Toxic book trashes Trump presidency — but is the author telling the truth?

By Vanessa Allen
The Daily Mail

The President says it’s all lies, but the author insists
he has 200 taped interviews with aides.


January 5, 2018.  Donald Trump’s des­per­ate at­tempt to ban a bomb­shell book about his presidency looked to have failed last night as its pub­lish­ers brought the on-sale date for­ward to to­day.

The US Pres­i­dent had or­dered his lawyers to stop the pub­li­ca­tion of dam­ag­ing claims against him and his fam­ily, including sug­ges­tions that his White House in­ner cir­cle be­lieved he was in­ca­pable of func­tion­ing as com­man­der-in-chief.

The lac­er­at­ing claims ap­pear in a book by Michael Wolff, who said he had hours of taped con­ver­sa­tions with some of Mr Trump’s clos­est aides, in­clud­ing for­mer chief strate­gist Steve Ban­non.

Fire and Fury: In­side the Trump White House por­trays Mr Trump as a re­luc­tant Pres­i­dent sur­rounded by a po­lit­i­cally ambitious fam­ily and an ad­min­is­tra­tion di­vided by in-fight­ing.

A spokesman for Henry Holt & Co, the book’s pub­lish­ers, said last night: ‘Due to un­prece­dented de­mand, we are mov­ing the on­sale date for all for­mats of Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff, to Fri­day, Jan­uary 5… from the cur­rent on-sale date of January 9.’

The book quotes Mr Ban­non as say­ing Don­ald Trump Jnr’s meet­ing with a group of Rus­sians was ‘trea­sonous’, son-in-law Jared Kush­ner was in­volved in ‘greasy’ finance deals,  daugh­ter Ivanka was as ‘dumb as a brick’ and wife Melania ‘was in tears’ – and not of joy’ when he won the elec­tion.

Per­haps most dam­ag­ingly, Mr Wolff said his ac­cess to the West Wing had convinced him that ad­min­is­tra­tion of­fi­cials did not be­lieve Mr Trump, 71, was capable of ful­fill­ing his role as Pres­i­dent. He said he had failed to recog­nise a se­ries of friends at New Year, could not stop re­peat­ing anec­dotes and be­haved er­rat­i­cally, in­clud­ing eat­ing in his locked bed­room be­cause he was gripped by para­noia his food could be poi­soned.

LD:  Apparently paranoid about being poisoned by his chefs, the President has been accused of locking himself in his bedroom and eating cheeseburgers from McDonalds while watching TV on three screens. He and his wife Melania sleep in separate bedrooms. His enemies are also suggesting that he is suffering is from incipient dementia. He cannot remember the names and faces of his friends, it is being said, and keeps repeating the same stories again and again. How much of this is true is anyone’s guess.

Mr Trump’s lawyer Charles Harder yes­ter­day served ‘cease and de­sist’ let­ters on Mr Wolff and his pub­lish­ers. An 11-page le­gal let­ter said Mr Trump’s lawyers were investigating ‘nu­mer­ous false and/or base­less state­ments’ in the book, and threatened le­gal ac­tion for li­bel and breach of con­tract, as Mr Ban­non had signed a con­fi­den­tial­ity agree­ment.

An­other le­gal let­ter was sent to Mr Ban­non, who was chief ex­ec­u­tive of the Trump pres­i­den­tial cam­paign from Au­gust 2016 and was the White House chief strate­gist for the first seven months of the pres­i­dency, un­til he was forced out. The White House also an­nounced an im­me­di­ate ban on per­sonal mo­bile phones for staff and visi­tors to the West Wing in an ap­par­ent crack­down on leaks.

Mr Wolff said his book was based on 200 in­ter­views, in­clud­ing sev­eral conversations with the Pres­i­dent and se­nior staff, and that he had hours of tapes of his in­ter­views. Sev­eral aides quoted in the book ei­ther de­nied they had spo­ken to Mr Wolff, or said they had been mis­quoted.

White House Press sec­re­tary Sarah Huck­abee San­ders said Mr Trump was ‘furious’ and ‘dis­gusted’ by the ‘outrageous’ and com­pletely false claims. She said Mr Wolff had had only ‘one brief con­ver­sa­tion’ with Mr Trump since he took of­fice and much of the book was ‘com­pletely un­true’.

A spokesman for the First Lady said: ‘This book is clearly go­ing to be sold in the bar­gain fic­tion sec­tion. Mrs Trump supported her hus­band’s de­ci­sion to run for Pres­i­dent and in fact, en­cour­aged him to do so. She was con­fi­dent he would win and was very happy when he did.’

Mr Trump said just three months ago that he had ‘a very good re­la­tion­ship’ with Mr Ban­non. And de­spite his ap­par­ently sav­age com­ments about the Trump in­ner cir­cle, Mr Ban­non in­sisted he sup­ported the Pres­i­dent, call­ing him ‘a great man’. Mr Bannon was reported to have told as­so­ciates he be­lieved Mr Trump had been ill-served by some of his clos­est al­lies, including Don­ald Jnr and Mr Kush­ner. He said: ‘The Pres­i­dent of the United States is a great man… you know I sup­port him, day in and day out.’

Mr Trump re­peated Mr Ban­non’s com­ments to jour­nal­ists last night, say­ing: ‘He obviously changed his tune pretty quick.’ He added: ‘I don’t talk to him.’

Katie Walsh, the Pres­i­dent’s for­mer deputy chief of staff, who is quoted extensively in the book, said she did not re­mem­ber ever talk­ing to Mr Wolff, and denied she had said deal­ing with Mr Trump was ‘like try­ing to fig­ure out what a child wants’. Tom Bar­rack, chair­man of Mr Trump’s in­au­gu­ra­tion, de­nied he had called him ‘stupid’ and said: ‘It’s clear to any­one who knows me those are not my words.’

The row sur­round­ing the book has seen it top the best-seller list on Ama­zon, based on pre-or­der sales. Lawyers said freedom of speech laws meant the President was un­likely to suc­ceed in block­ing its pub­li­ca­tion.


LD: I advise readers of this article to be highly skeptical of the claims made in this controversial book about Donald Trump. The little we know about the author of the book, Michael Wolff (pictured), does nor inspire confidence.

He has been noted for “his willingness to say absolutely anything about anybody” and has been repeatedly accused of inventing scenes and conversations in his books and articles. On one occasion, he even went so far as to admit  he could be “unreliable” and confessed to making up a story about his father-in-law having had open heart surgery. The First Lady’s caustic comment — “This book is clearly go­ing to be sold in the bargain fic­tion sec­tion” — has the ring of truth about it.

My own view is that this hatchet job on Donald Trump is more than likely to contain many half-truths, exaggerations, and fictitious conversations — if not some outright lies. I have just this very minute heard from a trusted correspondent of mine who writes: “I saw Kelly Ann Conway several times during election day and night, so I can attest that this Michael Wolff character is a big liar.”

What we have here in this new development, I suspect, is a desperate attempt to push the Trump presidency over the precipice by resorting to a ragbag of the dirtiest of dirty tricks imaginable. It is the character assassination of Donald Trump, pure and simple, with no punches pulled. If it doesn’t succeed in bringing Trump down, his physical assassination could well follow any time soon.

To quote a recent comment of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, “This is a war between the Jews and the non-Jews.”  [LD]

To be continued in a follow-up article 

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