Posts Tagged ‘christendom’

Once upon a time, Western civilisation had the name Christendom

oct 28 2022 Once upon a time, Western civilisation had the name Christendom. Men and women wore hats and gloves, behaved with decorum, devoted themselves to education, work, sport, and culture, lived to build a better future for their children. These ideas reflect thousands of years of human  experience. People believed, well into the 20th […]

Ukraine Crusade: Pope Issues Call to Arms to Pious Christendom

On Sunday, Secretary of State Tony Blinken, a responsible government official heading foreign affairs and representing the United States on the global stage, “casually suggested” that Poland could hand over its entire fleet of 28 Soviet-era MiG-29s to Ukraine, desperate for imposing no-fly zone, and, in return, the United States government would “backfill” the Polish […]

The Chivalric Order of the Dragon, the Medieval Shield of Christendom

Medieval chivalric orders are the fabled and idealized stuff of legend. Upstanding knights, standing in defense of their faith and of the innocents, with their sophisticated manners and shining suits of armor. For a medieval peasant boy, these chivalrous men were likely the object of utmost admiration. But were they so perfect in reality? The […]

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