The High Culture of The Germanic Peoples

I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blonde and ruddy– Ibn Fadlan, 921 C.E. –


Most of us know about the fall of Rome, the petty quarrels among Germanic kings, confusing migrations, etc. but how often do we get to know about the achievements of the Germanic races, before and short after the conversion? Is there really nothing interesting to know about their lifestyles and culture, or is there something being concealed? The goal of this article is to answer those questions.

Here we will consider only finds and theories that fit with official paradigms of time, while leaving more esoteric ones to fighters of another intellectual front.

I wanted this essay to serve as reference for future research, especially the section about inventions, and that’s why I took the effort to use as many sources as possible.


  1. White Origins – The First Farmers
  2. White Origins – The Patriarchy Myth
  3. White Origins – Lost Empires
  4. White Origins – Last Thoughts About The Indo-Europeans
  5. Technology and Values
  6. Celto-Germanic Economy
  7. Pagan Women and Eugenics
  8. Pagan Law
  9. Racial Identity
  10. A Germanic Democracy
  11. Barbarian Inventions
  12. Pagan Education – Mythology or Science?

White Origins – The First Farmers

Humans settled in Europe hundreds of thousands of years ago but we begin our journey with the adoption of agriculture in Europe.

In the last decades there was a lot of pressure to promote the theory about the first farmers having arrived in Europe from the Orient, ‘ex oriente lux’. Geneticists like Luigi Cavalli-Sforza, who claims race doesn’t exist, isolated some data, vaguely related to ethnicity, and interpreted them as proving a migration from the Orient[1].

Politically correct funding subscribed to this view, despite of skepticism among many scholars. Notwithstanding, this theory has been disproved using better methods and we know that the progression from East to West was due to selection and not to migration[2].

The fact that a geneticist claims race doesn’t exist should on its own have sounded alarms; it’s almost like a writer who believes language doesn’t exist, while having no problem using that very language he claims doesn’t exist. Regardless of that, if we could define with just two words the prehistory of Central and Northern Europe it would be continuity and selection.

Continuity means that out of the first humans who settled in Europe, ever more beautiful and elegant types arose, until reaching the crowning stage of the Aryan or Nordic. Selection means that this process was driven by sexual selection alone and not through migration.

Some groups started farming while others retained their hunter-gatherer lifestyle but this was a continual evolution rather than a sudden revolution. The oldest grains farmed in Europe were local grains like emmer and einkorn, and not imports from the Orient[3]. This shows that Europeans began farming without help from the Orient, and agriculture began later in Europe only because of the climate and not because of cultural diffusion.

Primitive races like the Indians of America developed agriculture on their own, without ever coming up with the plow (a Germanic invention), the Wheel (an Indo-European invention), heavy metals or animal breeding, therefore agriculture alone is not a sign of high development nor of intelligence. More important is the way people perform agriculture.

Even primitive hunter gatherers seem to have performed an archaic form of agriculture, or better said plant breeding[4]. Thus, Oriental people didn’t display more talent or intelligence simply by developing agriculture first. On the other hand, our ancestors outdid with their technology and methods any other farmers in the world, including later the big empires, as soon as the climate allowed.

One example of that are long-houses, similar to those of the Vikings. These were invented by the first European farmers[5] soon after the adoption of agriculture and they had no precedents in other cultures. These long houses were clearly intended to collect manure, implying our ancestors discovered its fertilizing properties early on and this  allowed them to practice agriculture in a more efficient way than the Oriental peoples.

reconstruction of a European long house

The first European farmers were also the first ones to develop a seasonal field system[6]. The field was divided for different crops and alternated for different seasons, allowing more harvests in the year without eroding the field. This European invention culminated in the Middle Ages with the tree-field-system, introduced by the Celto-Germanic peoples, a system clearly superior anything the Orientals had, although the latter had been farming for a longer time than us.

Example of alternated crop-systems.

By the time of the Roman Empire our Germanic ancestors had already come up with a real plow, while the Romans relied on something not better than a stick, which only scratched the surface of the fields (we will examine Germanic inventions in more detail in another section).

It’s also important to mention that pastoralism and agriculture are two separate developments and the examples of the Aztecs and Mayas shows us that people can develop agriculture without ever coming up with the domestication of animals.

Pastoralism (the domestication and breeding of animals) took place in Europe

before agriculture: Animals like dogs, pigs and horses were domesticated out of European wild species, totally independent from the Orient[7] and this took place even before the Orientals had begun farming.

It was only later that Europeans acquired Oriental farm animals like sheep or goats through exchange, but these imports were always raised in much less numbers than local animals[8].

With the first farmers we have already some Nordic types, but they were still part of a spectrum encompassing more robust forms[9]. It would take more selection until the Nordic types became the majority. Characteristics like blond hair, blue eyes and pale skin, were already to be found in this stage of evolution.

The Patriarchy Myth

It is typically Jewish, out of simple things to create confusion in order to blur common sense. Nonsense disguises itself with intellectualisms and technical terms, comprehensible only to the specialist, who because of his over-specialization has lost sight of the big picture and is thus unable to realize the absurdity of the whole thing.

The origin of the Indo-Europeans is one example of that. Instead of accepting that White people originated in Central or Northern Europe (just like blacks in Africa, Asians in Asia and Arabs in the Middle East), they come up with fantastic theories of immigrants from the Orient or ‘the first patriarchs who subdued the old cult of motherhood’. With a few strikes of the pen, they transform the first Nordics into nomadic invaders and most importantly they burden them with the invention of Capitalism and ‘privilege’[10]. With so many lies together I don’t even know where to start.

Following Karl Marx, Franz Boas invented another version of the ‘the fall of man from paradise’ with his theories of the ancient Matriarchy

First of all, no single account about a Matriarchy, especially those commissioned by Franz Boas, stood later research[11]. Such Communist wonderlands with no private property, no wars, in which women had absolute rule, are still to be found and they have most probably never existed[12].

Manly virtues, violence, and some forms of private property are observed among all social animals including primates pointing out to an evolutionary necessity. The sensible view is that our ancestors always had BOTH gods and goddesses, which complemented each-other, and their societies had nothing to do with anything ending with -archy.

Furthermore, such dualisms (such faces of the same coin) like ‘EITHER a rule of goddess OR a rule of the god’ are typical of Jewish thinking and don’t belong to Nature. They resemble the modern fallacy of ‘EITHER Communism OR Capitalism’, although both are in praxis the same nightmare.

Hence, the fairness and cooperation seen in early European societies (praised by modern feminists) can only have been due to a balance between male and female forces and not to the rule of a single goddess:

‘The High One said: ‘There are twelve gods whose nature is divine’. Just as High said: ‘No less holy are the goddesses, nor is their power less’ .  -Snorri Sturluson, Gylfaginning, Prose Edda-.

Secondly, genetic and anthropological studies demonstrate that Whites as a race, have never been immigrants in Northern Europe[13], and I share the mind of many modern scholars who localize the homeland of the Indo-Europeans in Central Germany[14].

These early Indo-Europeans cannot be considered nomads because they are the descendants of farmers in the search of more land to farm; they were simply trying to expand their agricultural lifestyle. As a rule, nomadic races never become sedentary (the Jew is a good example) neither do sedentary peoples become suddenly nomadic.

White people evolved in Central Europe.

Thirdly, even Jewish scholars admit that usury was invented in the Semitic kingdom of Sumer[15], the same kingdom which invented the first crucified deity[16]. The currency of this kingdom was the Shekel, dedicated to the crucified goddess Inanna[17], who went through a passion and resurrected. Shekel is, as we know, the Jewish name for money to this day.

In contrast to that, Indo-European civilizations were so averse to usury and swindles that even paying taxes was regarded as a sign of slavery and they knew only the reverse of taxation, that is, the government handed over goods to the citizens from time to time[18].These taboos against usury were so stark that they persisted throughout most of European history.

The privatizing of common goods, the exclusion of women from social life, the heritability of privileges, and the extortion of usury, those evils came to Europe from the Orient, through three ways:

Creepy, usury goddess Inanna.
  • A Jewish religion called Christianity, which hates Nature and Beauty.
  • Roman law, intended for forcing the life together of total strangers in cities.
  • Classical Greco-Roman culture, developed by narcissistic elites, wanting to justify their cosmopolitan fetishes.

Some kind of proto-capitalism was indeed spreading itself in antiquity, but this was a gradual process during many thousands of years. This Capitalist trend came from the Orient, with its epicenter in the Semitic kingdoms around ancient Israel, and the Indo-Europeans were not their bearers but another victim of it.

This Oriental capitalism profited from race-mixed societies and multicultural empires finding its most powerful expression in Christianity. This bedded the seeds for a world subjugated by a few ‘chosen ones’, where autochthonous cultures are replaced with Consumerism and the sacredness of life with machines.

Our Jewish patriarchs look forward with all means to make ancient history confusing and inaccessible to the masses, while deferring the guilt of these developments to White people.

Lost Empires

The noblest branches of the Indo-Europeans remained at home, mainly the Celts, Baltics, Germanics and the Slavs, while the rest wandered around the world conquering other races, and in the end dying out through mixture.

Perhaps it was not the intention of these wanderers to live among strangers, but once they got too far away from other Whites they started to mix, losing their roots and that explains why they were in the end content with living among sub-humans.

King Priam & Achilles, from the Iliad.

Some of the subordinate races were more open to Indo-European ways than others and the early Greeks make a good example. The fact that neither Greek nor Roman societies were majority White[19] explains, though, why the ‘Golden Ages’ lasted so little, and why they became easy prey to Oriental universalism, degenerating into multicultural empires.

