Are You Giving Away Your Power? – Politics, Sovereignty and Personal Embodiment

Are You Giving Away Your Power - Politics, Sovereignty and Personal EmbodimentAre You Giving Away Your Power - Politics, Sovereignty and Personal Embodiment

30th April 2016

By Bernhard Guenther

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

It has been a while since I wrote anything political, mostly for the reason that I’m not a statist, I don’t believe in government (or any other authority ruling/governing me), nor in national identification, and frankly don’t care much for politics. Readers of my blog know that we are dealing with far deeper issues that most people are not aware of and which go way beyond poly-tics, which is really a distraction from what is truly happening to humanity, especially in this day and age.

I have written several articles about the illusory political circus before: Voting, Cognitive Dissonance and Fear of the Unknown (2012), The Illusion of Choice (2010) – and in 2008, I exposed Obama for the corporate puppet that he is (resulting in vicious attacks against me by Liberals and Democrats, some of whom later saw through the deception as well), and the illusion that there is choice through voting (ie. Obama was “selected” to win way before any votes were cast).

However, lately I’m having a strange déjà vu seeing all the support and hype around Bernie Sanders, another presidential candidate who portrays the image of “hope”. Where did I hear that before?

I’m always curious to see where any given candidate stands on more “taboo” topics, and Sanders fails the litmus test just like any other candidate. Not surprising to see, Bernie Sanders is a Zionist. In 2014 he joined the 100 to 0 vote in the Senate to give unalloyed moral and political support to the Apartheid/Zionist state of Israel during its horrific bombing campaign against Gaza (the open air prison), resulting in thousands of dead Palestinian civilians. Here’s a speech in which he defends the Zionist/Racist politics of Israel with the usual lies and distortion.

Some people point out that he has become more “critical” of Israel during his recent campaign speeches. However, there is a big difference between words and action, which became obvious when he suspended one of his campaign staffers for criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is clear that Sanders is still a Zionist despite his recent clever political rhetoric (read: PR stunt to appeal to liberals) of “criticizing” Israel with regards to Palestine where he fell into the “middle ground” fallacy as most people do who don’t know (or lie about) the true history of Zionism, the creation of Israel and how it relates to American politics, the lies of official history, and the world at large. That is a topic on its own which I have written about here: Israel and Gaza – Lessons in History and an Opportunity for Humanity.

Then Sanders supports vaccinations and made even this bizarre statement that is false and actually makes no sense. His claim to be “sensitive” is also emotionally manipulative rhetoric, for if he’d truly be “sensitive” about this topic, he’d do more research into it and speak the truth which is a big NO to vaccinations, especially mandatory vaccinations, where it all seems to be leading to:

“I am sensitive to the fact that there are some families who disagree but the difficulty is, if I have a kid who is suffering from an illness who is subjected to a kid who walks into a room without vaccines that could kill that child and that’s wrong.” – Bernie Sanders

(For more information on why Sanders’ statement is false, please see: Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom?)

Statists also make several assumptions they never seem to question; that a) voting affects the end result and that they actually have a choice in the outcome; b) that any given president is actually in “charge”, and c) that government is in place for the people by the people. Let alone the fact that all candidates support the major lies and avoid “taboo” topics, such as, besides Zionism, the official 9/11 story, and psychopaths in power to name a few.

However, beyond ANY political stances, it really comes down to the fact that Sanders is a statist. And that ends any debate about him or other candidates. It surprises me how so many people, many of them who consider themselves “awake and aware” or even “spiritual” are statists themselves and still believe in government, national identification, authority, and support it, looking for someone to “fix the system” or “save the country” and lead the way. It’s the ongoing Stockholm Syndrome. For a breakdown about what statism is watch this video:

It doesn’t matter what candidate or party you support, left, right, middle, independent, Democrat, Republican, Progressive, Liberal, Conservative… whatever. These are all labels of identification based on an illusory idea. Government is the most basic set-up of the Matrix Control System. As long as people believe in government, political solutions, and voting, nothing will change on a deeper level.

