Alex Jones Exposed!

*Jew is not a race: it’s a racist religion. The administrators are against racism which is a tool of war. This page last modified on 8/28/2010.

Alex Jones Exposed!


Silverstein’s “Pull It”
Honorary Member RSICC
Denies Israeli Involvement in 9/11
Denies Israel Behind USS Liberty
Alex and the John Birch Society
Barking up the Wrong Tree
Israel Innocent?
In it for the Money!
Martial Law Review
Bohemian Grove
London Terror Drill
The A-Game
David Icke
Christian Family Betrayed
Promotes Zionist Mike Berger
Defense and Rebuttals
Illegal Aliens
Wrap up

*Official Discussion



Some liken Alex Jones to a hero, super patriot, someone who’s putting their life on the line to expose tyranny and corruption. Many others view him as a championship wrestler (the fake kind) or a used crooked car salesman.

Government is large scale organized crime, and taxpayers are slaves. The best slaves don’t realilze they’re slaves.  To alter our perception of our slavery, we’re publicly schooled by people who aren’t allowed to critique our religion, or our government. Our entertainment or media must also be influenced, and it would be silly to think that alternative media would be excluded.

Alex’s Christianity promotion serves Zionism with it’s precepts like: “bless your persecutors”, “obey the laws of the land”, “those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Israel will be blessed”, and “Israel is God’s elect (or chosen)”.

Alex Jones confesses! 7/14/2006!

I believe we’ve put the pressure on him as well as other Zionist deniers and now they are struggling to maintain their control and positions in media.

Alex Jones Confesses (mp3 audio)!

Now that Alex is coming clean about Zionism (because he must to maintain control), lets look at how he directs that control.

Calling the White House would be crazy! Get your name added to a list of potential psychopath killers! Seriously: let them know you know who the terrorists are!

Alex on Silverstein’s: “Pull it”



‘We know that the term ‘pull it’ means to bring the building down by means of explosives because in the same documentary a cleanup worker (in December 2001) refers to the demolition of WTC Building 6 when he says, “…we’re getting ready to pull the building six.”‘


Now here he bases this definition of “pull it” solely on them using it on Building Six (where he also leaves out that they were pulling down the remains with cables). This I downloaded from his site and re-hosted it: Source of  File



Alex Jones Honorary Member RSICC:

Revealing Discussion (updated evidence on this since Alex has addressed it):


Alex Jones Denies Israel Carried Out 9/11:


Why do we believe the Zionists are the masterminds of 911

Connecting Israel to 9-11


Alex Jones Denies Israel Involvement On USS Liberty:

Video of Alex Shifting Blame

vs. what really happened:

Prisoners’ Massacre

Dead in the Water: The Sinking of USS Liberty

Loss of Liberty

USS Liberty – Tom Parker interviews survivors of the USS Liberty


Alex Jones is alleging that:

* President Johnson had direct control over a Navy ship
*LBJ made a secret deal with Israel to attack the ship and kill everybody on board

Alex does not provide any evidence that there was any secret deal, or any reasonable explanation for why the Israeli Government would be complicit.

Why would Israel (America’s Ally)  risk such a heinous crime?

Alex Jones would have us to believe that the government and military of Israel are submissive and merely accomplices of the criminal American government .

Some people presume that President Johnson’s backing of the Vietnam War was evidence that he wanted war however, Johnson was just another criminal promoted to president because he would be a complicit Zionist.

The evidence points to the Zionists who wanted the Vietnam War, not “the Pentagon”.

Kay Griggs tells us that the Vietnam War was pushed on America by such people as Henry Kissinger and Walt Whitman Rostow.
Kay Griggs Talks: Desperate Wives (Blackmail In US Government)


American media, government and banks are under the control of Zionists, not the other way around.

Alex Jones  tells us the purpose for attempting to sink the USS Liberty was to allow the USA to take over the entire Middle East. America was already fighting in the Vietnam War. Going to war in the Middle East would require the USA participating in two very big wars.

