The War On White Americans Takes Many Forms

The Weaponization Of Slurs And Rebuttals

It has only been fairly recently that white Americans have begun to notice the stunning level of name-calling in the media, college texts, entertainment, and politics. One newspaper on the West Coast over the past two decades expressed these names and labels for us in captions, headlines, quotes, and unattributed comments:

Color (Alabastrine People, White Boy, White Trash)
Foreign (Gringo, Haole, Round Eyes)
Non-Hispanic white (with no similar prefix for others)
Plants (potato heads, lily-white, white rice)
Seasonal (Snowman, Snow Flake)
Religious (Goyim, Gentile, Shiksa, Righteous Gentiles, Infidel)
Regional (Redneck, Cracker)
Political (Typical White Person, Acting White, White Privilege, White Flight)
Sitcom (Archie Bunker, Beavis ‘n’ Butt-head)

And that’s just a sample.

Why Name-Calling Matters In This War

It is like any other kind of propaganda. Repeated over and over, it becomes a kind of reality that masks some very important elements that hinder our re-tribalizing.

This kind of name-calling was never over the past two decades applied to other demographic groups. Combating this flood of sludge back in the late Eighties was very difficult because most of the white community thought to fight back would lower our status… seriously. Better, like the Queen of England, to simply shrug it off.

But there are three fundamental things to notice about this ratchet stuff.

No Diversity For Us

Each of the slurs listed above, and the others, consistently seek to crowd white Americans into one category.  That is, in a land and media convulsing around the word “diversity,” they proudly make up and use names and labels for us that seek to utterly squash our internal diversity. Renegade posted an essay about this on 9/7/15, so if readers missed it, the title is People of Color = European People. A remarkable assemblage of pictures and remarks by Lana Lokteff memorializing our stunning ethnic, national, and regional origins as defining features of our descent from indigeneous Europeans.

No Nationality For Us

The second thing is that all names and labels imposed on us strip us of our nationality (“American”), which is usually not stripped altogether from any other demographic’s accepted name and label.  We even hear “gay American” from politicians as they resign from office, but never “white American.”

No Right To Name Ourselves

The third thing is that imposing these names and labels is a rather high-handed way to seek to strip us of our right to name ourselves. Can you say oppressed? Claiming the right to name oneself back in the Sixties was regarded as the first step to fight oppression. And naming ourselves (and fighting about it) is a good sign that re-tribalizing is on its way.

Weaponizing These Things In Drive-Bys Pays Off

Each of these three things can be weaponized in “drive-by attacks” in the classroom or anywhere else they arise. It is the beauty of a drive-by attack that readers can take instant control of the discourse by immediately attacking back at the speaker or writer who does these things. All I want to recommend is that you not answer back on the same level by name-calling. Practice your quick rebuttal around these easy topics and shout them back… the speaker or writer is a liar, a supremacist, or a bigot for claiming the right to name us. Or make it a question. Or put it in the teacher evaluation form.

I recommend staying away from using “racist” because for some reason our making that claim adds a new level of issue and breaks your rebuttal off into a weird discussion about the meaning of “racism.” Best to skip it.

Here comes the good part for readers who scoff at drive-by rebuttals partly because they think we have to explain any given slur by reference to the Urban Dictionary or some other source. Not at all. Anyone telling us our name or label is making a supremacy claim.

And for the hard-core researchers who think a wonderful piece of research is the best thing since sliced bread, I urge you to apply your research and writing skills by deconstructing any sociology or historical book at all written in the last decade and you can attack the writer for his attack on us for the three sins listed above. They have been very careless. They taught us to deconstruct manuscripts, and now you know an easy and fast way to do that with anything at all relevant, and you can send an email copy to all 500 of your best friends.

We do need to end the ghetto we are living in. Go public with a reasonable attack on an attacker. This is how they got rid of a lot of fine library and text books in the Seventies and Eighties, by making up criteria and expressing horror about not finding their demands in any given old book.

Warning: Let’s stay away from calling names back. Let’s not build off-putting material into our strategy. Always write or speak for and to the newbie. Always attack the writer or speaker, not his demographic (have to wait on that one). Sometimes the attack can be in the form of a question, that’s good too.

And the question for every day is, “Will this be good for white Americans?”

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