If Celtic civilizations had left written records, the classical Greeks themselves would seem mediocre in comparison. Let’s think about that for a moment: The most beautiful pieces of Greek literature bearing the DNA of their whole culture (all their values and philosophy), namely the Iliad and Odyssey, were written during the Greek Dark Age, when the Indo-Europeans had just arrived, and they hadn’t mixed yet with the local natives.

These pieces of literature inspired all the later philosophers and thinkers, and the fact that the Romans overtook them as their best literature (in the Aeneid) proves that it wasn’t outdone by later generations.

That was the achievement of a small elite of migrating Indo-Europeans[20] simply writing down their common lore. Now let’s imagine which kinds of treasures were to be found among the Celts, who were no minority in their own society, and therefore had preserved that lore in a purer form.


In the case of the Romans, we have a group of Indo-Europeans who stablished a kingdom, building the upper class, but this upper-class mixed early on with the Etruscans who were genetically related to modern Turks[21]. Their early mixture would explain why they retained White talents for organization but nevertheless invented nothing, besides concrete, the brothel, the circus and gladiator fights; the last

‘Nobles’ of the Late Roman Empire.

three being inspired by Oriental customs[22].

Furthermore, Roman civilization saw itself since the beginning as a continuation of the Hellenistic Empire, thus, having the germs of universalism already planted on it. A good example of this ominous beginning is the fact that Roman mythology was written down as actual history[23].

Such a materialistic degradation of the sacred lore (writing myth as history) has its best parallel among the Jews, who claimed the mythological adventures of Moses and Jesus were real history.


Whenever modern feminists and liberal historians want to prove their myth of Patriarchy they use evidence from late decadent empires like the Greeks, Romans or Hittites, but they forget that these empires had nothing to do with the Indo-Europeans anymore.

Trying to define the values of our ancestors using those cosmopolitan, racially mixed, Orientalized empires is as silly as wanting to define, for example, the values and religion of the Aztecs based on the corporative guidelines of the Corona beer or Mexican Cement.

The theme of the Goddess receiving the hero in the other-world with a drink of immortality is a prevailing one in Germanic religion

They believe to have found common signs of Patriarchy among the Indo-Europeans, when in reality they have only unearthed common signs of decadence among multicultural empires: Be it today or in Antiquity, universalistic tyranny takes always similar forms.

Needless to say, Celtic and Germanic lore don’t fit with their patriarchal view of the Indo-Europeans. Among the Celts and Germanics it was women (as Valkyries or just goddesses) who initiated the hero into war and sexuality, and regarding the Germanics, every person had a protecting spirit who was invariably female. It was always a female Goddess who guarded the entrance into the otherworld[24], a metaphor for reaching the secrets of Nature through the female force.

Last Thoughts about the Indo-Europeans

Theories about the Indo-Europeans have changed during time, but new methodology confirms that they were indeed members of the White race[25].

If the Indo-Europeans were not immigrants in Europe, this raises the question: From whom did the Indo-Europeans learn their language? Don’t scholars claim it is no related to older languages? Let me reply that we know practically nothing about the older languages of Europe and the Proto-Indo-European language might be related to at least one of them (not all, certainly not to Basque).


We could say that the first achievement of our ancestors was the creation of the Aryan race because in Nature everything must be earned and worked. Nothing is god-given, and creatures who are divine without ever having earned it, have no place in this universe.

The most beautiful and creative race had to earn those characteristics that differentiate it from primitive ones and this leads me to an interesting phenomenon in Nature which biologists refer as ‘conservative species’, chimpanzees being a good example of it. These are conservative because, out of the common ancestor, humans continued evolving, while chimpanzees stayed in that primitive stage and have remained so till this day[26].

The same must be valid for human ‘races’. Whites could have easily stayed at the level of Eskimos in order to adapt to their environment, but that was not good enough for our ancestors; for some strange reason they chose the difficult way and started selecting for beautiful traits and creativity. Blacks or Eskimos are, thus, conservative species in comparison to Whites.

Eskimos and White People: Race is not the accidental result of climate.

We detect here the role of Will Power in Evolution itself. Some kind of idealism was already there among the first Europeans who selected for these expensive traits, and we should thank our women for doing that. It was our women who molded the White race through their selection, displaying a fine instinct for art and some kind of rebellion against ‘conservative’ races.

By the time of Tacitus the only peoples described by the Romans as truly Nordic were the Germanics and Celts, and it is precisely the Celtic and Germanic languages which retained the accent at the beginning of the root-word[30].

Technology and Values.

We live in a universe of infinite possibilities. Physicists speak today about 13 dimensions or about parallel universes, reminding us of pagan European beliefs in which the number 13 was sacred and related to the mysteries of Nature[31].

Stone Age goddess found in France, showing the number 13 in her horn.

No one should ever believe that in such a creative universe, progress can flow only toward one direction, the one of Materialism which is bringing the destruction of life. Many modern discoveries confirm actually what our ancestors knew.

In Physics, for example, the cyclic view of time that our ancestors had was ratified by modern observations[32]. We also realized through psychology that negative emotions (in the right context) are indispensable for a healthy social life and mental stability[33], an attitude characteristic of pagan cultures.

Historians of science realized that science in the West arose when theorists caught up with the practical knowledge of the peasant workers[34], something which was the norm before the adoption of Christianity.

Also, the fable-like worldview of our ancestors, in which animals take human characteristics, finds parallels in evolutionary theory and modern observations of animals having an inner life similar to ours.

We notice here that pagan values are in tune with science and progress, and, thus, they are able to give them a new direction.

Given the opportunity, a masochist will develop incredibly sophisticated technology intended to torture, whereas someone interested in helping others will find that technology useless and will develop a totally different one, with the same level of sophistication but aiming at different goals.

Thus, there is an unchartered world of discoveries that are accessible only to pagan values and we can be sure these values, which honor Nature, have much more potential than modern nihilism, aimed only at the systematic destruction of Nature, mental control and addictive entertainment.


As a final reflection let’s consider that chimpanzees grow at a faster rate than humans and when both are about two years of age, the chimpanzee seems more intelligent, self-sufficient and stronger than the human, but his progress has ended right there, whereas the human will continue developing, slowly but surely, toward a stage closer to gods than that of animals.

Around two thousand years ago our pagan cultures were overtaken by the rash growth of an Oriental King-Kong, preaching universalism, but now is our time to resume our own special path, characterized by Beauty and talent, by quality and not universality. We can reclaim this path only when we embrace our divine essence, leaving aside self-gratifying savior gods, and rediscover our pagan values.

Celto-Germanic Economy.

Contrary to the later Romans, who had only tribute and elitism, White pagans had two complementary economic systems, one internal among members of the society (feminine) and one external among strangers (masculine).

Their internal economy was based on gifts[35]. As an example, Ottar wanted an axe from Udo and he signaled this perhaps by saying ‘that’s a beautiful axe’, Udo replies modestly ‘ohh it is not so beautiful you can have it if you want’; Ottar got in this way the axe he needed. The next time Udo needed something from Ottar he was sure he could count on him and there was no need of keeping records or quantifying the transactions.

This economic system is actually based on trust and is backed up solely on services and goods. Were we to translate the economic system of our ancestors into a modern one we would get something like this:

  • An economy based solely on credits (trust is some-kind of credit)
  • These credits can be created by everyone and there is no central bank but perhaps only an institution that registers the transactions.
  • The debt is balanced when the debtor delivers a service to someone else with the same value of his debt.
  • These credits are free of usury.
  • The system is not based on scarcity, making it impossible to speculate.
  • Everyone can see the debts of the others (no Jewish anonymity in finances!).
  • Even services which don’t fit with modern professions can be remunerated too, as long as people find them useful.

This explains in part the prosperity of Germanic and Celtic societies, in comparison with welfare states in the Roman Empire, which were continuously hit by inflation and economic crises[36]. Some scholars agree that our ancestors lived in prosperous societies where there was always enough for everyone[37].

Viking town before the conversion to Christianity

Germanic societies were so desirable that people from the Byzantine Empire traveled all the way to Northern Europe wanting to move into Viking towns.  Dr. Prof. Helmut Schröcke notes in his monumental work that some Christians from the Byzantine Empire were tolerated in pagan Viking towns. This situation of Christians from a big empire wanting to live among pagans could have been due to the prosperity of pagan societies in comparison to multicultural Christian societies[38].

This is similar to what happens today, when all kinds of race-mixed people with a traditional faith want to move into secular White societies.

At this point is important to realize that our pagan ancestors did have their own rightful cities before the Roman invasion, and life there was probably more amenable than in the overpopulated, impoverished Roman Empire. This prosperity was actually one of the reasons why the Romans tried to conquer their towns.

Reconstruction of a pagan city or ‘Oppidum’ as the Romans called them.

Historians have demonstrated, for example, that Caesar wanted to get his hands on Celtic mines because the Celts were so rich and prosperous; the supposed protective measures against other tribes being just a fairy-tale to justify the whole enterprise[39].

The economy of our ancestors had also a Eugenic tone because talented, idealistic individuals were more successful in such an economy. The Proto-Germanic word for greediness *arga (adj.) is even a synonym of unmanliness and cowardliness, hence a selfish, materialistic person was a coward and didn’t count as a real man.

This speaks mountains about their economic system, but we should also realize that unmanly meant an attitude and had nothing to do with disregarding women. Our ancestors respected their women, but these were expected to be brave, valiant, responsible and heroic towards life too.

Another clue to their economic system is that Germanic and Celtic kings were honored not because they had more property than others, but rather because of their generosity. The more freely they gave to their followers, the more respect they earned[40]. This came in stark contrast with multicultural Roman society, where elites were admired the more they kept their wealth to themselves, and the more alienated they were from the rest.

