or past? How is the economy in HIS own neck of the woods out there? How’s the job market in his part of town? How’s the housing industry in his neigborhood? How is the farming and food prices at his local store?

    No different you say? Then where is he any better for a President for our Union of Nations, the United States of America? People, lets look for some credentuals and proof this time BEFORE we jump the wagon AGAIN. He talks good. I’ll give him that. But then again, so did ALL the past Presidentual canadates too.

    BEFORE election, thay ALL talk great. Like saints. AFTER election, they renige and shit on everyone. All I’m saying here is, STOP being so dam gullible all the time. START asking and looking into their history and records, progress, achievements if any BEFORE you all go shouting hallaluia, praise the man.

    • You obviously have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

      Thank you for your little rant. But Paul’s record speaks for itself, perhaps you should go and do some research on it yourself, before making shitty, uninformed comments.

  3. It is a great idea for Palestine to join the evil UN. Then they will have to be recognized as a state – in spite of Israel discounting them as humans. But if successful they should not really take membership seriously. Look how the Great Satan (USA) with its one vote on the security council can put an immediate stop to anything good coming from it. And the GS has never come clean regarding how it is run. For example, JFK made a deal that Russia was half in control of GS military. Godless communists both.

  4. The United States of America is the LAST nation on earth that should be having anything whatsoever to do with CRIMINALLY AND ILLEGALLY establishing ANY corporate fascist brand of Nazi religionism at home, in Jerusalem nor anywhere else on this planet at any time nor for any reason. It is the number 1 crime enumerated in the constitution. Establishing religion is completely, categorically and absolutely against the law.

    Defending or promoting the establishment of Judaism or Islamism is a crime.

  5. The United States of America: What is it? It’s a UNION. Hence the name of the civil war era for the North. “The Union”. Just like a workers UNION. Just like the NAZI labour UNION, THe Europien UNION, the UNITED Nations, the UNION of the Soviet Socialistics Republic (U.S.S.R.), Just like the African UNION, Just like the South American UNION, the Asian UNION, The North American UNION, etc, etc,etc.

    UNITED/UNION’s is killing the people of the world. Look at what the UNIted/UNION is doing to Africa. Look at what the Europien Union is doing to the Middle East. Look at what the Oil Unions are doing everywhere. Look at what the Nazi Union done. Look at what happened to the people in the former U.S.S.R. Union. Now look at the United States.

    The word United is only a replacement for the word Union. The U.S. might as well be called the Union of the States. The NAME of THAT “UNION” is called America. America is nothing more then what the Former U.S.S.R. was years ago. It is a number of little colonies/countries that banneded together to form another UNION, except they decided to call it a “UNITED” instead of a “UNION” of States of America.

    BTW, WHO is America,.er WAS America anyway? Mr. America was the payroll master aboard Mr. John Cabots Ship in the year 1494. The Colonial states of the Virginia Corporation, and the voyage of Mr. John Cabot was BOTH chartered via the Crown of England. As time went onward, new colonies were established and incorporated into this Union that is owned by the Virgina Corporation. In the 1700′s the people rebelled aginst the Crown of England and the King of England sent military forces to squash that rebellion. It failed because the Colonies “UNITED”.

    However an alternate means of that war has taken on the task of reclaiming the colonies or Countries, now called the States, or the UNION of the UNITED States/Colonies of America.

    Enter Amschel Mayer Rothschild with HIS own plan for world conquest, the Federal Reserve Corporation. I think we ALL know what comes next.

    • The new ONE WORLD CURRENCY. A common medium of currency that all nations couse use for international trade to be done with/in. They called these notes, the Federal Reserve Notes.

      The old Contenental Notes of the Virgina Corporation were just a trial test of the system. Later, while backed with gold, The new Federal Reserve members and other corporate leaders presented the Federal Reserve act to the capital of the nation which foolishly supported it. Sence then, the worlds top financial elite, national leaders included, became the controllers of all Corporations around the globe. With control of the one world currency, they control all aspects of every nation and their leaders. Even to coherse them into giving up their soverign borders and uniting the countries into Unions which the money controllers would be able to control and manipulate them better.

      Money, and the peoples willingness to except and use it, is what made it all possible. Now the world is at the mercy of those who print and control the money. Like a drug addict is to their resource of drug, or an alcoholic is to a tavern bar tender.