“When I hear a person talking about political solutions, I know I am not listening to a serious person.” – George Carlin

Emotional Reasoning and the Brain – Mind Control Basics in Politics

On a basic psychological level, statists who are identified with/support any given candidate or political party engage in emotional reasoning, resulting in confirmatory bias, cognitive dissonance and projections to make sure their chosen leader/savior looks better than the other candidate, especially in this day and age of personality cult (in particular in the US where it’s all about image) and emotional manipulative slogans/bumper stickers such as #FeelTheBurn and #AFutureToBelieveIn (Sanders) or #ChangeWeCanBelieveIn and #HopeAndChange (Obama) in the past. Interesting to note in those example are the words “Feel” and “Believe”, which just re-enforces emotional reasoning and shuts down critical thinking and objectivity (ignoring facts that may make their chosen candidate look bad) as well as the words “Change” and “Future”, alway appealing to some sort of ideal in the future via the emotional manipulative use of “Hope”.

“Hope and fear: Fear is an enemy. We know this because when we are afraid, we react irrationally to things, we don’t think through. Hope is an enemy, too, though. That sounds kind of wrong, doesn’t it? Everyone likes to have hope: Don’t give up hope. But, here’s the problem with hope: Hope also deludes.We need to have a cold eye. We have to be able to look at reality in as alert and awake a fashion as we can. What is true higher consciousness? Well, it starts with awareness, with seeing things as they are, not as you want them to be, not as you hope they can be – you have to see them as they are. It is only through going over that first large hurdle, I feel, that we can really attain a true higher consciousness, a true awareness in which we are awake, not asleep.” – Richard Dolan

Edward Bernays, the “father of public relations” (manipulating the masses and public opinion via propaganda) would have been proud of these slogans. It’s mind control on the most basic level, non of which statists and partisans are consciously aware of for the most part (because they never think outside the box of “government”, never question the need for government to begin with and automatically identity with one side/candidate, be it left, right, democrat, republican, socialist, progressive, liberal, conservative or any other political identifications).

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)

Then the masses themselves produce slogans based on these influences, even targeting the lowest common denominator which see in the #SexyForSanders movement with Bernie fans posing “sexy” pictures of themselves to make people vote for Sanders.

Besides the obvious poor taste and tackiness of encouraging people to vote for Bernie that way, the effect is not much different from the effects of porn on the brain. Recent studies have shown that sexual imagery weakens the connectivity between the striatum and the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain used for decision-making, planning, and behavior regulation.

Then of course you have the emotional manipulative political rhetoric/speeches of any given politician/candidate, creating mass hysteria which fuels emotional reasoning (while shutting down critical thinking) even more. Political speeches are a great example for how NLP (Neuro-linguistic-programming) works as well (especially via the use of logical fallacies like “appeal to emotion”, “red herring” and “straw man”, etc.). Then people are influenced by herd/hive/group think and fall into the “bandwagon fallacy” (the fallacy that the more popular someone is and the more followers he/she has, the “better” he/she must be), not realizing that the beliefs they have are not even their own. That happens on an unseen energetic level as well, especially at mass political gatherings with all the projections and emotional highs (ties also into the mob mentality). From a hyperdimensional/archonic level this also creates all the “emotional loosh” for the hidden forces that rule over humanity (the real architects of the matrix beyond its 3D manifestation) to feed upon.

Most, if not all supporters of their chosen candidate, also literally “believe” anything he/she is saying during election campaigns where politicians obviously say what the masses (or their chosen target group) want to hear, which is a whole different story when said person is actually in office. For example, see what Obama “promised” during his campaign and what he actually did or didn’t do as president. ‘7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes’ is a video that shows it very well (notice the hysteria of the masses as he feeds them what they want to hear):

But of course the masses, in blind savior/leader worship, believe that the next guy/woman is the ONE who will “fix the system”. It’s a giant Stockholm Syndrome set-up based on authoritarian programming and essentially an archonic creation. It’s a closed loop. Statism is literally a religion (see video above) and believe in government is no different than religious belief. On a psychological level it works the same.

More about emotional reasoning and the brain in relation to political identification in this study:

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