Be it Jewelry, animals or salt, their (second) external economy was based on a currency:

Most of Germanic peoples used in the early times cows as currency[41], just as the Indo-Aryans used bulls[42]. This means simply that cows served as an estimative value, which allowed all kinds of goods to change hands freely. For example my bracelet is worth two cows and your ax is worth also two cows, we can exchange them.Something similar applied to other currencies like salt among the Celts or Jewelry

Viking gold treasure.

among the early Vikings.

This second ‘external’ system was intended mostly for people with whom you had no close relationship[43] but as already mentioned, even with strangers their financial system remained always fair.

A further proof that their system didn’t allow speculation or misuse is that precious metals were mostly used as jewelry and not as coins. All historians agree that even the later Vikings had little interest on Islamic or Roman coins and they melted most of them into Jewelry[44].

We have also Celtic coins but these are one of the most beautiful and fascinating remains of their sacred lore. As strange as it might seem to our materialistic eyes, money was for the Celts some kind of religious art, containing symbols about the secrets of the underworld, reincarnation and the sacredness of Nature. The Druids congregated seasonally in order to choose the symbols of these coins[45], and these coins circulated freely among all levels of society. Needless to say, usury was unthinkable for a Celt using these coins and there was no need for making money scarce.

Celtic coins with esoteric symbols, probably related to Nature and reincarnation.


We recognize thus among our ancestors a balance of forces too: With strangers you measure and quantify the transaction (masculine), but with closer friends you earn their trust and alliance trough generosity (feminine).

In such a system, earning the trust of other people was a profitable investment because human relationships are more reliable and flexible than an artificial market. Another important aspect is that their economic system made services and occupations profitable, which are not rewarded in our modern system. As long as someone found useful what you did, you could make a living out of it, without interference from scarce currencies or the lack of formal contracts or diplomas.

It seems fitting to end this section with a reflection about Jesus cleansing the temple[46]. For our pagan ancestors economy was inseparable from social responsibility and the common religion (as shown by Celtic coins), but with the cleansing of the temple Jesus signalized the separation of economy from religion and from social morals, leaving finance a free way for becoming anonymous and to rule above everything.

In contrast to that we find the Celtic god Cernunnos in the Rheim’s Altar (ca. 200 CE) pouring coins inside his temple, surrounded by  Mercury, god of trade, and Apollo, the god of wisdom.This shows that Celtic economic life was inseparable from the secrets of Nature and social responsibility. Economic life was not anonymous neither was it secular, it was deeply intertwined with the folk and with social morals.

Left: Celtic god Cernunnos sitting inside his temple, pouring the coins necessary for the well-being of his people. Right: Angry Jesus chasing merchants away from his temple.

This traumatic event symbolizes what Christianity was all about: Separating social fairness and justice from finance. Morals become useless when they are separated from economy (the blood of society), and since this separation, our elites have been trying very hard to justify their financial tyranny with exaggerated, perverse forms of morality, but these morals are only a deceptive façade, because they never reach the financial aspect, the most important one!, thus remaining totally meaningless, dead, sterile.

Pagan Women and Eugenics

Our Germanic ancestors measured their ancestry from both the motherly (so called Spindle-side) and the fatherly side (so called Spear- or Sword-side)[47], suggesting that relationships between the sexes had reached a more advanced stage of evolution.

Women were at the center of economic life in pagan societies and they had in those times a lot of freedom regarding the administration of the house and finances, while men would go to war or farm the fields.

Celtic woman-warrior.

Furthermore, it seems the roles of females were rather flexible in those times, as long as this didn’t threat the family life and the securing of offspring. This flexibility of roles can be seen for example in the numerous Indo-European names for women with imposing meanings like ‘the ruler of the people’. The feminine name in Celtic dialect ‘Gwledyr’ means literally ‘ruling over the territory’[48]. Women among the Celts and Germans could also lead armies in battle and Boadicea comes from the Celtic element *boudi, meaning victory.

Women among our ancestors enjoyed so much freedom in their sexual relationships that around the third century, a Celtic princess (the wife of the Caledonian chief Argentocoxos) was still able to scorn the Roman empress Julia Augusta (of Syrian origins, btw.) because of Roman women allowing themselves to be dominated by men:

We Celtic women obey the demands of Nature in a more moral way than the women of Rome. We consort openly with the best men but you, of Rome, allow yourselves to be debauched in secret by the vilest.’-Cassius Dio, Roman History 77.16-

What the Celtic princess realized is that women become totally passive in their selection and cannot get the best genes for their children when they are not allowed to consort openly with the best men. Celtic and Germanic women were allowed to get children even from married men, without being stigmatized from society, as long as he was a carrier of good genes.

This doesn’t mean, though, that was the rule. Not all wives allowed their men escapades, neither were all single women ready to raise a baby alone; we speak here simply of the possibility, determined by the individual circumstances and personality.

Individual personality played a bigger role in pagan society than today because it was no asphyxiated by Christian or multicultural morals. Needless to say, that attitude of the Celtic princess was in tune with the propagation of the most talented, while the Roman morals favored the Jew and all kind of materialistic good-for-nothings.

That sexual and social freedom is echoed later by Viking women in 9th century Scandinavia. According to the Spanish ambassador Al Ghazal (Muslim), who visited Denmark in the year 844 A.D., Danish women could be with whomever they wished without fearing punishment or shame, as long as the male partner was not far beneath her in social status.

The Arab envoys were also surprised at how openly Danish women communicated with them, and when they expressed their fear that their conversation with women would lead to misunderstandings and violent encounters with the males the Danish queen laughed and responded:

We have no such a thing in our religion [the oppression of women] and we have no jealousy. Women stay with their husband according to their choice. The woman stays with him as long as she wishes, and parts from him if she no longer desires him[49]’.

We should nevertheless take with caution the reports of a misogynist Muslim. The fact that Viking women had freedom didn’t mean they were disloyal or promiscuous; precisely because of their loyalty and intelligence (in comparison with oriental women), they lived in free societies which warranted their individual freedom. Destructive forms of sexuality belong only to morally oppressed societies, as instituted by Hebraic religions, where individuals oscillate from one extreme to the other, e.i. from sexual repression to promiscuous orgies. Pagan women enjoyed their body and sexuality in a healthy, natural way.


In the societies of our ancestors there was no taboo against death. Having taboos against death is actually a sign of being a slave. It is in the interest of the totalitarian state to control

Left: forensic reconstruction of a Viking Age woman. Right: forensic reconstruction of a British princess who lived 5,000 years ago.

that aspect of life (yes, death is an aspect of life), making sure all his farm animals stay alive, stopping them from practicing selection or evolving out of their enslavement.

In pagan societies, severely malformed and mentally sick children were mercifully kept from staying alive in those miserable circumstances while investing the resources in healthy ones. Regarding the old people, these were always ready to make room for the young generations and as soon as they felt they could not contribute to the community anymore they took their lives on their own free will, perhaps even with help of family members in order to avoid any suspicions. ‘It is not painful to die. It is only a brief moment of dizziness. It does not hurt to kill yourself’ is a sentence reported among peoples who live in tune with Nature[50].

Nevertheless people who deviated from the norm were considered with affection and taken care of. For example, someone who showed little ability for fighting but later resulted to be a great hero.

Through European history we have many examples of brilliant people who began their lives with a sickly, little promising childhood, and this theme of the hero with a little promising beginnings appears already in the Sagas.

Pagan Law

Image a group of children in the future, when there are no wild animals anymore. They see a crippled giraffe in a cage and they ask an adult, why this creature lives in a cage and not somewhere else. The adult happens to be a Jew and responds ‘these creatures are helpless (primitive) outside the cage. Before having cages for them they couldn’t even cross the street and that’s why they are kept here, it is called progress’.

You notice the fallacy right? Giraffes look incompetent only when we assume they are intended to live in the city, and deny they have a natural environment. The same way, the practices of our ancestors seem rough when we assume humans are intended to live as individualistic slaves, denying their natural environment in a racially conscious society.

It is typically Jewish to take pagan practices out of their context and extrapolate them to our consume societies, giving the impression of their practices being primitive. The Jew doesn’t allow us to even imagine a society where other values and rules work better and pagan law is a good example of that.

Pagan laws were indeed fairer than what we have today because in their societies it was impossible to misuse these laws, something that escapes most of modern scholars.

Our ancestors had both communal and private property[51]. Things like soil, on which the whole group depended, were communal property (feminine), making it impossible to speculate with it, while things that everyone could earn himself were private property (masculine).

We see a holistic, reconciling system and not a sick dualism of ‘monopoly vs total lack of property’ as is typical of Jewish ways of thinking

Example of Jewish dualisms.

Another central point of pagan law is that the goal of a tribunal was NOT simply to find out the ‘objective’, isolated facts. The dignity of the ones involved and their future development in the community were more important, showing a high level of forgiveness regarding the actual facts and focusing on the human and psychological side.

They wanted to reconcile and rehabilitate and not to punish or incarcerate for life. Strong penalties were used only when reconciliation was not possible, implying a total disregard for the community on the part of the accused, but in contrast to modern society these penalties had no moral presumptions.

Swearing oaths was also part of Germanic legal practices.

The person in question simply lost the protection from communal life, being left to his own lot; a rather natural reaction toward someone who disregarded the community. This loss of social protection implied abandoning the community (mostly among the Celts) or being left alone, to deal with the angry family of the victim (mostly among the Germanics), who in the case of murder were allowed to extract vengeance (called ‘blood feud’ in the literature).

This theme of vengeance brings us to a very interesting thing about pagan society and that is the freedom to keep justice in the hands of the people and not giving it up to a centralized, almost alien entity. Under some general stipulations it was the family of the victim who decided what happened with the murderer and they could either try their luck killing the person or force a monetary compensation, but the murderer got always what he deserved and in the best of cases he was forced to run away.

This system worked better for small independent communities than any other and I don’t doubt we could build better societies by translating the underlying values into a modern system (just as shown with the pagan economic system).

