A Hazardous Week Ahead for Vindex (Trump) ~enhanced 2~

The week from this July 4th weekend through the G20 Summit next weekend offers an opportunity for the globalists to accelerate towards the Vindex Falls scenario I outlined in Updates 5 and 7. What starts this coming week could provide the final pretext for Trump’s removal from the Presidency using the 25th Amendment. I’ll go into more detail when I attempt to return to blogging this Monday. If I make it back, I’ll also finish my thought on what’s in store for the UK political situation.

~ enhancement 1 ~

Since it wouldn’t hurt to practice ABB before Monday, let’s take note of the headline Drudge posted going into this July 4th weekend…

…from the Drudge Report

The headline link leads to an article which talks about a Democrat effort to remove Trump from office due to mental incapacity…

…from DailyMail.com

Take note of the two points underlined in red.

So Pence would have to side with the plotters to fulfill the coup, eh? Well lo and behold…

…from the Drudge Report

And Trump’s cabinet could start the coup, eh? Well wouldn’t you know it…

…from Zero Hedge

Are you beginning to see how all the preparatory propaganda parts fit together?

~ enhancement 2 – 2 July 2017 ~

As we head into this week, expect to see a series of “mistakes” and “embarrassments” by Trump starting with his “mishandling” of the contrived crisis in Qatar and continuing through a “disastrous” G20 Summit in Germany. According to the globalist script, this will get the Democrats and Republicans nodding at each other over “what needs to be done.”

And as we observe all this unfold, let’s remember that there are three narratives running simultaneously: 1) the globalists’ mainstream narrative (intended for the sleepers), 2) the globalists’ controlled-opposition alt-media narrative (intended for the awakening public), and 3) the true narrative (which this blog aims to expose).

According to the mainstream narrative, Trump will be replaced due to incompetence and hatred. The Democrats will do it because they hate Trump and want to stop him from undoing Obama’s legacy. The Republicans will do it because they want to rid themselves of an “embarrassment” and get a President they’d much prefer (Pence). And Pence will go along because he’ll get to be the President.

According to the controlled-opposition alt-media narrative, Trump will be replaced because the “Neocon-Neolib Deep State” wants him gone, and the “Progressive Deep State” doesn’t see him as a sufficiently steady partner. “Trump tried to work with the Establishment and strike a ‘fair deal’ for the American people, but the Establishment wasn’t having it,” the alt-media propagandists will say, “so they put in Pence so they could go to war with the ‘last holdout’ from Western-style globalism, Putin.”

And according to the true narrative, Trump will be replaced because that’s what the globalists’ Vindex script calls for: Vindex strives and fails. The Empire takes the world to the brink of total destruction. The last holdout (Putin) saves the day. And Galba (Rand Paul) leads America to “freedom,” singing the praises of the fallen Vindex.

~ a personal note ~

The globalists aren’t the only ones who are trying to raise a phoenix from the ashes; I started my own Operation Phoenix back on June 15. When my grandmother started howling every time I moved her, I pretty much collapsed inside. I looked at my current life and the many dreadful decades to come and I hit rock-bottom.

As often happens in such a case, I fell into distracting behaviors such as excessive daily wine consumption, indulgence in “impure thoughts,” and spending every spare moment vegging out in front of a video screen watching something, anything, to check out of my reality. But then, inspiration hit. I got the idea to do something that I’ll start next week. And having a positive goal to move towards has motivated me to discontinue the distracting behaviors and live above my baser instincts. Progress has come in a ‘two steps forward / one and a half steps back’ fashion of course, but solid headway has been made.

One of the differences you’ll notice from all this is that my blog entries will be built in even smaller increments at all hours of the day and night according to my Always Be Blogging (ABB) initiative. I’m hoping ABB will allow me to build a momentum that can’t be stopped by anything that happens in my personal life or beyond. The globalists are moving so fast and on such a broad front that I must be able to stay in constant motion to counter them (for whatever my efforts to counter them are worth).

More to come on Operation Phoenix next week. But while we’re on the subject, grandma is doing better now. The howling has stopped due to better pain medicine and natural healing.

Much love…

Source Article from http://redefininggod.com/2017/07/a-hazardous-week-ahead-for-vindex-trump/

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