When the Indoctrination Crumbles

I have a daily routine of lurking around, trying to gather information and gain insight of my enemies. In the last article I told you that I do such a thing on twitter, but I do the same on other social media, such as Facebook. There is one particular group that I like to follow around and see them for what they really are, instead of going always back into their occult ways. One can easily get lost attempting to “understand” them by looking at their supposed secrets – therefore it is much easier to simply read what they represent themselves as on their media outlets.

I still believe that, as with everything Jewish, the Jew has stolen the ancient mystery schools and assimilated them into his own agenda. Anyone with basic historical knowledge will see European and Ancient Egyptian symbolism behind Masonry – hell, the most important characters of everything they are based upon are basically Greek European people. But, as the Jew infiltrated the system, he rewrote their history and somehow convinced them that everything their Order was based upon began with Jews. Being anti-Jewish of course is something that is punishable within the order as well. Sounds a lot like Jews bringing “liberty, fraternity and equality” to Germany in WW2 and then rewriting not only their history – but also the whole concept of their Nationsetting up laws by which it is punishable to question the Jewish authority.

It is the same shit with Jews – throughout history. Only the stupid and ignorant will continue to deny this Truth.

Be that as it may, I lurk their Facebook page and laugh at their own Chaos. There was once a whole debate on their page about Faggotry – one group being against it, others welcoming it – a whole Lodge was supposedly under attack from various Masonic branches because the leader of it banned faggots within the Lodge. How intolerant!, some claimed. That doesn’t follow the Masonic spirit!, others shouted. Yet, all believe in a Grand creator of the Universe – somehow, it would seem – this Grand creator created a Man and filled him up with a Woman. Seems like mistakes happen in a perfect Universe of Mathematics.

The most recent fiasco among those people happened yesterday – and their conversation was pretty much what motivated me into writing up this article. We’ll go a little bit beyond the basic analysis of what they were talking about – you know me by now, I tend to go deeper into things and extrapolate our Minds as much as possible – in hopes of re-awakening the Intelligence of our People and the Hunger for it. We’ll go through some screenshots :


Oh, don’t worry – Freemasonry probably isn’t behind the massive immigration into White Nations – how could they possibly be? Surely, they would attempt to preserve White Nations for White people. Yeah, right. This massive immigration and everything associated with it, is kind of a shock for many Masons. Having to “tolerate” a faith which basically says – kill everyone else – sure involves a lot of brainwashing. But, this isn’t the only instance of Masons praising holidays – they do this for every Jewish holiday as well. Lodges are, after all, very Kosher. However, we’ll now see what one Mason does once he is bitch-slapped by Truth :


That’s what happens when a sudden Shock stops your Indoctrination. Absolute disbeliefsomething Christians are now experiencing as well, when it comes to their own Faith. It is basically the exact same thing. Masons who do not understand the final goal behind their “fraternity” are going to get shocked – more and more – by the events occurring in the World, realizing they never really understood what the actual fuck this Jewish institution is supposed to accomplish. And how could they? Masonry basically boils down to – hey, you wanna join our lodge? – what’s it about? – I can’t tell you. Sign me up, alright!

In these modern times they are attempting to sell and advertise themselves in various ways – just and only – to lure in more people. It was a trick performed between the Church and them as well – whoever had the Brains didn’t fall for Christianity the way it was sold by the Church – but, they lured these guys into Masonry offering them either a different approach to Christianity – or an entirely different approach to the occult behind the Bible. Divide and Conquer. Works every time.

What is this Mason going to do now? Will he entirely break out of his Indoctrination or get lured by other paths of it? Does he have the Willpower to actually Free himself now? I highly doubt it. Will he leave Masonry only to return to Christianity? Will he get indoctrinated into another branch of Christianity? Will he become Catholic again? And what awaits him there? The Pope who is literally spreading Islam into White Nations? More and more White people will wake up – and must wake up – to the Jewish indoctrination systems. Otherwise, we are lost. This guy literally came to the realization that he cannot love his enemy, an enemy who wishes to kill him – and therefore he must awake to the Truth – that he cannot follow the words of Jesus either. And if he cannot do that – then he cannot follow the Bible. The Bible which sits in every Masonic Lodge, every Church, every institution that is attempting to destroy us. We continue :


It is not all the Muslims, Goyim. It isn’t all the Jews, Goyim. For people who are supposedly very intelligent – they seem to not have a grasp on what it means to entirely follow an ideology that is based on commands given by a prophet or supposed God. If it says …

“And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)”

“Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”

“I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

“And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah”

…then it means exactly that. Imagine that there was a Law in Germany that sentenced anyone daring to question the Holocaust to Death. These idiots would then say – not all the Judges want to kill you. This is pretty much the reality of our world today – people do not understand what Statements and Laws are – or at least they pretend not to – but, they have an opinion about everything. For people who follow Geometry and Mathematics, Masons sure seem to be quite stupid. We could quote many more verses from the Kuran, but I don’t think we need more.