The underlying principle in this blood feud is that the community, in the form of a few families or a clan, retains the Judicial and Executive powers and don’t allow it to become alien and tyrannical; the freedom to carry arms today in many White countries goes back to these Germanic values and laws, the same countries which show the lowest crime rates, at least among Whites.

When we consider the high level of tolerance and even sense of humor our ancestors had regarding personality and individual character, it seems ironic that in modern ‘individualistic’ societies the individual has less freedom, less individuality: Today no deviation from the multicultural dogma is tolerated and the bearers of such a consumerist culture, will hardly ever develop an opinion of their own.


Ancient Bavarian legal code.

For our ancestors it was Important to figure out if the accused was a decent member of the society or not, and for that purpose their methods were incredibly effective, making use of witnesses and swearings

of support[52]. Every honest member could get enough support while antisocial persons had no way to cheat, because long-lasting human relationships cannot be faked.

Their methods were so effective that the king himself could lose all support, be deposed or even sacrificed, if he didn’t perform honorably[53]. Needless to say, our modern politicians would have been sacrificed long ago under pagan law, but under modern liberalism they retain their privilege and have become unaccountable.

Ordeal by boiling water

Courage was also an important aspect of pagan society and the ordeal trials had less to do with superstitions and more to do with testing your courage and your will-power. It was a last opportunity for someone who had already lost a case (and thus appeared as a coward) to improve his social image.

It was actually Christian thinking what brought ever more cruel trials in order to prove the ‘sanctity’ of people. This development was possible only because people forgot what the original ordeals were all about.

Thus, just as Jesus isolated morals from finance, Roman law isolated justice from the community; allowing the misuse of pagan law and justifying further meddling with it.

Racial Identity

‘The quality of being free is expressed in the Proto Indo European language by the word *h1leudhero […]. This term may have meant originally ‘belonging to ones [own] people’ (cf. German Leute) or ‘born in the [own] group’ (as distinction from slaves of foreign origin?). More important are derivatives of compounds with Proto-Indo-European *sue/o- ‘own’, found in the Indo-Iranian, Slavic, perhaps also Celtic and Proto-Indo-European *preiH- ‘to be dear’ (=a member of one’s own group?), attested in Indo-Iranian, Germanic, and Celtic’.

Das Menschenbild bei den Indo-Germanen by Various Authors, Three Indo-European Moral Values by Bonn Stefan Zimmer, P.185

As seen from the opening quotation, etymology can give us important insights into the values of our ancestors the same as law and religion. Territorial borders had a sacred aspect in Celto-Germanic societies and these were dedicated to a deity[54] although this should not be surprising because physical space cannot be detached from material prosperity and the basics for building a society.

The laws make also very clear that no stranger was allowed to move into the community if even a single member protested against it:

[…]The man who wishes to move into another village and one or more of those who live in the village wish to receive him, but there is one of them who objects, he may not have the right to move in.

…. And if he is still not willing to go away, he who is declaring against him may lay hands on his property and expel his opponent from the village. And because he did not obey the law, he shall lose the fruit of his labor there and in addition he shall be liable to pay twelve hundred denarii.” ! The Laws of the Salian Franks by Katherine Fisher Drew, XLV Concerning Those Who Move (S.V. XXVI), P.109

Nevertheless race-mates were welcome to move-in regardless of the land or clan of origin. Many towns were composed of people from different tribes and clans, all having equal status as long as they were White. We had Vikings living together with East- Germanics, Vandals living with Goths, etc.[55]. Even

Forensic reconstruction of a Bog-body in Denmark. He is of Germanic origins but in the same bogs Celtic cult objects were found.

the Celts were considered equals among the Saxons who conquered England[56] and a few generations later no one could tell apart Anglo-Saxons from native Celts. Also, the only other kingdoms which have a strong representation in Germanic sagas are Celtic ones, being described as if they were Germanic.

Nonetheless, we never had Germanics living willingly with Romans or Orientals, and when this became unavoidable, the latter got the status of stranger and mixing with them was frowned upon by the law[57]. This shows us that race had preference to other alliances.

Also, sagas and heroic tales circulated among incredibly distant kingdoms, and the fact that this exchange was restricted to Germanic lore speaks from a Pan-Germanic identity that overcame space and time. Another sign of their racial loyalty is the fact that the migrating Germanics retained their right of returning home if things went wrong during the migration[58].

This is not to deny there were sometimes armed conflicts among Germanic peoples, but in contrast to Roman propaganda, archeology attests that these were the exception. Being these violent encounters so few, we could speak rather of healthy fights that kept the quality of the gene pool up to date.  These fights were enjoyed by the warriors and these fell in battle having the time of their lives.

This situation might give some light to the rather mysterious etymological connection in the Proto-Indo-European language between ‘fighting’ and ‘health’ the same as between ‘fighting’ and ‘justice’[59].

Healthy conflicts took a fratricidal form only with the appearance of Christianity. What once was healthy and necessary, became dysgenic and destructive, resembling modern wars, in our ‘more enlightened’ times.

“Charlemagne Destroys the Irminsul” by Hermann Wislicenus. It was Christianity which brought senseless and dysgenic wars into Europe

Racial consciousness was so marked among our ancestors that all Germanic Races had laws against racial mixture. Strangers of other races, like the Romans, had always lower status in Germanic society and the most effective way of preventing racial mixture, without invading the free will of the involved, was by giving the married person and the offspring the lower status of the stranger[60]. These laws represent probably just a milder form of more ancient ones, which frowned marriage between races even more explicitly.

The new, ‘milder’ laws were commissioned when the Germanic kingdoms had already been converted, and it was precisely the Christian church which soon after abolished all laws that prevented racial mixture.

They arrived out of free-will but uninvited.

But the most bizarre occurrence in those times regarding strangers was the arrival of the Jew into Germanic kingdoms. Such an encounter was more than strange indeed, because in those times Germanic societies were all but cosmopolitan or inviting to foreigners. The entrance of the Jews into Germanic societies seems rather to be motivated by fanatical ideological reasons, perhaps even at the expense of more opportunistic motives (usury was not even remotely allowed).

It is almost as if they felt themselves called with the mission to settle in those societies despite of having at the beginning everything to lose.

The response of our Germanic ancestors to this creepy situation didn’t take long; the West-Goths recorded as early as the 7th century laws against the Jews intended to eradicate them from their society, showing that at such an early time they had already ominous suspicions regarding these freaky strangers[61].

It seems also as if the Jews worked in tandem with the Church and wherever the Christian church set in, there was an accompanying group of Jews bringing some kind of new exotic economy; practices which would explain the outrage of the host society, that tried early on to eradicate them.

A Germanic Democracy

One of the most important aspects of pagan law is the concept of personal responsibility[62]. This was an essential part of their ethics and it found its greatest expression in a Germanic Democracy.

A Germanic Democracy means that all free members of society elected a courageous leader who would organize everything necessary for fulfilling the wishes of the folk. The important thing to notice is that the leader didn’t decide what is best for the people; he was forced to do exactly what the All-Thing had decided.

To rule in such a Democracy required outmost courage because the ruler bore in his shoulders the whole responsibility and he could be deposed, even sacrificed to the gods if he displayed little talent for his duty[63].

Curiously enough there is a remark in Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf’ about a Germanic Democracy:

As a contrast to this [modern representative] democracy we have the Germanic democracy, which is a true democracy; for here the leader is freely chosen and is obliged to accept full responsibility for all his actions and omissions. The problems to be dealt with are not put to the vote of the majority; but they are decided upon by the individual, and as a guarantee of responsibility for those decisions he pledges all he has in the world and even his life.The objection may be raised here that under such conditions it would be very difficult to find a man who would be ready to devote himself to so fateful a task. The answer to that objection is as follows:

We thank God that the inner spirit of our Germanic democracy will of itself prevent the chance careerist, who may be intellectually worthless and a moral twister, from coming by devious ways to a position in which he may govern his fellow-citizens. The fear of undertaking such far-reaching responsibilities, under Germanic democracy, will scare off the ignorant and the feckless.

But should it happen that such a person might creep in surreptitiously it will be easy enough to identify him and apostrophize him ruthlessly. somewhat thus: “Be off, you scoundrel. Don’t soil these steps with your feet; because these are the steps that lead to the portals of the Pantheon of History, and they are not meant for place-hunters but for men of noble character.” -Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (Murphy Translation), Chapter 3, Paragraph 124.

Hitler didn’t clarify the connection with ancient Germanic customs, but because of the context and his attitude toward ruling, it is very evident that Hitler took his ideas of personal responsibility from Germanic pagan traditions.

Modern [representative] ‘Democracy’ has of course nothing to do with a Germanic Democracy and the fact that it bears a similar name speaks only from cultural appropriation. Democracy meant literally ‘the rule of the race’ and not the rule ‘of the masses’.

In ‘Romanized’ languages we have to be content simply with ‘the people,’ although ‘Das Volk’ in German, or the Greek ‘Demos’ means people of common ancestry as opposed to any other groups of people[64].

Thus, the closest description in English and Romance languages of a Democracy would be ‘the rule of the race’. As further example, Mexicans call themselves ‘la raza’ (the race) when they mean the common Mexican people, because Spanish lacks any better term suited for that.

A ‘rule of the race’ requires people who think of themselves as a race and decide accordingly, and that is precisely what a Germanic Democracy meant in those times.

Furthermore, a Germanic king saw himself as king of a race and not of a country or state:

The Swedish king bears still today the title ‘king of the Swedes, the Goths and the Wends’ and since old times indeed. Frederick the Great had also the title ‘king of the Wends’. These kings are the only ones who according to ancient practices still consider themselves Kings of a race and not of a country’[65].

