Media’s ‘anti-Russia’ narrative actually helps Soviet strategy

By Timothy Fitzpatrick
April 14, 2018 Anno Domini

President Vladimir Putin and Russia could not be more pleased with the Western media’s handling of “Russian collusion” in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The message from the mainstream media is clear: Russia helped Trump and the Republicans regain the White House as part of Russia’s reform to nationalism and capitalism. But there is much more to the story that both the mainstream and alternative media are not telling us. It’s true that Russia colluded to get Trump elected but not because of its alleged reform. The truth is, there has been no reform of Sovietism. The fake reform is designed to fool the anti-Communist Right, and the election of a perceived populist president who happens to be in bed with Russia furthers that deception.

What more could the crypto-Communist state of Russia ask for than for Western media to perpetuate the myth that it has long since dumped communism for a capitalist-based economy situated on conservative values as part of its Perestroika (restructuring)? Could there be a better disinformation campaign than this? It may well be that Russia had planned all along to leak and reveal its ties to the Trump presidential campaign in order to produce this result, as well as to demonstrate its control over the White House (former U.S. president Barack Obama is a communist and definitely served Soviet strategic interests. Soviet control over the White House likely goes back to at least Ronald Reagan). This demonstration of control sends a message to NATO and its allies that resistance is futile and that submission to world communist governance is their only option.

For the Left, the media’s Russia narrative sits fine with them, as it justifies their hatred of traditional Western values. It’s a perceived scandal with an effect not unlike that produced by Watergate (capitalists are corrupt and always eventually expose themselves). Little do these poor dupes know, they are being played by a slick Soviet scheme. But perhaps if they knew Russia’s true intentions, they would be fine with it, as the Left has now fully embraced ideological communism. Russia can only be content with the Left’s negative perception of Russia, as it serves as a means to an end. For once Russia finally reveals that it is, indeed, still communist, the Left will reconcile with her. So for now, Russia can continue to throw itself under the bus to work its Left dialectic.

For the Right, the Soviet scheme has achieved a more important goal: it has successfully corralled any and all legitimate opposition to communistic radical Left progressivism and directed in a way that serves Soviet interests—the interest of preparing the world for communistic world governance with Russia and China as its heads. The entire alternative media, without exception, has completely bought the lie and assumed a default position that if the mainstream media is attacking Russia, this, then, must mean that Russia is the good guy—specifically, in the Right’s view, “anti-globalist.” First of all, this line of reasoning is fallacious on logical grounds. You can’t assume a position merely based on a party’s reaction to another party’s action. These same dupes use the same fallacy when assessing President Donald Trump. They try to reason that because Trump is so hated and reviled by the globalist-controlled mainstream media, he must be a good guy. The same illogical reasoning is also blinding the Right about Syria, Iran, and Russia’s role in the Middle East. Mainstream media negatively portrays countries like Syria and Iran; therefore, Syria and Iran must be legitimate anti-globalists and we should support them and anyone who supports them, namely Russia. Forget the long-standing communist pact the USSR has had with Islamic republics. Under the Perestroika deception, those pacts, we subconciously think, have magically dissolved. We are given vague and shallow arguments by the alternative media as to why Russia is “defending” countries like Syria and Iran.

As we can see, the Soviets are playing both the Left and the Right like a pair of cheap fiddles; meanwhile, the Left and the Right are too pre-occupied with fighting each other to bother noticing. It’s a classic divide-and-conquer strategy executed in dialectical fashion by the Judeo-Masonic-Marxist world power. Where we go from here is uncertain. It seems that the Sino-Soviet hierarchy is using co-operation-blackmail on the West: submit to our world government on our terms or face war. The West will not be able to successfully fend off the superior Sino-Soviet military alliance. It has to know this. All it can do is kick and scream until it is finally forced to submit. This may be what we are seeing right now with Trump and all these war-mongering rumours in the media: kicking and screaming, but nothing of actual substance.

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