When one finally realizes that the Jews are Liars and that they brainwash and indoctrinate this planet – one will also realize that they Indoctrinated Europeans through Christianity to “resist not Evil”, while they Indoctrinated the Middle East with Islam to simply go and kill everyone. This can’t be that difficult to comprehend. This is why I keep saying that the only solution for these Religious indoctrinations is to entirely destroy the Biblical narrative and everything associated with it. Because otherwise we will face a much bigger problem.

Jews will unite all religions under One ideology and proclaim themselves as the Real chosenites. All the low IQ races of this planet will fall for this trick – whether they will create an artificial Messiah with technological powers – or simply a Hologram – doesn’t matter. They will fall for it. You can also realize the simple “divide and conquer” in the creation of Judaism-Christianity-Islam. Another important point is that through Masonry, Jews are attempting to “unite all religions” – practically overriding them with their own points and translations. One such override system are the Noahide laws. And it doesn’t sound that bad to attempt to unite the planet and all its races under one healthy ideology – but, what is currently happening and being performed is not the right approach – neither is it leading towards such a thing.

It is merely a current cover up for something far more sinister.

A reasonable person would laugh at the altar image the Masons presented, because the Mormon book sits there. If I remember correctly, a Mason created that religion and had also an association with Scientology. Since they regard it equally holy as any other volume – such as the Bible – it should show you what the masterminds behind religions actually think of them. All you need to do – as they say – is to believe in some kind of superpower. Not realize that there is evidence and potential for such an element to be found and discovered within Nature and its Laws – no – you must believe in it.

This lowers your willpower entirely and prepares you for their Messianic bullshit. The same way the United Nations have an entire branch within their organization which is awaiting the return of the Messiah – praising all the Abrahamic prophets. So, how does a Christian Nationalist think he is any different from all these people? He isn’t. He merely hasn’t grasped the entire context and concept of the Abrahamic faiths.

The final step of Abrahamic religions will be the destruction of all other religions – and the establishment of one single religion that will put the Jews as the ruling priests upon this planet. There must not exist any other group consciousness upon this planet – of any kind – under which people could unite or above which a leader of the people could emerge. As a matter of fact there must not even exist a Spiritual connection between a people, other than the Jewish one.

As long as a people lives, its gods are immortal. – Alfred Rosenberg

With that statement in mind, we get to understand why there must be no races – especially the White Race, as the definition of Freedom and Creativity – terms which I have already defined as challenging Authority, in this case Jewish Authority. There must be no races, no religions, no tribal gods, no family, no nation, no ethnicity, no groups – nothing. There won’t even be emotion allowed, because emotion could lead to love of something and develop an artificial group. This is why the Jewish Jedis (the supposed good guys) say – there is no emotion, there is peace. What the Masons don’t realize is that they are merely a stepping stone towards this Jewish World Order. They think they are doing something “nice”, yet do not comprehend the end result of it all. We continue :


Yes, Goyim – remember that the supposed Jews are the foundation of Masonry. Remember that they were real people who lived 3000 years before Christ. Remember that Solomon had 700 wives. Civilization, Goyim, also started with Jews – everyone else was sitting in caves. What a bunch of horseshit.

Then again – certain Masons identify these 3 characters with pillar architecture, which would imply that they are entirely symbolic in nature and have nothing to do with real life people. But, why associate them with Jews, if they represent non-Jewish architecture? For people who are following Logic – they lack a lot of it. And here is also why :

If they believe that they are supposed to spread a global brotherhood of people – which in general no one has anything against – then why do they do it in such a way that they are entirely destroying the White Race in the process of it? The White Race was leading this supposed fraternity throughout history and is now supposed to self-sacrifice itself in the attempt of “uplifting” the other Races on an “equal level” so that humanity can then “square” itself upon it. This is their own bullshit talk, mind you. They are like kids in Jewish schools nowadays who are being indoctrinated into believing that wherever Whites showed up they came with thousands of tanks and just killed everyone. They want you to believe that you are something which you – yourself – know you are not.

