Why is Western Society Toxic?


November 16, 2017

RS_phillyThumb2_x_20171115_ckweinstein.jpg(What motivates Jews like Louis CK and Harvey Weinstein? Read on.)

“Secularism” is a mask for Satanism. 

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

If you take your cues from society, (education, mass media) you will become dysfunctional or insane. This is how a satanic cult controls and exploits its members — by making them sick (while convincing them their sickness is normal.)

kissinger666 (2).jpg

silverman1.jpg(left, comedienne Sarah Silverman on the pot. Degrading people by defining people as bodies without souls.)  


The Illuminati have been waging war on humanity for hundreds of years but because they control perception, the goyim don’t know what has hit them.

The following examples are evidence of this war today:

1. The exaggerated place of romance and the sexual objectification of woman. Essentially, romantic love is a surrogate religion. The loved one has replaced God as the object of our love. Almost all music is devoted to extolling her imaginary qualities, adoration mostly motivated by sexual attraction and need. Society has an animal fetish for young fertile females. The vagina is the Holy Grail. Orgasm the Holy Sacrament. The result is a mass psychosis, co-dependence, and male impotence. 

s-USMC-KISS-large300.jpg(left, The liberal media does a happy dance every time two marines kiss.)

4. Gender-bending – the relentless media promotion of masculinity for females & femininity for males is Occult.   “Gay rights” is a disguise for a vicious attack on heterosexual identity and values, based on marriage and family. The aim is to replace heterosexual norms with homosexual norms. This has already happened. Look at what has happened to “dating.” Courtship has been partly replaced by “hooking up.”  Charities openly discriminate against boys and promote female empowerment in order to destabilize traditional cultures. Homosexuals deny their own sickness by making it normal. i.e. making everyone sick. 

5. Incessant wars have no purpose other than to increase the wealth and power of the Illuminati and undermine nation states. All wars are contrived by the Illuminati to kill off natural leaders and demoralize, degrade and destroy humanity. Ironically, they are used as an excuse for why we need Illuminati “world government.”

6. Naturalism. Erasing the line between spirit and matter by pretending man’s Divine spirit doesn’t exist. Characterizing people strictly in terms of physical lusts and needs with a reductive focus on carnal desire and bodily functions.  

7. The dumbing down of the public through sports, entertainment and a defective education system. The espousal of collectivist over individualistic values. Modern art, including painting, film and music, border on fraud.


My whole website is devoted to this topic. The point is  —  mankind is satanically possessed by Cabalists.  

policehq.jpeg(left, hiding in plain view. A Masonic sculpture in front of Toronto Police HQ, on College Ave. shows a woman cop working on a pyramid.) 


Cabalists believe they must destroy society and create chaos in order for them to achieve hegemony i.e. the “return of the Messiah.” 

Source Article from https://www.henrymakow.com/ten_signs_we_are_satanically_p.html

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