The Jewish Leviathan

Let us ask ourselves what is required for a Lie to work, shall we? Let us look very carefully into the Nature of a Lie and what it makes so dangerous – both as a Tool and as a way of Living. But, we will also see how deeply this is going to be connected with the term “Absolute”, a term we have properly described in my previous articles. We will see what the end result of the Jewish attempt is and why this is symbolically being portrayed as this monster – sometimes Leviathan, sometimes a Hydra, some simply call it a spider’s web, in modern times it is an Artificial instrument – a monster that is reaching out over the entire planet and consuming it, essentially taking control over everything. Let us simply remind ourselves what Lie, that is to say lying, means :

An intentionally false statement. Tell a lie or lies. Get oneself into or out of a situation by lying. Untruth. Falsehood. Fiction. Deception. Fabrication.

The most important definition is the very first one – because – when I know the Truth, that is to say the difference between Good and Evil – and choose intentionally do to Evil, to give an intentionally false statementthen I am also intentionally Lying. Therefore Lying is performing Evil – because Evil comes only as an intent of doing Evil even though you know the Good. There is no reason for a sane mind to do Evil when it knows Good – it can only be intentional. Since the Jews lie about literally everything, we can easily conclude that they are the very definition of Evil.

This is why the Jesus fairy tale prepared our territory for their invasion – resist not Evil.

Anyone who performs Evil deliberately becomes your Enemy. You cannot walk, talk, think, sleep or even breathe around such a person – and we very well can see that having Jews live among us is killing us as well. Therefore, the Jews are our Enemy because they are Evil.

This is why the Jesus fairy tale prepared our territory for their invasion – love thy Enemy.

Now, let us attempt to understand the chain reaction a single Lie creates. Let us say that my Lie will be told to person A and involves a false statement about person B. Notice, how my single lie is already a triple lie – I am lying not only directly to person A, I am lying about person B indirectly – but I am also lying myself directly.

I am my own victim of the Lie as well. Therefore, the bigger the lie gets I will become more insane and haunted by it. I am the source of my Lie and every person and event attached to that Lie creates a bigger and bigger burden inside of me – the Lie set me momentarily “free” – but it comes with a huge price afterwards.

My first and biggest concern now is to prevent person A from ever reaching person B and telling that person my false statement. If person B hears of my Lie, he could be able to explain to person A that I am a stinking rat – which will create two people who are against me. If A never reaches B, I might as well have an ally in person A. If person A does not believe what person B is trying to explain, my only worry will be dealing with person B directly – person A might still be my ally.

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In the 1st casewhere we prevent any discussion among A and B – I enable the stop of my burden. Person A might eventually forget the Lie or its importance and I have to worry only about myself – the source of the Lie – to not fuck up somewhere, somehow around person B. Therefore, as long as I can keep A away from B – I am fine and free. I can make sure that A keeps away from B by creating problems that will inflict both them, individually, separately. In the metaphysical and hermetic sense – as long as I keep the Masculine and Feminine away from each other – they will never figure me out.

In the 2nd casewhere A and B ally against me – I am pretty much in a shitty mess. I can attempt to create new Lies in hopes that they have weak willpower, which will allow me to penetrate their minds and cause new Chaos and Confusion – as long as their Feminine principle is weak, I can influence it. If that is not the case, I will have to involve new people into the game – C, D, E, F – however many it takes. These people will now have to attempt by Force and Will to persuade person A that person B is lying and that it can’t be possible that all these new people are on my side, with only B being against me! Surely, the majority must be right in such a situation. I can also simply use these new people as a shield – make them become a burden and problem of A and B and eventually consume them entirely – so that once they are gone, read dead, I am free of the chains of my lie.

In the 3rd casewhere B does not manage to make A understand that I am lying – I have a potential ally in person A. This means that I can use A to destroy B – my initial Lie basically becomes a Divide and Conquer strategy – and at the very moment that B is eliminated I am free of my burden.

We can see therefore that a Lie can only neutralize itself if it becomes Absolute.

Remember – Absolute Freedom is Chaos – in that very same way – an Absolute Lie becomes the Truth, a fake truth. Philosophically, you may ask yourself now – is the Absolute Truth a Lie? No, because Absolute means detached and not related or dependent on anything, whereas as we have seen a Lie is attached, related and dependent on many factors. This is why the Jews have said – we will kill God – where God is simply Truth. They will create a world of Absolute Lies that will be regarded as Truth – the very opposite of it. But, no one will know or notice – people will be indoctrinated into it.