Alex Jones gives no evidence that President Johnson had any plans for this absurd notion of entering another war.

Alex Jones and the John Birch Society

Robert Welch founded the John Birch Society under Zionist influence to absorb and deflect the momentum and wealth of freedom fighting Americans from Zionism to the Communism.

Alex Jones is a strong supporter of Ron Paul, who has this to say about the John Birch Society:


    “The beneficial, educational impact of the John Birch Society over the past four decades would be hard to overestimate. It is certainly far more than most people realize. Anyone who has been in the trenches over the years battling on any of the major issues – whether it’s pro-life, gun rights, property rights, taxes, government spending, regulation, national security, privacy, national sovereignty, the United Nations, foreign aid – knows that members of the John Birch Society are always in there doing the heavy lifting. And most importantly, they approach all of these issues from a strong moral and constitutional perspective. Lots of people pay lip service to the Constitution, but Birchers study it, understand it, apply it, and are serious about protecting it and holding public officials accountable to it.”

Alex Jones to JBS


“I want to work with you guys, to see you grow”

Ron Paul and the John Birch Society

Alex Jones Barking up the Wrong Tree

“While Alex was bull horning the CFR building on the anniversary of 9-11, he spat off about the “Nazi” perpetrators within the administration whom he holds responsible. Where are the so-called ‘Aryan Supremacists’ within the United States? Eliot Spitzer, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Robert Kagan, Rudy Giuliani, Dov Zakheim, David Rockefeller, Maurice Greenberg,William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Lewis Libby, Richard Pearl and Michael Bloomberg, to name but a few…

Some  have German origins but they are also Jews also; the headquarters of the Aryan Warlords who formed Nazism was the Grand Orient Lodge, founded by Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Bauer, to subvert Freemasons.

Is Israel Innocent?

Alex doesn’t believe that Zionists have much of an influence on America.

Listen to Alex Jones  (April 4 2006) as he reacts to a caller who asked about this report that alleges Israel is influencing American foreign policy:
right click and save: AlexJones_4Apr2006.mp3

-Clearly he interrupts and diverts the conversation.

Alex loves to blames Luciferians instead:



Alex Jones Loves Money!

We hear it all the time from Alex.. “buy my dvds”, “water is poison… buy a Berkey”, “Subscribe for pennies a day”. Does anyone realize how stupid rich this person is; yet he continues to bombard us with infomercials? Berkey filters by default don’t filter out fluoride, and it appears they try to hide this fact.

“For three days in October, 2003, radio talk-show host Michael Corbin (whose program, A Closer Look, was carried at the time by GCN) appeared as a guest-host for Alex Jones. In case you don’t know, Jones’ show lasts three hours each day, so right off the bat there’s nine total hours. But the total amount of time that Corbin sacrificed was much greater.”

“With this in mind, guess what gratitude he received for his efforts. Corbin told us during his June 8, 2005 appearance on WING TV (see transcript below) that during the third hour of his final day as guest host, he received a phone call from Violet Jones (Alex’s wife).

And what did she say to Corbin? Did she thank him for sacrificing 15-18 hours of his life – without pay – to host Alex’s show? No, Violet Jones chastised him because … get this … Alex’s video sales had fallen because he wasn’t pushing them hard enough!”

Concerning text advertising on his site:

“These links are disguised as news and feature prominently near the top of the website news sections (police state and general). ”

Click for Screenshot

Disguised as news?

Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State

Why does he call them “elite”?  Why would he use the word “globalist”?

Why does he leave out information on Zionism yet he attacks Michael Moore for leaving things out of his documentary? ~29-37 minutes in.

Doesn’t his association of Bush and Osama Bin Ladin contradict Bush’s support of Israel? ~33 minutes in.

In the 36th minute he claims they’re going to expose the people who perpetrated 911, -Does he go to the “rock bottom”?