      Yes people, get out of the UNIONS. So long as YOU except and use their notes and support them with your/their notes, they will walk all over you and do as they please eather you like it or not cause their is not much YOU will be willing to do to stand up to them to stop them.

  6. The UN was created by the treasonous evil Rockefeller and NWO buddies.
    Of course it’s bad, anything he does is. He has admitted to working against US soverienty.

    One way or another THE MADNESS MUST END, Ron Paul or not.
    They will NOT PASS and WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

  7. The time to act is now. If there be any who do not know what to do. The most important thing you can do is, learn the only truth that matters to you, personally.Now! Because time is short, and details matter, and very few will make it!! MY NAME LINKS.

    • SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!…be one of the 144,000 that our loving god is not going to torch! Your comment is a copy and pasted 1,700 year old scam. If there really is a god who judges all in the end, do you really think that your last minute ceremonial chants will over-ride a lifetime of being an asshole? If so, your god is an egotistical divisive little bitch…Be Good…period.

  8. “”White House officials have expressed “fear” to Democratic Party officials and elected Democratic office holders around the nation that Obama is on the verge of a mental breakdown. The White House officials believe that only by putting Obama in front of adoring crowds in a carefully-orchestrated campaign mode can they buy time for the administration. However, the White House sources have expressed grave doubts about Obama’s ability to maintain his composure when faced with growing criticism. Their worst fear is that Obama will suffer from a public breakdown, sealing the end of his re-election chances and dooming the down-ticket electoral prospects for the Democratic Party in 2012 and beyond.”opinion-maker(.)org/2011/09/obama-in-the-mirror/
    We need a PETITION to have him removed temporarily and placed under doctors evaluation of his mental state of mind. The MAN with the ability to push THE BUTTON of over 5,000 NUCLEAR WAR HEADS ??? If there is any question TO HIS MENTAL STATE he needs to step aside and be evaluated!!!


  9. Ron Paul is the true friend of the people of the world. His words are populist and nationalistic. He is most deserving of the peoples support in his efforts to curb and hopefully end the reign of the beligerant internationalists who do not represent the people anywhere. The choice is Ron Paul and peace or them and more war. His foreign and defence postions are right on.

  10. America and almost every other country in the history of mankind did not need some global governing body to approve our national sovereignty. What the hell do we need the U.N. for? Why does it make any difference whatsoever whether or not you are a member of the U.N.? The organization is responsible for the most heinous crimes over the decades since its inception. The U.N. doesn’t mean shit and we do not need them. What we need to do is get the hell out of it and focus our attention and resources at building a strong future for ourselves rather than squandering our tax money testing the bankers ability to manipulate world populations and project power.

  11. No come on RP have some brains.

  12. If rp gets elected when he gets in the whities house evrybody will start staring at him with
    glassy eyes and psychotic grins. Here rp have your herbarium drink.

    • What’s the matter lar? You forget your zyprexa today?

  13. Ron Paul —-he’s the man………..the first real candidate for America and Americans…..so refreshing because all e usually get are the fascist globalists trying to see how fast they can destroy America and hand us over to the one world tryanny awaiting us through the U.N.

    I am sick of having to pay taxes for a military that has been taken over by the fascist globalists for teh sole purpose of expanding the multinatinals empire………..if the dark banking corporate globalists want to ahve a powerful military let them build one of their own………

    Americans are dying in the Middle East so BP can run their oil business ….

    RON PAUL 2012…..god bless im and keep him safe from the globalists NWO……….

    • excellent reason to vote for Ron Paul, STOP paying taxes for a military overrun by global fascists. All we are doing is deficit spending the Beast Military Industrial Complex on the road to Armageddon. Instead, let’s plant some trees for peace. Clearly the MIC is insane, and self interested in endless wars.