His duty was to secure the future of his tribe, regardless of where in the world they found themselves and that is precisely what National Socialist policy attempted; Hitler was the first European ruler since the Middle Ages who saw himself as ruler of a people and not of a state or country. And again, just like Hitler, the Germanic ruler fulfilled the will of his people, with all available means, using creativity and not limited by bureaucracy.

We can conclude that nothing resembles today the original Democracy, as it was understood by its inventors, than National Socialism (even when it deviated somehow), and the fact that it is called a Dictatorship, while the moralistic tyranny of today is called a democracy, speaks only from the age’s old Jewish name-calling and cultural appropriation (cultural stealing).

Hitler used Germanic law and traditions in order to design his political ideology, but before Hitler there was also someone who must have learned about the sacred rule of the people and attempted to neutralize it.

Marx’s ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’ is an exact reversion of a Germanic Democracy. Here ‘the race’ was replaced with ‘any kind of (poor) people’ and things like superior talent or common origins were removed from this people, making them totally powerless.

Thus, just like Jesus isolated finance from morality, and Christian law isolated justice from the community, Marx isolated the common people from their race.

Barbarian Inventions

Writing: I would like to begin this section with a very important aspect of civilization and that is the written language. Our modern script is descended from the Semitic alphabet of the Phoenicians, adopted by the Greeks and Romans. But few people know that the early Indo-Europeans had already an autochthonous numerical system which was found inscribed on sickles[66].

Early European numerical system found written on sickles.

We know from historical examples that numerical system often evolve into written languages[67] and we can be pretty sure that our ancestors would have developed a numerical and writing system totally independent from Oriental influences if those big empires (Greek and Roman) had not stood on the way.

But we must not rely on mere speculations: The Danube civilization (central Europe around 5,000 BCE) had already a writing system, which is today regarded as the oldest one in the world[68].

We have here a 100% native European civilization, the ancestors of White people, who developed a written language even before the Orientals, and if this were not enough we have also the later evidence from the Germanics, namely The Runic Script.

There’s a lot of polemic surrounding its origin but many experts believe it has neither Latin nor Greek influences, being developed totally independent from Oriental scripts[69]. This Runic script contrast strongly with the Classical script in the fact that among the Germanic peoples almost everyone was able to read and write with runes[70] whereas among the Greeks and Romans this was restricted only to the elites, a very tiny part of the society.

We should ask ourselves which script has more merit, one which took a slow development but reached the whole community or one which left many texts but was used by almost no-one in the society, and which served only the elites to alienate themselves from reality and Nature?

Example of the Runic script

I believe the Runic script was inspired by old European scripts which became lost (just like the Danube Script), but we can conclude that White people invented a written language, independent from the Orient, at least twice and they were close to do it a third time.

This is of course all based on the scarce archeological remains and it doesn’t consider the possibility of there being many more native scripts or numerical systems that became lost forever.

Clothing and Personal Care: Scientists performed a study comparing modern thermal clothing for sailors with ancient Viking counterparts[71]; the results were surprising: Viking clothes protect from cold even better than modern ones. But the Viking achievement regarding clothing doesn’t end there. According to some scholars the vertical loom developed by the Vikings was of better than the ones being used in the Mediterranean empires allowing them to create textiles of better quality[72].

Upper left: Viking loom. Lower left: Viking sail out of wool. Upper and lower right: Viking vs modern sailor clothing.

They had also sails made up of wool instead of linen. This seemed at first glance counterintuitive, but scientific studies recognized that it was a special kind of impermeable wool, bred by the Vikings, which worked better than linen[73].

The beautiful Scottish pattern which we still use in clothing today was invented early on by the Celts and this was found even in the clothing of the Tocharian mummies unearthed in China[74]. The Tocharians are a group of Indo-Europeans very closely related to the Celts, who wandered as far as China, building cities there, and they are credited with grounding the famous Silk Route. The Tocharians were also the ones who introduced Wagons and better textile technologies to China[75].

Scottish pattern found in China.

Neither the Romans nor the Greeks had soap; it was invented by the Celts or the Germanics, showing that the ‘barbarians’ had better hygienic practices than the classical civilizations[76]. The Vikings invented sooner than anyone else some kind of spectacles[77], an invention succeeded only later in the Middle Ages by the appearance of reading glasses.

Pagan inventions which we still use today.

We know that barrels were invented either by the Celts or the Germanics[78], a much more practical way of keeping and transporting liquids and all kinds goods than the Roman amphorae. Furthermore, the Celts and Germanics ‘[…]far surpassed the Romans in making trousers and laced boots, and they even had an early safety pin[79]’.

Agriculture: Another field (pun intended) in which our ancestors excelled was agriculture. The scythe was invented by the Celts[80] which did away with the back-braking work of the Greco-Roman sickle. The heavy plow was invented by the Germanics[81] at a time when other cultures in the world, including the Romans, had to be content with more primitive technology like the scratch plow:

‘[The scratch plow] was nothing but a set of digging sticks arranged in rows. Scratch plows do not turn the soil but are simply dragged over the surface, leaving undisturbed soil between shallow furrows. This is not effective even for the dry, thin soils of southern Europe[82]’.

 As already mentioned before, the Three-Field-System is a Celto-Germanic invention[83] together with a perfected form of the long houses, which precede the Indo-Europeans. The harrow appeared around the 5th century among the ‘barbarian’ kingdoms and it must have had an even earlier development among them[84].

Left: Ancient horse-shoe. Center: The evolution of the Germanic plow through the ages. Right: An ancient harrow.

Horses were later used for agriculture too, therefore I include here the Celtic invention of horseshoes, developed in Gaul around the 5th century[85]

Weapons:  Historians noticed that Roman words for war wagons, long shields and specialized armor are of Celtic origin, indicating that the Romans borrowed this technology from the Celts[86]. The Romans had their own military equipment (well, actually borrowed too; from the Greeks) but at some point they realized that the Celtic neighbors had a better one and decided to copy it:

[The Romans] later copied the sturdier design of the Gallic helmet, with its characteristic cheek-guards. And then again, the Celts had better shields than the Romans […].

The Romans were quick to adopt the Celtic style of shield and make it their own. They also copied a variety of Celtic weapons and adopted the Celtic names for them. The Latin for a light spear, lancea, was taken from the Gauls of Spain, the Celtic word materis became the Romans’ word for a javelin, and gaesum, meaning a long javelin, was also borrowed from the Celts. –Terry Jones’ Barbarians , Part I, Chapter I, Section:Celtic Military Technology.

Roman generals were astonished by the virtuosity of Celtic charioteers and the quality of these chariots[87], but the Celts had also better wagons for transportation and those were borrowed by the Romans too; the Latin word ‘carrus’ is of Celtic origin, the same word from which modern ‘car’ originates.

Celtic armor and war-chariot.

The Romans had only primitive carts without brakes, whose front axles could not pivot. Not surprisingly, ‘anything of substantial weight seldom moved very far overland’. [88]

Mail armor is a Celtic invention too and contrary to what some modern documentaries claim, these were incredibly effective for protection. This technology was used during the crusades, where our warriors came from the battlefield (against Muslim archers) ‘looking like porcupines, arrows sticking out in all directions, none of them having penetrated deeply enough to wound’[89].

Concerning the quality of Germanic weapons I will do better just by quoting at length the French historian Lucien Musset:

A school of archeologists inspired by E. Salin and A. France-Lanord has demonstrated that technological superiority [of the Germanics] extended also to a sphere of vital importance –metallurgy, and in particular the making of weapons […] [The Germanics] were able to produce a special steel for the cutting edge of their swords or battle-axes which was unequalled until the nineteenth century, and was infinitely superior to that which the imperial arms factories were producing during the later Roman empire.

These innovations seem to have owed very little to Roman technology. Some of them were merely continuations of the techniques used by blacksmiths in the proto-historic period, but greatly refined and perfected.

In the same weapon many metals of very different quality were often combined (for example a sword might have a core of soft iron with a tempered steel cutting edge welded to it), forged with infinite patience in a lengthy process involving hammering, welding, twisting and burnishing: the final product was a real masterpiece of virtuosity. There were swords whose core was made of eight strips of twisted metal wound round one another, doubled back, and then welded together. A cutting edge was welded into this core, and the whole blade was still only 5mm thick.

Pattern welded blades –made up of strips of metal welded together- are three times less likely to become bent in battle than are blades made out of a single piece of metal.

Early medieval texts reveal practically nothing of this technical knowledge, doubtless because it was reserved to initiates who had no contact with clerics. The existence of this whole face of Merovingian civilization would therefore have remained completely unsuspected if laboratory techniques had not recently been applied to archeology.

This discovery offers ample material for reflection. Opposed to the Roman methods of production, which even at that time [seemed modern], involving standardization of quality and mass-production; we see the appearance of the [Germanic] concept of [an] article of practical use which is also a masterpiece, and is always in some way unique.

Was there a possibility of progress in a new direction which remained unfulfilled simply because of the premature revival of the Classical tradition among the elite? ‘ The Germanic Invasions by Lucien Musset, P. 203-204.

Metallurgy: When it comes to metallurgy things get a little complicated because modern sources contradict each-other; you can find an article claiming the oldest finding is 10,000 years old, using a source that claims the same finding is only 9,000 years old, and so on. Also many sources ignore some findings, but with help of simple charts I want to compare the development in Europe and other parts of the world avoiding contradiction and confusion.

The dates I use are estimations considering various sources, nevertheless I was generous when it came to Oriental findings because I use the oldest dates possible.

Copper: In this chart we see that copper was used in the Middle East much earlier than anywhere else in the world[90] but this has a very easy explanation; copper is one of the few metals that appear in nature ready to use in its raw form (the other one is iron from meteorites). The first uses of copper in the Orient required neither special techniques nor knowledge. Evidence suggests though that the copper used in Europe relied on casting and the use of technology, as opposed to just finding the metal accidentally, ready to be used.