Imagine coming to Africa and trying to communicate with the tribes of stone age. They would attack you – throw spears at you – stones – bows and arrows. You would have to shoot back and stop their aggression in order to finally sit them down and attempt to talk with them. And then again – who was the only capable party of performing the translations and communications? The Africans who had a vocabulary of less than 200 words, or the Whites who have Dictionaries larger than the Bible? We translated languages and opened the ways and doors to possible alliances – but – it was mostly only possible after destroying their resistance. Now that we have “uplifted” these Races – they want us dead – and our own people have turned their backs against us as well. Those gullible motherfuckers.

Have they ever read anything about the rituals of Aboriginals, where they not only fuck their own children but also eat them in some cases? Have they ever read how Africans had no fire or wheel up to the late 1800’s? Do they know that Cannibalism still exists in West Africa? Do they know that we stopped South Africans from killing their own people in murder rituals? Do they know that we stopped an Indian cult that was killing people in the name of a Goddess? Do they realize that Indians and Africans today still lick the asses of Cows? Do they realize that it is regarded as holy to sprinkle the piss of a Cow on your face in India? Do they know how the Native Indians of America hunted animals? Do they know about the Jewish blood libel rituals? Do they know about the Jewish chicken rituals? Do they know what kosher and halal means and how much the animal suffers from it?

Don’t you realize that most of this world was utter shit before we explored it?

And here we are nowfalling on our knees and bowing down to all these people – who can’t wait to kill us and return to their own ways. Our only mistake as a Race was to attempt and equalize ourselves with the other Races of this planet – this is basically, if anything, a Sin against both Nature and God – call it whatever you want. And this is something the Masons are also doing against the “will of the maker” – because, if he designed different Races with different capabilitiesthen it was also done so for, and with, a Reason.


Now, now, you can’t be anti-semitic, Goyim. We can’t have a New World Order if you don’t suck up to the Jews. After all – Jews supposedly created everything and are the foundation of our Existence. They wuz kangz – just like the Blacks also were kangz. Why, didn’t you know that Shakespeare was a Black man? That Caesar himself was a Black Somalian? If you don’t accept such a history we’ll have to send you to our rehabilitation centers, Goyim. You will learn there what true Multi-culturalism and Diversity is – simply everything non-European, non-White. Here we have another image :


One would think that every Mason was a National Socialist by heart – observing Natural Laws and their Sacred geometry and understanding of how things work on this fucking planet. But, no. They are quite the opposite of it. One would think that uplifting others in their Nations would bring them to your level – something the Japanese have experienced – and the Japanese see no Reason now to import 10 million stone age Africans to Japan – now do they? There is one simple reason for all of this – Masons, as Jewish Shabbos Goy furthering White Genocide and the JWO – must not allow individual Nations to exist and uplift themselves – because, if they were to become mentally as we Europeans were – they would also be against the Jewish World Order.

If you teach your child something – you don’t turn yourself into a child. But, this is what the world is doing right now – the White Europeans are destroying themselves in order to teach the others something. And they think that’s just fine and dandy. In order for understanding and reasoning between two people to exist, you must first either teach the other person those things – or wait for himto get it on his own. You don’t do it by inviting Tarzan into your house and having him destroy it.

But, in general – Masons – as scientific people, seem to ignore genetics and race as well – they simply “believe” that we can all become one no matter what the costs. And that is exactly what they, and the Jews, are doing – they will forcibly mix this planet into one Race, rather than admit that their assumptions might have been wrong and that certain Natural boundaries cannot be broken. I won’t add here now the Denver murals because it would be too much – but I’ll make sure to analyze their idea of the “future” within another article.

Finally, consider the following. The Jews need one last disaster and war on this planet, which will wipe out entire populations. But this war needs to be performed covertly and without too much destruction. And there is a good reason for it. They will wipe out the planet, but have us Europeans build self-sustainable infrastructure before we are killed. Once we are all dead and gone, and only the latest race-mixed children remain – the Jews will prepare the New World for them. These children will grow up believing that the world, as it will be presented to them by the Jews, had always been that way. That the Jews were always the leading priests upon it – that there exist only two races on the planet – they, the brown hybrids, and the Jews. That Jews are God’s chosenites while they are their obedient servants of God.

They will make sure that nothing exists that could make these hybrids believe otherwise. They will make sure that there won’t be another Serpent who will give Knowledge to these people of the Future and point to them – that there is Evil in the Jews which they haven’t yet recognized. This is where we are heading towards. A world of hybrid individuals with the Jews as their ever-lasting guides, excuse me – Masters.


Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/when-the-indoctrination-crumbles/

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