  14. The United Nations is and was a complete Globalist plan for global control. Once you fall out of favor with the club and the Security Council, they will use every means available to beat nations into submission and desolation. I particularly detest the lying WHO. It was the UN Security Council that played a key role in the decimation of Iraq, based on a pack of known lies. If we get out the of Mideast, it has to be a gradual process, and we should also STOP ALL FUNDING TO ISRAEL along with all arms transfers to all other Mideast nations. Anything short of that is just hype. I agree with Ron Paul’s premise. The world, it’s complicated. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

    • Every year you hear about the Palestinian peace process. Geez, am I not media savvy? When has Israel ever out forth any kind of Israeli peace process for the Palestinians? Every year they encroach and settle on more and more Palestinian land, just look at updated maps. The Palestinians have never been any prize, neither has belligerent Israel, with a vast air and sea nuclear arsenal. (courtesy of the US). What kind of friend are they in the Mideast. Have you heard of Israel’s new expansion plan? There is the 1 by 1 agreement, Israel is working feverishly to build a massive air base rights in LIBYA. Source on that is very solid.

    • An Israeli military base near the Algerian and egyptian border

      A secret agreement signed with the Libyan CNT

      An Israeli military base near the Algerian border

      These are the Ukrainian secret service who received the document before its release on the official television channel Al Libyan Jamahiriya and its release by the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot. This is an ultra-confidential document relating to the signing of an agreement between the National Transitional Council (CNT)

      Libya and Israel for the installation of an Israeli military base in the Green Mountains, Libya, if the insurgents come to power. The document, bearing the heading “Israel Defense Forces,” notes that in return, Israel is committed to achieving the growth of air strikes by NATO against government forces and Libyan Arab country’s accession to the Because of the CNT Libya.

      The revelation many observers worried about a possible installation of an Israeli military base in the region. Algeria is the first country would be worried about the eventual outcome of this perspective.

  15. Heck … how about making Washington DC an American city ?!?

    Right now , it’ a ” City State ” , like the ” City ” of London , and the
    effin’ Vatican …

    P.S. Barbarians in the bedroom !!!

    • Sounds good to me.
      Or……level it !!!

  16. Let’s get out of the middle east and stop censoring the media.

    A Coup d’etat began during the 2008 presidential election.

    Obama is not the president, he’s the acting president. He disappeared for 2 weeks after his election win only to reappear looking exhausted sitting next to John McCain, with a bad poker face, for a press photo shoot. Obama is now a Pentagon puppet.

    Here’s what Obama, Osama, Biden, Bin Laden, the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists, and Sarah Palin had to do with the last presidential election and the military’s overthrow of our government. Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot and learn what no one wants you to see.

    • no he did not “disappear”, but all of us here really wish that you would

  17. Guys and gals who voted in the poll, I know it seems like we will never stop meddling in the middle east. But it will happen. When the empire collapses, and it will.

  18. The UN, like every other globalist institution, is a product of Freemasonry. But all of these things, even the Federal Reserve, were never meant to be permanent. They are only interim measures leading up to the New World Order, wherein the nation-state and all interim structures will be abolished in favor of Masonic (luciferian) world governance.

    Do you see what I’m getting at? Ron Paul is simply moving us farther down the path towards the New World Order. Weakening the national government, deregulating big business, eliminating taxes on the elite, globalization of trade and labor, stripping the social safety net, worldwide gold currency — this is the NEXT PHASE of the globalist agenda. The anarcho-globalist phase.

    Ron Paul is no hero. He is globalist scum of the *next* phase: an anarcho-globalist.

    “There’s nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.”
    -Ron Paul, 3/13/01

    • Oh I can get into this, the anarcho-globalist phase, will this be accompanied with death metal and heavy metal. Will they stage Moloch rock concerts around the globe? Just teasing, I like heavy metal and rock, but I find these plans detestable.

  19. I’ll help buy them all plain tickets out of the US. Move the UN building to Europe.

  20. If you wish to see the US. out of the Middle east you have another thing coming…Some time this year or so the US. Military has taken steps to neutralise the US. government with their dictatorial control doing most of the recent moves through the President’s so called orders! They tell the President what to do and if you are going to stop the US. Military from doing the NWO’s dirty work, you’ve got another thing coming! God is in the business of moving the World closer to the coming of the Antichrist who will cause the world to choose between Jesus and the Devil!

    Make a good choice now by clicking my name seeing issue guide! Take the Red pill dummy!

    • I think the US military should fear there is a god far more powerful than what Christians believe in. The joint chiefs should be having a mental breakdown for all the murdering they have orchestrated throughout the world. There was a purpose for this world and America decided to go to the dark side.