Bronze: According to the newest findings bronze was ‘discovered’ around the same time in Europe as in the Orient (the oldest discovery comes from Iran) but the interesting point is that European bronze was since the beginning of much better quality than that of the Orient[91]. The European one was made with tin, while the Oriental one was easier to prepare and of lower quality, called arsenic bronze. The use of bronze in great civilizations like Egypt, China and Mesopotamia came actually later than in Europe[92], although we are supposed to believe that Central Europe had at this time no great civilizations.

Iron: The oldest use of Iron is invariably attributed to the Hittites around 1,800 BCE and this technology is assumed to have travelled (‘ex oriente lux’) reaching central Europe around 1,200 BCE. The problems with this theory are, firstly that we have a Proto-Germanic word for Iron *Isarnan, pointing out to the use of Iron among the Germanics in Northern Europe around 2,000 BCE[93], the time at which this language was in use.

Secondly, the Hittite empire was grounded by Nordic Whites (that is an undeniable scientific fact) and it seems rather strange that the same race which grounded the Hittite empire stumbled upon that technology in Europe only later.

Nonetheless 500 years (from the oldest found in the Orient to the official date in Europe) are a very short time when dealing with accidental archeological founds. We can conclude Iron was either discovered in the Orient around the same time as in Europe, or it was discovered in Europe 200 years earlier than in the Orient.

 The Wheel: The consensus holds today the view that the wheel was invented independently in central Europe and in Mesopotamia around the same time (4,000 BCE). This time scale ignores the fact that around 4,680 BCE we have in Germany already paved roads intended for wagons[94] and not just the

Ancient depictions of wagons found in Poland, from the Funnelbeaker culture around 4200 BCE.

roads: Around 4,000 BCE we have, in Germany too, the oldest traces made from wagons on the ground[95], whereas in Mesopotamia we have around the same time evidence only of wheels without wagons, nor roads[96].

In Central Europe we find soon after (ca. 3000 BCE) different types of wagons, with more sophisticated techniques and uses than in Mesopotamia, and spread through different cultural zones[97].

The most logical conclusion is that by the time the wheel appeared in Mesopotamia, Europeans had already enough experience with it in order to develop wagons and to spread that technology into different areas, leading to the observed diversity of types in Europe.

It is also conclusive that those roads in Germany (more than half-millennia older than the wheel in Orient!) required many years of older development, pushing the date back maybe a millennium older than in Mesopotamia.

Ancient plank-road found in Germany.

I suggest 6,000 BCE for the first use of the wheel in Europe, and 4,000 BCE for Mesopotamia.

Besides of that, there were in Orient neither domesticated horses nor war chariots before the arrival of the Indo-Europeans (the Hittites), indicating that the independent discovery of the wheel in the Orient never went beyond primitive carts, whereas in Europe it continued evolving.


We analyzed before the excellence of Celtic chariots and wagons but we can still adjudicate to the Celts the invention of rimmed wheels, already in full use around 1,000 BCE[98]. This technology consisted in making metallic edges for the wheels and inserting them while still warm. These contracted as they cooled down, requiring amazing exactitude and ability from the smith in order for these edges to fit perfectly, without cracking the delicate wooden wheels.

Roads: One of the difficulties dealing with Germanic inventions is the materials used. The Greeks and Romans constructed with stones believing that their creations should last forever, while our Germanic and Celtic ancestors constructed with wood, a material which returned to Nature and gave the chance to build anew with improvements.

Germanic roads would have looked something like this, while still in use.

Roads are no exception to this rule. The oldest roads found in Germany date as far back as 4,680 BCE, and they were made out of wood, with a tremendous width of 4,5 meters, reaching stretches of 20 KM long. Later around 3,000 BCE there were also wooden roads in Aurich, eastern Friesland, which, with 4m. wide, were clearly designed for the traffic of wagons[99].

The wooden roads of our ancestors fulfilled their function even better than the Roman ones made out of stone because wood is milder to the feet and absorbs better the movement of wheels:

As for the Roman roads, nothing was involved than being able to shape and lay paving stones. The undue admiration for the Roman road system originated with classicists who either never actually inspected one of the many surviving examples or were so lacking in practical experience that they failed to notice the obvious shortcomings. The Roman roads were very narrow –usually less than then feet wide- and in many places were far too steep for anything but foot traffic.

 These inadequacies existed because the sole purpose of Roman roads was to permit soldiers to march quickly from one part of the empire to another. But even the soldiers preferred to walk along the side of the roads whenever possible, and that’s where nearly all civilian travelers walked or led their beasts. Why? Because paving stones were hard on legs when dry and very slippery when wet.

-How the West Won by Rodney stark, Chapter 3: The Roman Interlude, Section: Technology, 2nd pharagraph.

Thus, we learn here that Germanic roads were intended for all people and to be renewable, whereas Roman roads didn’t serve most of people and were nevertheless intended to last forever.

Construction: Germanic talent for architecture dates very far back in the past. The first farmers invented not only the long houses but also the so called ‘blockbau’ technique of construction[100] which we still use today.

Modern example of the Blockbau technique invented by the first farmers.

Later, when the Germanics entered in contact with the Romans, the Lombards and the Burgundians became worldly famous because of their talents in carpentry[101], and judging from the words in the Meseburg incantations, it seems that the Germanics understood the chemistry of glue[102].

Germanic abilities for architecture have influenced world culture so much that the Germanic word ‘Saloon’ (German Saal) was borrowed into Latin, and into Arabic languages too[103]. This is the result of Germanic originality in architecture in comparison with Greco-Roman counterparts, a originality which reached amazing horizons in the Stave churches of Scandinavia.

Left: Beautiful reconstructions of ancient Germanic temples. Right: Medieval Stave church in Norway by Danish painter Martinus Rørbye (1833).

When later in the High Middle Ages the Germanics constructed the beautiful Gothic cathedrals with stone, it was a way of demonstrating that we can build better than Oriental cultures even by using their preferred material; stone. These Cathedrals retained the elegance and lightness which before was possible only with wood, resulting in a real masterpiece of Germanic genius.

Astronomy: The Nebra disc is one of the most fascinating discoveries regarding our ancestors because with an age of 1,600 BCE it is recognized today as the oldest depiction of the cosmos to have ever been found in the world[104]. The Nebra disc demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the heavens, older than the astronomy of the Egyptians or in the cultures of Mesopotamia. Some scientist even believe that it is some kind of ancient computer used for ‘calculate[ting] the difference between the solar and lunar cycles in the form of adding a 13th lunar month, something which is required every two or three years[105]’

The Nebra disk had the properties of an ancient computer.

The Nebra disc shows us that the Germanic peoples had a very old tradition of astronomical knowledge that would have remained totally unknown to us if it wasn’t because of archeology, but another clue of advanced astronomy among them is the fact that in the Old Norse poem Sólarljóð (song of the sun) the sun is called by the poet ‘Dagstjarna’ literally meaning star of the day. This implies of course that they recognized the sun as just another star in the universe[106], a knowledge not seen in any other ancient cultures.

‘There is ample evidence that the Viking-age Scandinavians possessed considerable knowledge about the natural world. Old Norse-Icelandic testifies to an early interest in geography, zoology, astronomy, medicine and computistics’. Regarding geography: ‘[…]as far as we can tell their picture of the earth was one of a round one[107]’.

The Celts had a very sophisticated calendar whose traces were found in the so called Coligny calendar. The mathematician and systems engineer Garrett Olmsted explains that the Celts developed a calendar that united the properties of a lunar (masculine for the Celts) with a solar one (feminine for the Celts), by means of starting each month at the new moon (lunar) without their festivals losing their exact place in the seasons (solar).

The Coligny calendar.

This required such a tremendous achievement of computistics and calculus that it took almost 100 years since the unearthing of the Coligny calendar until we were able to decode it. Mr. Olmsted concluded that the calculation system used was in advance of anything else devised for many centuries and that the maths involved are pretty overwhelming[108].

Navigation:  The oldest depictions of ships are the stone carvings found in Scandinavia with 3,800 old[109], these being even older than the ones in Medinet Habu, Egypt, which are only 3,200 years old[110]. It is also interesting that all Spanish words for navigation, coined during the (late) Spanish domination of the seas are of Germanic origin, for example: Germanic ‘Keel’ became Spanish ‘quilla’, Starboard became ‘stribor’ and backboard became ‘babor’.

Left: Viking workshop of ships. Center: Rock carvings from Himmelstallund, Sweden (ca. 3,800 years old.). Right: Modern reconstruction of a Viking ship.

This should not surprise us because it was the Germanic peoples who invented the art of navigation, leaving older attempts from the Greeks in the shadows. The historian John Haywood demonstrates in his work that greater navigational skills from the Germanics didn’t start with the Vikings; they were also known and used by the Saxons, Cheruscher and other tribes against the Romans, reported as early as the 1st century, thus, long before the Viking invasions[111].

The implications are that the Germanics had a strong tradition of navigation, reaching back perhaps even before their separation into different tribes. The Viking ships were only the crowning stage of that tradition and their talents are so well know that it suffice here only to mention that they had the best ships in the world at that time, using technology with neither counterparts, nor precedents in other cultures, enabling them to discover new lands before any of the great empires of the time.

This is the more amazing when we consider that we are talking about a small group of modest farmer-warriors, which surpassed with their geniality the achievements of big, centralized empires that encompassed many millions of people.

Medicine: The consensus claims that pain relievers were discovered only in modern times although our Germanic ancestors made good use of them in the form of plants. Their use and knowledge is demonstrated by the prohibitions from the Church. Women were expected from the church to have pain during child-birth and attempts of using pain relievers by the midwives were condemned as heretic (pagan?) practices[112].

