Posts Tagged ‘orcas’

Celeb Bono Partners with Monsanto, G8, to Biowreck Africa

Last year, at the G8 Summit held at Camp David, President Obama met with private industry and African heads of state to launch the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, a euphemism for monocultured, genetically modified crops and toxic agrochemicals aimed at making poor farmers debt slaves to corporations, while destroying the ecosphere for […]

Nonwhite Invader Centers Being Burned Down at Rate of 1 per Day, Police Confirm

Nonwhite invader “asylum” centers in Germany are being burned down at the rate of one per day, German police reports have confirmed—an indication of the growing resistance in that country to the forced and illegal Third World invasion caused by Angela Merkel’s government. According to a review of police reports published in the German […]

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