      The United States will soon find itself without a paddle. They chose to go in another direction when it came to the leader of the free world. I suspect there will be major natural disasters in the United States. The gods are angry. When they get angry, the earth shakes and violent storms happen. The United States is losing the information war, they continue to listen to bad information from those who wish to lead. They seem to think the ending of “The Adjustment Bureau” can be altered or changed. Where New York got the idea that they are relevant in the grand scheme of things is beyond me. Washington DC is in the same boat.
      When did the criminals of the United States think their crimes would go without punishment or consequence?

      The United States needs a single leader and they will never accept it. The fate of the United States is being self imposed. It’s not we the people when our government violates human rights, civil rights and every law both foreign and domestic. The United States is such a young nation, they told us we can have it all. They were wrong, everything they told us was a complete and total lie.

  21. AHH! But good ole ronny rayguns is guilty of many other crimes, and treasons, against the people of this and other countries. Don`t EVER cross him off your list of criminals.

    • Don’t look at the Past as a hitching post!

      “Listen to this: Back to the Jungle” music clip
      – Not only pointing out the problem
      but giving the solution that works best!


      Press the forward arrow; plays the clip!

      • Pretty good eric, thanks…

        • My your pleasure! — His music there’s more to come! Not just music to entertain but move you into action for Love against hate! Gby –e

  22. RON PAUL ROCKS!!!!

  23. [I hate to wake everyone up, but, the Almighty God is about to get every nation in the United Nations (including its creator Britain and the United States) which is a pseudo-representative and apostate organization led by the World Council of Churches with their “and they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) which they have engraved in their granite building. They represent everything detestable to the living God. They are every thing but, the peace makers and are the direct creation of Satan and his demons through the False Prophet (Anglo-American World Powers) and Apostate pseudo-Christian church leaders. They do not represent one letter of Isaiah 2:4 which applies to the Almighty God’s kingdom and his son Jesus Christ. (Daniel 2:44; 1 Corinthians 15:24-28; Daniel 7:13,14, 12:1 and Revelation 14:1) This UN organization is from the master mind of who has “all power and authority to give it to whom ever I want”, Satan the Devil (Luke 4:6-8; Revelation 12:1-12). It is full of blasphemy and idolatry and Babylon the Great (the worlds empire of Satan’s complete false religious empire just like ancient Babylon (Iraq) )which rides on the back of this scarlet colored wild beast is doomed to perish with it and with Christendom.]

  24. I hate to wake everyone up, but, the Almighty God is about to get every nation in the United Nations (including its creator Britain and the United States) which is a pseudo-representative and apostate organization led by the World Council of Churches with their “and they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) which they have engraved in their granite building. They represent everything detestable to the living God. They are every thing but, the peace makers and are the direct creation of Satan and his demons through the False Prophet (Anglo-American World Powers) and Apostate pseudo-Christian church leaders. They do not represent one letter of Isaiah 2:4 which applies to the Almighty God’s kingdom and his son Jesus Christ. (Daniel 2:44; 1 Corinthians 15:24-28; Daniel 7:13,14, 12:1 and Revelation 14:1) This UN organization is from the master mind of who has “all power and authority to give it to whom ever I want”, Satan the Devil (Luke 4:6-8; Revelation 12:1-12). It is full of blasphemy and idolatry and Babylon the Great (the worlds empire of Satan’s complete false religious empire just like ancient Babylon (Iraq) )which rides on the back of this scarlet colored wild beast is doomed to perish with it and with Christendom.

    • Stop blaming christians about this BS. Behind every government that involved in the Middle East stands Jews and Israel. Britain: Blair-Jew, London Banks-Rotschild family, United States: White House-99% minus Obama complete Jewish. Congress and Senate is bribed by Israel Lobby group AIPAC, Major banks controlled by Israel, Pentagon is controlled by Israel, Supreme Court is majority Jews. IMF is controlled by Jews, World Bank controlled by Jews, France is tightly related with Jews. Deutch Bank is controlled by Jewish. And this is just a few. Majority of Central Banks that are private in many countries is controlled from Switzerland where Central bank of Central Banks is located. This bank have been created by Rotschilds family and still it in control (Why do you think Hitler stack his money there and didn’t attack this country, because the same Rotschild lent Hitler money to finance the war).
      Jewish for ages had been praying to destroy white race because they blame them for anything what happen to them hundred of years ago. They try to turn the hate against them within every minority group.
      There is even some documents that Slavery had been financed by Rotschild family together with JP Morgan, because it was highly profitable business.