At ~1:03  he brings up 2000 degrees of temperature? F or C Alex? How credible does that make you?

At about 1:31 He discusses sound wave weapons being used in Iraq against our enemies. Is Iraq really our enemy? Aren’t we the ones on the offensive? Isn’t Israel our true enemy with a cohesive religion that teaches them to hate us goyim and Palestinians (Philestines)?

At 1:42 he confronts David Gergen (see below).


Alex Jones on Bohemian Grove

We find Alex Jones boasting about blowing Bohemian Grove wide open. Did he really?

The only thing new he presented to my recollection was video footage inside the grove that appears staged. Nothing new or incriminating was revealed in his video, and taping was paused at suspicious moments like when he’s approached.

His subsequent interview with (See Martial Law above at 1:41) David Gergen also appears staged. David was walking slowly as if he was trying to make it easier to be approached from behind for the interview.

How did Alex just happen to land an on the spot interview with someone of his age, wisdom and expertise?

This interview came out about the time there was wide spread skepticism about Alex’s alleged infiltration.

Discussion of Bohemian Grove



Alex Jones on London Terror Drill

“Radio host, Alex Jones is spreading misleading, false and overblown claims linking Peter Power, a crisis management consultant and former member of Britain’s anti-terror police, to a ‘terrorism drill’ which Jones alleges was used to provide cover for State perpetrators of the multiple blasts.”

“The wild allegations leave others presenting so-called “conspiracy theories” about these attacks open to ridicule –because of false claims by the most reknowned radio show on these topics.

The weekend article by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones was published on the website.

They claim that in a BBC Radio 5 interview on July 7th, Peter Power admitted that his Visor Consulting firm: “was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.””


That couldn’t be more wrong.

In fact, Power’s consultancy firm was running a small “corporate wargame” drill for the management team of a British company with 1,000 employees. Here’s the BBC transcript of the interview Power gave [our emphasis]:

POWER: “At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.”

[mp3 Audio]

Clearly, the figure of 1,000 refers to the size of the company whose managers were being drilled – and not to the number of participants in the drill.

Furthermore, any savvy investigator knows that these types of private-sector “risk management” drills never use field staff. Neither do these low-level corporate drills have active involvement of police or other security forces.


The A-Game

Someone says about 1 minute into the video; “You’re saying; George Bush engineered the 911 attacks”. After Alex boasts of his accomplishments he claims “it’s been proven, it’s absolutely fact”. When asked “how did George Bush engineer the attack”; he replies with “I’ve got my new one hour and 43 minute documentary extravaganza”. Why does he want us to believe it’s George Bush that engineered it, and where is the proof?



Alex Jones on David Icke

In the video: David Icke: The Lizards and the Jews , we see Alex vehemently verbally attacking the character of David Icke at ~10:46 (who apparently exposes Zionism through allegory). Fans of Alex Jones are notorious for whining about “divide and conquer” and “hurting the truth movement” for the very thing Alex is doing here. Using Allegory to expose Zionism is better than white-washing isn’t it?



A Christian Family Betrayed

It seems that after Jones shot the video he wanted, including footage from within the premises showing crucial defensive locations from within the Gray residence, Alex Jones turned around and sold the video tape to a television network to be aired on the 20/20 news magazine program! Furthermore, it has now been established that Ted Anderson, the head of the Genesis Communications Network, has participated in a cover-up to keep the public from learning the truth about the treachery of his top host!



Alex Jones promotes Zionist Mike Berger

Alex Jones interviewed Mike Berger of
Mike Berger was also selected by CNN to discuss 9/11:
Mike Berger told us that we need to ignore where we disagree:

A few moments later, Berger repeats his suggestion that we unite:

Mike Berger wants us to unite, but under his conditions.