This is why the Jesus fairy tale prepared our territory for their invasion – I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.

As we have seen, the Jewish God is not Truth, but the Lie, therefore their Kingdom of Lies must be indoctrinated into people since birth in order for them to enter it entirely. You can understand now why all of us non-Christian people resist the religion without any problem. Others have to break this indoctrination, which can take years if not decades.

Truth begins in the definition of the Self, is found in the Laws of Nature and the Universe and finally bounces back to the Self to complete Us. The Jew is doing the exact opposite of everything – he denies Nature, he denies the Universe, he denies us our own Identity.

This is why the Jesus fairy tale prepared our territory for their invasion – There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus

There are no Races, Genetics, DNA – there is no Hierarchy in anything – there are no genders – it is all just and only one in the Absolute (remember, we associated the messages of Jesus with the very idea of Absolute Freedom). Such a Jewish statement has lead the world to believe in the “all out of Africa lie” and even the “there is only the Human race” idiocy. Such a Jewish statement has lead to Equality, Liberty, Fraternity and to Transgenderism.

The main objective was to entirely annihilate, destroy and extinguish the faith, knowledge and wisdom of the White racewhat the Jew has afterwards labelled as “Paganism”. It was our European understanding of the Truth and we kept its Wisdom and Knowledge alive – generation after generation – with our own Blood and People. The White Race is not only the definition of Excellency, it is also the definition of Truth. We seek it in everything. We cannot let go of this inner, spiritual, almost divine drive for it.

Think about all the hours you have invested into researching the Jewish question, the NWO, the Masons, the Illuminati, the Vatican, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, the Vaccinations, Chemtrails – everything – think about how much tenacity, courage and will you had to have to go through all of this.

Think of how many books you have read, pictures analyzed, videos watched – think of how much of your life you have sacrificed in the search for the Truth. This is your European spirit. You found it here, where others found it in the development of the Car, the Airplane, the Train, the Computer, the Internet, Electricity – this is who you are – this is why Odin hung from a tree, why he pierced himself in loneliness, and finally sacrificed part of himself to attain the Truth. This is why his Ravens represent thought and mind/memory. This is who you are.

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Understand also now how many Lies the Jew has created in order to confuse us and divide us. Understand the burden they carry and how insane they have become. However, also understand that the more Lies they successfully plant – the more powerful their First Lie becomes. But, don’t pity them – they are set out to destroy the World – their Lie is not just a lie, it is a battle against the very essence of Truth itself. Remember the three examples I gave you and apply them to our situation. They are splitting the Males and Females of our Race in order for us to not be able to seek the Truth. They split our very minds the same exact way. They divide us in left and right wings in basically everything that exist in society – just and only to not get to the Truth. They bring in C,D,E,F immigrants to cause chaos and havoc among us – just and only to keep their Lie alive.

And their Lie is the Absolute Lie. Their Lie is against the entire Earth, the Planet itself – Nature and the Universe. And that Absolute Lie can only become the Truth once the White Race is dead, gone and extinct – then and only then – can their Absolute Lie become the Absolute Truth. Then and only then will their vicious lie come to an end and make them free again, while the rest of the world will be living in the Matrix the Jew has designed.

It is interesting to note that the term Leviathan can be split into Levi, which is a well known Jewish name meaning “joined, attached”, while Athan is a Greek term meaning “immortality”. Their Lie, their Leviathan, once complete – will make them immortal. It shouldn’t surprise us therefore that according to the Kabbalah, the Messiah will be the Leviathan who will rise and conquer the Gentiles and exalt the Jews as God’s Chosen. The Chosen to Lie, a Holy Race of serpent liars. Adolf Hitler said :

Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies”.

Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.

Hitler gave us a very good hint here by saying that their very existence as a religious community is a Lie – if their religion is a Lie, which is based on the Bible they have written, stolen and compiled – then everything else based upon it is also a Lie – this includes Christianity and Islam – and everything else they have managed to poison with the very ideas they have created through their invention.

We are running out of Time, my fellow warriors of Truth. Truth must be spread everywhere, it must reach every ear and every eye. Every soul must realize not only the Jewish Lie, but also all the Lies they have been indoctrinated with to live by. The Jew must not win this War of information. This is why we must point out and immediately eliminate all the fake agents who say we should not name the Jew – who wish us to ignore them and not fight them – they are serving only to empower the Jewish Lie – either by pointing to more Lies or simply by buying Time for them.

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