The origins of pharmacology are nevertheless credited to Islamic culture (ex oriente lux), an absurd (and Orientalocentric) view, because the traditional plants of our ancestors have been demonstrated in many cases to have analogous substances to the ones we use today against the same maladies[113].

Philologist and Doctor Otto Körner demonstrated in his works that the White Indo-Europeans, namely the authors of the Iliad and Odyssey counted with sophisticated knowledge about anatomy like the role of the heart in the circulatory system, about genetics like the heritability of physical characteristic and about surgery; they could even differentiate between deceases caused by infections and the ones caused by other sources[114].

This kind of knowledge was not lost to our Germanic ancestors because in the few writings we have from the Vikings it is advised to burn the clothes of a person who died of decease, presumably as a way of avoiding further infection[115].

Art: The only real invention of the Romans was concrete, which was like the plastic of antiquity; it was cheap, multipurpose, ugly and was intended to last forever. In contrast to that, our ancestors were experts in working with wood, which was elegant, beautiful and renewable when used by small communities, as it was the case among them.

This contrast of materials is to be found in their fine arts too; Roman sculptures were robust, prosaic, showing little facial expression and mostly made out of stone, whereas Germanic sculpture as preserved from the Middle Ages was delicate, out of wood, with rather slim shapes and mystical, very emotional facial expressions.

Germanic vs Roman sculpture.

During the early Middle Ages it was the Germanic peoples who set the stakes regarding art in all of Europe, including the Roman Empires[116]. Scandinavia was a creative center of art at that time, and the artistic patterns developed there spread throughout all Europe, reaching even the Roman cities[117].

There seems to have been a guild of sculptors who preserved pagan themes in churches, disguised as ornaments, usually involving the face of Odin emanating a breath of life in the form of snakes, together with images of the Fenrir wolf from Germanic mythology.

Left: The evolution of Scandinavian patterns through time. Middle and Right: Pagan Germanic themes spread across European churches.

Also, the author Maria Kvilhaug found evidence of the Germanics having some kind of theater at Uppsala where myths were reenacted[118] which speaks of developed skills in literature (although in oral form) and dramatism.

A Celtic trumpet.


We know trumpets are Celto-Germanic invention and as early as the 8th century the Germanics invented the musical notation in Metzt, Germany, polyphony appearing soon after around 900 CE[119]. Needless to say, these musical achievements surpassed any other civilizations of the time.

Barbarian Education – Mythology or Science?

As a foreword to this article I would like to write a little bit about education in a pagan society. Very little is known about this, but with enough common sense we can make some inferences.

First of all, to build such masterpieces of engineering like the Viking ships required a lot of patience and discipline and it would be absurd to believe that the same people who achieved that, had no better educational system than that of the big empires of the time, whose technology was inferior.

The approach to education was very different between Celto-Germanic societies and Classical Empires; The Romans were mostly interested in oratory and the art of manipulating the masses through language and logical tricks[120], an approach later resumed and perfected by the church, whereas the pagan Whites were more concerned on the service given to the community and on fostering the talents of individuals.

Another interesting fact is the role of mythology in education. It would take many centuries before Carl Gustav Jung discovered how archetypes, hidden in mythology, shape our world view more strongly than anything else. Our ancestors knew somehow that myths were more powerful in order shape all aspects of society than rational arguments alone.

According to Jungean theory, archetypes like the wizard, the warrior, the king, the lover, etc. are to be found in every human being and our mythology is like a drama of the soul, showing us how these archetypes interact with each other and the world. Really deep and powerful stuff! Which escaped Classical culture and even the so called enlightenment of the 18th. century.

I personally believe our ancestors had two complementary forms of education: The one was based on traditional stories and myths which communicated values and insights about the soul (feminine), while the other was based on the daily work as apprentice, learning an occupation for earning the daily bread (masculine).

We recognize here a holistic form of education, in comparison to modern one in which every field is considered in isolation. Only a good character allows us to think properly and discover new things, therefore that was more important than acquiring as many facts as possible.

A healthy interaction of archetypes would allow us to build a strong character and develop extraordinary abilities, and this is precisely what seems to have been happening among our ancestors resulting with the development of better technology than the bigger, centralized and over-militarized Roman Empire.

Even later during the Middle Ages it is in precisely in Viking Iceland where the best literature of the time arouse, namely the sagas, something which scholars today name the birth of the modern novel. Here we have a White society, which outdid Rome in literary achievements, without a formal education, just as the great Icelandic scholar Snori Sturlusson was educated at home, pagan stile and nevertheless wrote the best treatises of poetry in those times.

The fact that the ‘feminine’ form of pagan education was designed by druid poets (and their Germanic counterparts) reminds me of Wolfgang von Goethe in more modern times. Pagan societies seem to have had their philosopher geniuses, who shared their insights and knowledge with the society through their poetry and stories.

Goethe in the Roman Campagna (1786) by Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein.

I personally believe that Goethe had a special connection with Nature, something which allowed him to discover many secrets of our society; for example, he recognized the problem of fiat money, as pointed out in his Faust part two[121]. He seems to have guessed the evils that the industrial revolution would soon bring[122]; he was also an anti-Semite[123] and some kind of pagan who worshiped Nature.

Our ancestors had their Goethes too, performing a similar role in society and they were so creative and talented they collected and delivered their knowledge exclusively in oral form, something which any modern philosopher would find extremely challenging.