      • CAN WE say ZIONIST please? True Torah Jews Against Zionism are not supporters of the Masonic/Zionist plot for world government! So lets call them Zionist Jews!!!

    • WTF

  25. For the eight years that Ronald Reagen was PRESIDENT, he CUT-OFF “ALL” funding to the UN . . . it was BUSH senior, who STARTED IT . . . AGAIN.

    • Is that really true? I did not know that.

  26. Deport all UN members, ban reentry and demolish the building.

    click on my name for more about the NWO and their degenerate club of weasels

    • You’ve GOT . . . “MY VOTE” !.

  27. Ron Paul has the best foreign policy.


    • If Palestinian political wing recognized Israel’s right to exist they might make more progress. The Palestinians too are a stiff necked people.

      • The U.N. is the reason The Bastard State of Israel “exists”= NO right!!!

    • Who is not a leech in this sorry ass world ?!?

      Keep cuttin’ down their orchards , that’ll help !!!

  29. What do those punks and their “CHE” shirts have to do with Dr. Pual or this article??
    Alex O’Brien Whats up with that? GREAT JOB CREW!

  30. See this is why I trust Ron Paul, the UN is a very corrupt orginazation that allowed over one million innocent Shias including Women and Children to starve to death during the santions against Iraq during the 1990′s. The UN is more dangeruous than helpful.

    The Palestinians would be wise not to trust the UN and I know we would be wise as Americans to stop selling apache helecopters and white phosporous shells to the Israeli’s who really would not be such a hiderance to Peace if they had to rely on manners instead of Terror as a means of interacting with their fellow man on Earth.

    We Americans are voting for Ron Paul so please re-think your position and seek peace, not to appease the Palestinians but for appeasment of the Americans and the Whole World.

    • Palestinians just want people to feel sorry for them when they don’t get what they want. Palestinians cause or start their OWN problems. If I had my way Israel wouldn’t have a Palestinian problem. And if that would consider me to be a war criminal then I’m proud to be one ! ! !

      • you sound like anders behring breivik.. disgusting how you feel about life

      • psycho spectre…ahahahha Is that you Arlan? hahaha

  31. Well written, Dr. Paul. BAD PICTURES THOUGH! With the CHE t-shirts?????

    Good grief! That’s 2 times today, infowars. Who’s doing the editing?

  32. Che was a communist. The little boobs on the first photo are communists and don’t even realize it.

    “The American people will never knowingly accept Socialism, but under the name Liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until America will one day be a Socialist nation without knowing how it happened.”

    Norman Thomas, 6 times Socialist Party presidential candidate, who retired from politics when a democrat named Franklin Delano Roosevelt ran on the same platform and won the Presidency.

    “Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” V. I. Lenin

    “Democracy is the road to socialism.” Karl Marx

    “Establishing democracy is the first step in the revolution.” Karl Marx in his “Communist Manifesto

    • Yeah…. Id punch someone in the face for wearing that shirt. Morons.

  33. The “ole” man understands. UN do, get out, and get the U.N. out of America!

    • Yep, the John Birch Society has been preaching this for decades. We just paid no attention…

      • I pulled this off the john burch site about four years ago, great lil 10 min. vid telling the difference between Monarchy, Oligarchy,Democracy, Republic and Anarchy. I show it to all my friends that are confused as to their meaning.


        • Its a good, true patriotic organization.
          Been a member myself. Not lately though.
          (So…….still in the “list”)
          The United Nations was founded by Communist.

      • you got that right….i used to hear that commie olberman…down mouth the birch society and I’d never heard any of their bit. Then when I did I thought….this bastard olberbastard said they were horrible…they are NOT horrible. It was films about america and it’s growth and family values and fair work for fair pay and visa versa. They don’t waste a bit of time, those zionists, in attacking anything they don’t own. I mean the news is one big stage show…not some of the time but 100% of the time.

  34. DAM|| straight!

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