Posts Tagged ‘clamor’

After Clamor For New Restrictions, Modelling Says COVID Cases Set to Plummet in UK

After a week-long campaign of hysterical fearmongering during which the media and public technocrats lobbied for new restrictions, scientific modelling reveals that COVID cases in the UK are actually set to plummet. Whoops. Narrative fail. As we highlighted last week, the mass testing of children returning to school and students returning to university caused a […]

Phil Giraldi – Neocons Clamor for More Goy Blood

  September 20, 2017 In 2003, an Israeli newspaper said  25 American-Jewish intellectuals were responsible for Most recently, some pundits, including myself, have been warning of an impending war with Iran. To be sure, the urging to strike Iran comes from many quarters, to include generals in the Administration who always think first in terms of […]

Refugees banned from Austrian pool after ‘foreigner’ sexually assaults teenage girl

“This news was a shock,” said the town’s mayor, Alfred Pohl, as quoted by the Heute media outlet. According to Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung, the attack happened on Wednesday afternoon. Migrant assaults mother and 4yo son in Austrian swimming pool The girl was first followed by a young man into the women’s changing room. Once […]

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