Samsung is a huge Korean Chaebol Its goods and services amount to  nearly one fifth of the South Korean economy’s GDP

A chaebol from Korean jaebeol is a South Korean form of business conglomerate. They are typically global multinationals and own numerous international enterprises, controlled by a chairman with power over all the operations. There are several dozen large Korean familycontrolled corporate groups which fall under this definition.

Since they own banks and other financial institutions they are financually or commercially almost self sufficient

In other words they dont need Jew high finance

On August 24th 2017 after months of high profile trial A bribery and a “scandal” that  already toppled a South Korean president  a Seoul  court sentenced Lee Jae-yong, the acting chairman of Samsung, to five years in prison for crimes including offering bribes and perjury


Turns out there is a Jew in the Samsung woodpile

The Jew in the Samsung woodpile is the notorious Paul Singer owner of Elliot Finance

His business model is simple Its also been a favourite Jewish model for centuries  He buys Sovereign debt (or in some cases debt of massive conglomerates like Samsung) at a huge discount  when a nation is facing financial difficulties then with US Govt support (hes based in New York) he gets the nation to indulge in massive cost cutting measures which mainly affects poor people then he gets his debt repaid in full at high interest rates

In case of congloemerates he first takes control of the conglomerate breaks up the company and sells the parts for a huge profit

2008 Crash Delphi Automative 

Elliott Management, which bought up Delphi Automative  debt for pennies on the dollar, reaped a windfall last year when it and Silver Point unloaded billions of Delphi loans by converting them into equity and selling them off to other investors. NewYork Post


The Argentine government agreed to a settlement that would allow Singer’s fund to walk away with $2.4 billion for bonds that the government had failed to pay on, according to court documents. The bonds had a  face value of $617 million, but had been purchased for about $117 million, according to an analysis of court records by Martin Guzman, a postdoctoral research fellow at Columbia University Graduate School of Business. Argentina’s Senate is scheduled to sign off on the deal this week. Source


In 1996, Elliott bought defaulted Peruvian debt for $11.4 million. Elliott won a $58 million judgement when the ruling[was overturned in 2000,The deal itself was illegal as Singer wanst authorised to buy Peruvian debt from the Swiss Bank Corp without Peruvian Govt permission which it didnt have


The Republic of Congo was controversial for being one of the countries Singer targeted that was eligible for debt relief programs from the World Bank and the IMF.It ended up settling with Singer for $90 million, after his fund threatened to expose government corruption its investigators uncovered. Singer paid less than $20 million for those bonds. NYPost

Citrix Systems

A small precuorsor to Samsung was the much smaller tech firm Citrix where Singer & Elliot with a mere 7 percent stake in the company started  aggressive moves to knocj off the company As of August 2017 they have a broad seat for Singers Cohen associate  (Jesse Cohn )

Samsung is a massive 300 billion dollar Korean Conglomerate that started out as a trading company Its run by the Lee family

Around 2012 Elliot Management started eyeing the Samsung group Elliott Associates, which took a 7.12 percent stake in Samsung C&T

Samsung C&T Corporation was founded in 1938 as the parent company of Samsung Group. In 1975 . It merged with Samsung Construction in December 1995

On May 26,2016  the boards of both Samsung C & T and Cheil approved the proposed merger at a ratio of  .35 shares of Cheil stock for every share owned by a holder of Samsung C&T.

Since the Lees owned 42 percent of  Cheil they now owned The Lee family which owned some stake in the holding company Samsung C& T now owned that plus 42 multiplied by  0.35= 14.7 percent  plus their original stake in the holding company Samsung C & T

Whatever plan Singer had to take over Samsung and its smartphobe maker Samsung Electronics would go down the drain

Samsung smartphones are the  No 1 smartphone brand in the world The bulk of the future digital cash transactions especially in Asia and Africa will be done by smart phones This alone could be a reason for SInger to try and capture Samsung

 Singer the shape shifting Jew now changed into the crusading shareholder savior

In the words of the “Observer” it became an  “unfortunate culture war between the traditional Korean business custom of powerful “chaebol”— family-led conglomerates—and a Western style fight for transparency and competitive bidding”

Never mind that Singer is an opaque crook who has been convicted of insider trading

The Korean press knew eaactly what was happening The website (Korean)  wrote “Jews are known to wield enormous power on Wall Street and in global financial circles … It is a well-known fact that the US government is swayed by Jewish capital.” “Jewish money” also was said to explain why the independent “referees” of these deals sided with Elliott, as well. After ISS opposed the terms of the deal, Mediapen   Kim wrote that “ISS will be supportive of Elliott’s claims because ISS, like Elliott, is founded upon Jewish money. Elliott’s CEO is Paul Singer, a Jew. ISS is an affiliate of MSCI, which is owned by Jewish major shareholders. … ISS’s opposition to the merger can be interpreted along the lines of Jewish alliance. Jewish money has long been known to be ruthless and merciless.”

Oy vei said the Jew media Its Annudah Shoa

Singer objected to the Samsung C&T Cheil merger on the ground that Cheil shares were being overvalued

The de facto head of the Lee family Lee Jae-yong sought the help of  the state owned  Korean National Pension Service (NPS)—which had owned 10% of C&T and actually acquired a bunch more after the merger was announced to vote in favour of the Samsung C&T Cheil merger

NPS did support the merger Samsung C&T and Cheil merged  the Lee’s hold on the holding company was strengthened and the Jews slash and burn bid on Samsung failed

Story over Not on your life

Singer and Elliot Management used their agents in South Korea and their captive media to attack the NPS vote

Lee, , was detained in February on charges that he bribed then-president Park Geun-hye to get NHS to accept the merger In August he was convicted of the same charge

This is how Reuters spun the same story

“Lee, the 49-year-old heir to one of the world’s biggest corporate empires, was detained in February on charges that he bribed then-president Park Geun-hye to help him secure control of the conglomerate that owns Samsung Electronics, the world’s leading smartphone and chip maker.”

A President was overthrown and leading businessman jailed All because a National Pension Service voted against Jewish interests


Lee has appealed and the appeal will probably come up by Jan 2018



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