OY VEY: Distribution of Mein Kampf May Cause Another Lampshading

Benjamin Garland
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2016


(((Michael Laitman)))

In response to the recent widespread distribution of Mein Kampf by the Nazi trolls who run the Italian newspaper Il Giornale, The Jerusalem Post has published an article warning that the Jews might now be gassed and then converted into lampshades and soap by Nazis again.

In the article Hitler’s Mein Kampf (My Struggle) May Soon Become Our Struggle, Michael Laitman writes:

The mass distribution of Adolf Hitler’s infamous, anti-Semitic rant known as Mein Kampf (My Struggle) has recently been given a big boost by the initiative of Italian conservative leaning newspaper, Il Giornale, to give the book as a gift to anyone who buys a copy of the paper. Considering the global rise of anti-Semitism, this move could prove to be a precursor of another epic catastrophe for the Jewish people.

“If … the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity.” This past weekend, thousands of readers of the Italian newspaper, Il Giornale, consumed these venomous words, as well as numerous other anti-Semitic tropes, as the paper distributed thousands of free copies of Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s autobiography.


The Leader’s words may yet save us from these filthy kikes.

Sounds like you Jews better get on the nearest flight to Israel.

Goyim know.

Jig is up.

Since the end of World War II and until January 1, 2016, the distribution of the book had been banned in Europe. But now that the copyrights have expired, the book is being distributed once more. Although an annotated version of the text is being distributed and sold in Germany and Italy “for educational purposes,” copies of the original text can easily be purchased online and in bookstores throughout the world. In consequence, just over seventy years after the end of the most satanic attempt to exterminate the Jews, the text that fueled the Nazi ideology is once again a bestseller—all around the world.

In fact it’s all over the place online for free, in text and in audio format.

And it’s still a worldwide bestseller.

Because everybody hates you, kikes!


Back in the early 1950s, renowned Kabbalist, Rav Yehuda Ashlag, wrote in his insightful composition, The Writings of the Last Generation: “The world erroneously considers Nazism a particular offshoot of Germany. In truth … all the nations are equal in that; there is no hope at all that Nazism will perish with the victory of the allies, for tomorrow the Anglo-Saxons will adopt Nazism.”

This is basically just a Jew admitting that they won’t be able to hide the truth forever, as Nazism is the natural state for a normal, healthy people.

As Mein Kampf fueled anti-Semitism then and gave it “rational” justification, so it can do now. Today the book is so widespread that to undo its vile impact we must tackle the reason for its spreading in the first place: anti-Semitism.

In that same book, the Rav Ashlag notes that “it is a fact that Israel is hated by all the nations, whether for religious, racial, capitalist, communist, or for cosmopolitan reasons, etc. It is so because the hatred precedes all reasons, and each [faction] merely resolves its loathing according to its own psychology.” Ashlag continues to explain that the Jewish people have a role to play in the world, and as long as we refrain from carrying it out we will be hated under various pretexts.

>All people hate the Jews

>Not the Jews’ fault


To know our role in the world, we need to understand our place in the global network that is humanity. Within that network, the Jews are the joints and junctions that allow us to feel connected, learn from one another, empower, and be empowered by each other. Without the Jews, the human network would be dark and lifeless. Our ancestors, the ancient Hebrews, developed a method of connection whereby each person could use his or her natural egoism for the common good, thereby supporting the society and strengthening it.

What in the world is this kike even babbling about?

Does anybody understand a word of that gibberish?

tikkun olamtikkun olam

Maybe he will clarify if you ask him:


You Jews are losing it, big time.

The early Jews did not suppress their egos the way Eastern teachings and New Age groups often suggest. Instead, they rose above their egos, as King Solomon states (Proverbs, 10:12), “covering their crimes with love.” In doing so, they unleashed a force that elevated them above their egos and fused them into a unified nation.


Anyway, the Jew just continues to babble on and on with incomprehensible gibberish for a few more boring paragraphs.

His advice to Jews on how to avoid once again becoming lampshades appears to be to use some kind of New Age meditation to bring love and unity to the world. Or something. I really don’t know. I know these Jews are really starting to panic though, and it’s extremely funny.

Peak Jew is officially over. It’s not exactly Moses Hess we’re dealing with anymore.

This is the Jew Laitman’s plan:

But when we Jews take to the path of brotherhood and unite “as one man with one heart,” we invoke that power of connection and project it throughout the human network to the entire world. That power softens people’s hearts and brings them closer to each other. At the same time, it uproots anti-Semitic thoughts, as people begin to sense the benefit that Jews are bringing to the world.

Whatever the hell your talking about – it’s not going to work, Jew.

It doesn’t even make any sense.

Give it up.

It’s over.



Source Article from http://www.dailystormer.com/oy-vey-distribution-of-mein-kampf-may-cause-another-lampshading/

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