  1. Anthropologie Europas, Andreas Vonderach, P.74, ISBN 978-3-902732-38-5,
  2. IBID, P.75
  3. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes, Helmut Schröcke, P.601, ISBN 978-3-87847-239-1
  4. I became aware of this situation in the book ‘Mexico: From the Beginning to the Spanish Conquest Vol.1’ by Alan Knight, P.11-15. This development is assumed to have happened among all human societies.
  5. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes, Helmut Schröcke, P.636 & 652. ISBN 978-3-87847-239-1
  6. IBID, P.617
  7. IBID, P.607
  8. IBID, P.629
  9. Anthropologie Europas, Andreas Vonderach, P.84
  10. These views are promoted among many others by (philosemite) Gunnar Heinsohn, above all in his work ‘Privateigentum, Patriarchat, Geldwirtschaft’ (Private Property, Patriarchy, Monetary System). We can see similar negative views (based solely on dubious interpretations of mythology!) in almost every book about the Indo-Europeans.
  11. Demonic Males: Apes and the Originis of Human Violence by Richard W. Wrangham & Dale Peterson, 97. Franz Boas told one of his favorite students, Margaret Mead what she should demonstrate in her dissertation before she had even begun to research! All revisions of her work have demonstrated that she lied (IBID p. 102).
  12. This view is expressed in the book quoted in the former note, and even in primitive societies where female ancestry takes the central role at the expense of male ancestry it is still males who lead war and it is women who move in with their husbands. Needless to say, not even in such societies is there a lack of private property or violence.
  13. See note number 2, and Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, P.730
  14. See former note. Helmut Schröcke and other authors like Gerhard Heberer hold this view more expressively than Andreas Vonderach, together with less academic authors like Hand Jürgen Marquard (Vom Ursprung der Deutschen).
  15. Debts the first 5,000 Thousand Years by (Jew) David Graeber,P.64, ISBN: 978-1-933633-86-2
  16. On the Historicity of Jesus by Richard Carrier, P.45-46
  17. The Future of Money by Bernard A Lietaer, Chapter 2, 4th section; The History of Money.
  18. Debts the first 5,000 Thousand Years by (Jew) David Graeber,P.63
  19. The ancient Greek and Roman populations were composed of Mediterranean races, showing continuity before and after the arrival of the Indo-Europeans, who made up only the elites. Anthropologie Europas, Andreas Vonderach, P.111 & 120
  20. The Indo-Europeans expert John V. Day, supports in his book ‘Indo European Origins’ the view of migrating elites.
  21. Anthropologie Europas, Andreas Vonderach, P.117
  22. See ‘The Greek Way’ by Edith Hammilton. In contrast with the Greeks, she considers Roman nasty customs a result of contact with the Orient.
  23. ‘The myths of the Romans are stories not about the gods but about the Romans themselves. Writers such as Livy, Virgil and Ovid presented myths as if they were actual history regarding the early days of Rome’ – Prof. Jane F. Gardner (taken from the back cover of her book ‘Roman Myths’).
  24. The dominant role of the Great Goddess in all her diverse forms in Germanic mythology is the main thesis of Maria Kvilhaug. I recommend strongly her book ‘The Seed of Yggdrasill’ if you can find it.
  25. See note number 9.
  26. Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence by Richard Wrangham & Dale Peterson, P.46
  27. Anthropologie Europas, Andreas Vonderach, P.20
  28. Anthropologie Europas, Andreas Vonderach, P.25
  29. A New History of Life by Peter Ward & Joe Kirschwink, Chapter 20, in the section ‘Future Evolution of Humans’.
  30. Vom Ursprung der Deutschen by Hans Jürgen Marquardt, P.34
  31. The number 13 was sacred to the great goddess in Celto-Germanic traditions, associated with their lunar calendar: There are 13 full moons in a year the same as 13 days from new moon to full moon. Women have also 13 menstruations in one year.
  32. It is called ‘The Oscillating Model’ in the Physics’ literature.
  33. This is actually the whole basis of psychology, without which therapy wouldn’t work at all: Negative emotions have a function and only when we recognize this and use them in our favor do we regain control of our inner life.
  34. That is the central argument of the book ‘Science and the Secrets of Nature by William Eamon.
  35. A system based on gifts is observed in all racially homogenous societies before entering in contact with Jewish money. See for example, The Future of Money by Bernard A. Lietaer, chapter 6 (community currencies) or ‘Debts The First 5,000 Years’ by [Jewish] David Graeber, Chapter 2, The Myth of Barter.
  36. Rodney Stark quotes Roger Osborne, Robin Williams Mcclanahan and A.R. Bridbury noting that Roman cities ‘were centers of consumption but not of production’ and what the Romans had ‘wasn’t really trade but merely a traffic in rent and tribute’. ‘Goods flowed to Rome but nothing came back except tax collectors and soldiers’. ‘Roman trade did not generate income, it simply impoverished those from whom it was extorted’ (How The West Won by Rodney Stark, Chaper 4, Section ‘The Myth of the Dark Ages’). The devaluation of money in Ancient Rome is otherwise well-known.
  37. The Germanic People Their Origin, Expansion and Culture, Francis Owen, P.58, ISBN:9781258206994.
  38. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes, Helmut Schröcke, P.364.
  39. L’Or dans I’Antiquité by Béatrice Cauuet (as quoted in Terry Jones’ Barbarians).
  40. This is characteristic not only of the Germanics and the Celts but of all racially homogenous societies before entering in contact with Jewish morals and money.
  41. Grundriss des germanischen Rechts by Karl von Amira, P.199
  42. This is the argument of the German philologist Bernhard Laum in his book ‘Heiliges Geld’, which is well-known among money historians.
  43. The fact that they used a currency is evidence enough of having this second system; the use of a currency is small communities invariably used for exchange between strangers as opposed to the gifts-economy.
  44. This is a very well-known fact although most scholars ignore the economic implications of this lack of interest on coins.
  45. That Druids from different Celtic lands met seasonally in order to exchange knowledge and stipulate their religion is well attested, see for example ‘Celtic Mythology by Prionsias Mac Cana, P.14.
  46. Matthew 21:12–17, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45–48 and John 2:13–16.
  47. Grundriss des germanischen Rechts by Karl von Amira, P.169.
  48. Das Menschenbild bei den Indogermanen by various authors, Pp. 121-23, ISBN:978-3-935536-78-3.
  49. As quoted by Maria Kvilhaug in her book The Seed of Ygdrassil, P.51
  50. The Law of Primitive Man by E. Adamson Hoebel, P.78.
  51. Grundriss des germanischen Rechts by Karl von Amira, P.193-194.
  52. The Laws of the Salian Franks by Katherine Fisher Drew, P.40.
  53. Grundriss des germanischen Rechts by Karl von Amira, P.151.
  54. IBID, P.124.
  55. This was the case specially in Viking towns but this practice of different Germanic clans living together goes back to older traditions.
  56. In his book Saxons Vikings and Celts the author Bryan Sykes demonstrates with genetic studies that the conquering Anglo-Saxons were a small group in England while the rest of the population remained Celtic.
  57. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, Pp.91, 147 & 153.
  58. Vom Ursprung der Deutschen by Hans Jürgen Marquardt, P.150
  59. Das Menschenbild bei den Indogermanen by Various Authors, P. 145
  60. These laws are seen among all Germanic groups which entered in contact with other races like for example under Lombard law (commissioned by king Rothari around 636-652) or Frankish law as commissioned by King Clovis.
  61. Grundriss des germanischen Rechts by Karl von Amira, P.140 & 148
  62. Grundriss des germanischen Rechts by Karl von Amira, P.150
  63. See note 53.
  64. Demokratie Das Problem (German Version), Alain de Benoist, P.19 & 24, ISBN:3-89180-011-8.
  65. Vom Ursprung der Deutschen by Hans Jürgen Marquardt, P.189
  66. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, P.58
  67. A good example of a writing system originating from numbers is the Sumerian script. The Maya script started too as a numerical system, although it never became a fully developed writing system, but rather an intermediary form between written language and mnemonic symbols.
  68. The discoverer of the Danube script and world expert of ancient languages Harald Haarmann made public this discovery.
  69. The Early Germans, Malcolm Todd, P.118
  70. Daily Life of the Vikings by Kirsten Wolf, P.47 & 49.
  71. The Secrets of the Viking Warriors Pt.2, Victims of Success by National Geographic, 2007
  72. The Secrets of the Viking Warriors Pt.1, Raiders by Design by National Geographic, 2007
  73. IBID
  74. The Tarim Mummies by J.P Mallory & Victor H. Mair
  75. The mysterious Mummies of China (Documentary Film) by Nova (1998).
  76. The Lever of Riches by Joel Mokyr, P.26
  77. The College of Optometrists – The Invention of Spectacles:
  78. New World Encyclopedia (
  79. How the West Won by Rodney Stark, Romanized Barbarians, 3th Paragraph.
  80. Wikipedia says the Scythe was in use in Rome around 500 BCE, without explicitly naming who invented it but it is most probable the Romans had only the (back-breaking) short-handed sickle. Here a several sources saying the Celts invent the Scythe:
  • The Scotish Gaël, Or, Celtic Manners: As Preserved Among the Highlanders by James Logan, P.310
  • Mountain Magic : Celtic Shamanism in the Austrian Alps by Christian Brunner, P.20
  1. How the West Won by Rodney Stark, The Agricultural Revolution, 2nd Paragraph.
  2. Growth Recurring: Economic Growth in World History by E. L. Jones 1988, P. 57 (quoted by Rodney Stark in How the West Won).
  3. Toward an Understanding of Europe. A Political Economic Précis of Continental Integration by Alan W. Ertl, P.38
  4. How the West Won by Rodney Stark, The Agricultural Revolution, 3rd paragraph.
  5. How the West Won by Rodney Stark, The Agricultural Revolution, 5th paragraph.
  6. Terry Jones’ Barbarians, Chapter 1, Third Section ‘Celtic Military Technology’.
  7. IBID
  8. Transport and Communication in Early Medieval Europe A.D. 500—1100 by Albert C. Leighton, 1972, P. 74-75
  9. Crusading Warfare 1097-1193 by R. C. Smail, 1995, P.81 (Quoted by Rodney Stark in How the West Won).
  10. Many sources name a finding dating as far back as 9,000 BCE but none of them has been able to trace back a primary source for that claim. Wikipedia (English Version) –
  11. Wikipedia (English version) –
  12. Here a few sites on the internet that use reliable sources:
  1. Here I’m using the date for the Nordic Bronze Age of around 2,000 BCE and it is hard to believe that in such a culture (with most of the distinctive characteristics of the later Germanics) people didn’t speak Proto-Germanic yet.
  2. Die Vorgeschichte des Deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, P.33
  3. Die Vorgeschichte des Deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, P.608
  4. Wikipedia (English Version) – Wheel, History:
  5. IBID, from 6th to 8th paragraph.
  6. Science Year by Year: The Ultimate Visual Guide to Discoveries that Changed The World by DK, Robert Winston, P.20
  7. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, P.608
  8. IBID, P. 640
  9. Vom Ursprung der Deutschen by Hans Jürgen Marquardt, P.45
  10. Here you can find the English translation of the Second Merseburg Incantation:
  11. Etymology of English Saloon: French salon, either augmentative of salle (“room”), or borrowed from Italian salone (“hall”), augmentative form of sala, salla (“room”); in both cases borrowed from a Germanic source such as Old High German sal (“house, hall”), from Proto-Germanic *salą, from Proto-Indo-European *sol-, derived from *sel- (“dwelling”).Etymology of Arabic صالة (Sala): From Spanish, from Germanic; compare Swedish sal. A large hall or reception room.Sources:
  1. Wikipedia (English Version) – Nebra Sky Disc:
  2. Ancient Wisdom – The Nebra Sky Disc:
  3. The Seed of Ygdrasill by Maria Kvilhaug, P.121
  4. Daily Life of the Vikings by Kirsten Wolf, P.60
  5. Paraphrased from Terry Jones Barbarians, ‘The Coligny Calender’.
  6. Die Felsbilder Europas by Herbert Kühn.
  7. These depictions come from the reign of Ramesess III’s, approximately 1190 B.C.
  8. Dark Age Naval Power by John Haywood
  9. Heilerinnen im Mittelalter: Das versolrene Wissen der Frauen by Annerose & Jörg-Rüdiger Sieck, P.55
  10. Many encyclopedias of medicinal plants describe the traditional uses of those plants in ancient times together with its properties as researched by modern science.
  11. Die ärztlichen Kenntnisse in Ilias und Odyssee by Otto Körner
  12. Daily Life of the Vikings by Kirsten Wolf, P.64
  13. Die Vorgeschichte des deutschen Volkes by Helmut Schröcke, P.458
  14. IBID, P.460
  15. The Seed of Ygdrasill by Maria Kvilhaug, P.589
  16. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 12: Western Music by Ralph Thomas Daniel, 1981, P. 705
  17. The Intellectual Life of Western Europe in the Middle Ages by Richard C Dales, P.6-7
  18. In his tragedy Faust second part, the king has no money but he gets help from the devil who starts creating money out of the blue, leading later to serous problems.
  19. ‘Goethe is without doubt one of the earliest, most profound and most clever criticists that Capitalism ever had. He predicted in an almost prophetic way the existential treat to culture, civilization and humanism to be found in an over-commercialized society. He feared the situation in which everything becomes quantifiable. That didn’t stop him from recognizing the enormous and productive potential or this new order, Goethe was not a retrograde refusenik, he had rather enough wide vision to imagine a modernity beyond Capitalism, as soon as this begun to stablish itself’[my own translation]. Source: Lehst mehr Goethe! By Sahra Wagenknecht:
  20. ‘He was an anti-Semite because he wanted to deny Jews the same rights which Christians had. The Jews should remain in his opinion second class people with restricted rights. He didn‘t change his mind in his old days. Goethe‘s ideal situation (as shown in „Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahren“) was a German world devoid of Jews’[my own translation]. Source: Wie antisemitisch war eigentlich Goethe?


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