Moments later Alex Jones repeats his theory that Israel was not involved in 9/11. Instead he blames Dick Cheney and the mysterious people above him:

Jones never mentions their names. Why would he call them “the Feds”, “Luciferians”, “the New World Order”, or the “Germanic Death Cult”?


Claims in Defense of Alex Jones + Rebuttals

Alex has done a lot to wake people up and spread truth.

He’s amassed great wealth and fat for himself and bombards his fans daily with 3 hour radio shows, 1 hour tv shows, and endless dvd documentaries full of repetition, wasted space, and commercials for himself. This wasted time could be better spent on people who would be more well known if the Zionist controlled alternative media (Alex Jones + others)  weren’t in place.

Alex is the grand daddy of 911

Exposing Northwoods documents prior to 911 doesn’t make for a “grand daddy” status. The documents were declassified, and in the plans I don’t believe there was mention of human casualties. How do we know that the piece wasn’t cooperatively planted? Alex getting the most press about 911 truth is more of a tell of his complicity  than evidence of him being the “grand daddy”.

Alex Jones doesn’t hurt the movement; people like you do!

If soldiers knew they were fighting for another country’s benefit, instead of just oil for their own country do you think they might quit? Many of them think we’re merely over there for oil. When they realize their pay will be worthless soon because their country sold out to Israel; they might get second thoughts. When we as tax payers (slaves) see the horrors inflicted on the Palestinian people  funded by our tax dollars that we can’t afford; we might start giving a crap. Things will change when people realize why it’s illegal in some countries to question the holocaust . Why do we scarcely hear about who owns and controls our banks, media (including alternative media), communications, and religion? Alex has done us all a disservice by bombarding us with diversion and committed treason by blatantly lying to us about 911 and USS Liberty.

“Alex talks about Zionism”

Some people act as if we say Alex never mentions Zionism or he never exposes it. Recently someone posted a 13 second clip from his show where he puts blame on Zionism. 13 seconds in very subtle voice for him, using terminology that most of his followers don’t understand and he does not elaborate on. Compare this to his repetitious 20 minute rants about Mexicans, and understand that his job like the John Birch Society is deflecting. To be effective at deflecting; he’s got to make statements to try to maintain his credibility, and that people can use to say things like; “there, see: he said it!”.


Alex Jones and Censorship

Alex would like us to believe that he’s against censorship. Quote from :

“Alex promotes free speech, expression and certainly not government and corporate censorship. In this vein, comments and expressions by friends are not censored, but do not necessarily reflect the views of this profile. Furthermore, the purpose of this profile is to test the censorship of MySpace–primarily based upon political content.”

What Alex doesn’t tell you is that Myspace is accountable to affiliates and their Terms of Service (TOS)! Myspace is a business and must censor to maintain it’s income. Alex has a forum which could be great for free speach!

Even his fans are finding out that he doesn’t truely love free speech. To hear the audio, right click and download: Alex Jones: Arabs Own Hollywood mp3

Alex on Illegal Aliens crossing the boarder into the USA

How does this compare to Israel knocking down Palestinian homes, killing the children of Palestine, or forcing people off the land they lived their whole life on  for generations? Alex is constantly complaining about Illegal Aliens.

I remember on 9/11 something George W. Bush said about “American Lives”. It seems to me that Alex is using this same ploy of appealing to American’s sense of pride and self importance. Lets ignore what’s going on in Palestine and be the House Negro .

Here’s a short audio rant: Jones-on-Mexicans-17June2007.mp3 


Do you support Criminals?

People who are aware of the evidence against Alex Jones and continue to spam and praise him should be considered enemies, manipulated people, or idiots.

It is important to understand why we are at war with Israel’s enemies. It’s important to demonstrate how the USA is being used and donates hundreds of billions of dollars worth of support to Israel essentially funding their illegal land grabbing, murder, torture and terrorism of the Palestinian people.


*Note that some Jewish people are also against Zionism but Christianity serves Zionism, and that there is no such thing as a Jewish race.

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