There is no Civil War in Syria, there is only WAR! War on against secularism, by Saudi Arabia, helped by Qatar, Turkey, USA, UK, France and several other countries.
The Syrian war started with anti-government graffiti painted on the walls, followed by demonstrations against the 48 year Emergency Law, which had been put into place to keep the Muslim Brotherhood out of Syria. In April 2011 Bashar Al Assad lifted this law, to stop the demonstrations, but of course we now know this was just the start. The start of the invasion of the the Muslim Brotherhood, funded by Saudi Arabia.
The fake demonstrations calling for Freedom, was not for freedom and democracy, it was freedom from democracy. Freedom to bring in Sharia Law. Freedom to make women cover up, freedom to stone women, freedom to behead.
The USA thought they were re-designing the Middle East when they started the Arab Spring. They call it spreading Democracy, yet that was far from the truth as what they were really doing was spreading Sharia Law. In each of the countries involved in the Arab Spring, the leaders where replaced by Muslim Brotherhood leaders.
The Egyptian people fought back, against Morsi turning the country into one run by Sharia Law, which discriminates against women. Hardly democracy and freedom for women. The media showed all the demonstrations in Egypt against Morsi and the USA. Yet at the same time, there were demonstrations in Tunisia and Libya, against the Muslim Brotherhood leader, which still continue today, but you won’t see them in the media.
The media showed the the demonstrations in Turkey, when the media could say they were demonstrating against the development in the park, but when the demonstrations continued against the Muslim Brotherhood leader Erdogan, turning the country into Sharia Law, the media went quiet. Even though 6 demonstrators have been killed by the police, there was little mention of it in the Western Media.
Turkey is being used as the messenger of Saudi Arabia and USA, for recruiting Jihadists, by giving them false passports, arming them and training them. Turkish Airlines have been flying Taliban terrorists from Pakistan into Syria, which started the polio epidemic in Syria. A Turkish Airline employee was arrested for recruiting Jihadists. Has Turkish Airlines become the national airline of spreading the Muslim Brotherhood. Now it has been uncovered, that a Turkish NGO has been recruiting Jihadists from all over Europe.
Since Saudi Arabia announced Jihad on Syria, all the fundamentalists from around the world are now fighting against Syria, with the help of the Turkish Government. These fighters have made no secret of their plan to spread the war to the West on their return home.
These Jihadists, have had the support of the USA and the West and see the destruction of Syria a success. Killing anyone one, who will not support Sharia Law and the destruction of both Churches and Mosques. These are Fundamentalist Muslims killing moderate muslims. They are crazy people killing for the sake of killing and they will die for their cause because they are convinced they are going to Paradise if they kill. Unlike the belief of everyone else that “Thy Shalt Not Kill” and if you do you will burn in hell.
Now this army of Jihad Al Qaeda killers in Syria backed by the west are now planning to do the same in the UK, EU, USA and Australia.
We West should be supporting the Syrian Government in wiping out these murderers, but instead they are supporting them and now they are the new targets or these butchers.
Stage one has started in Britain. The posters are going up and the demonstrations will follow. Unlike in Syria where the poor were paid in Syria, but their conscious got the better of them and gave them self up, so Turkey recruited the hard line terrorists, trained them and sent them into Syria.
So the Jihadists are all trained up now and ready to return to their countries and spread Sharia Law. Turkey has given them false passports so it will be harder to know who is who. They are crazy and will kill for their cause. 600 surrendered last week and 59 more this week, who will be heading home soon.
Today, Izzadeen, the self-styled ‘Director for Waltham Forest Muslims’, will march with his supporters — many of them new young recruits to Islam — as part of their campaign to make the suburban borough into Britain’s first Sharia-law zone.
Under his brutal set of rules, there would be a ban on alcohol, gambling, drugs, music, smoking and homosexuality, as well as on men and women mixing in public.
This is all part of Izzadeen’s concerted campaign to defeat ‘Western decadence’ and turn large parts of Britain — where, his supporters say, ‘people live like animals in a jungle’ — into an Islamic Emirate.
Already, 20,000 yellow leaflets have been printed by Islamic activists, saying ‘You are entering a Sharia controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced.’ The leaflets have been stuck onto lamp-posts, put up in shop windows and on pillar boxes. As fast as the police and council officials tear them down, more go up.
This is what happens when your country is supporting the ”Terrorist War on Syria.”
What was it that Hillary Clinton said about being on the right side in history?
The only genuine demonstrations in Syria were in support of Bashar Al Assad and still are today. No matter how many lies Obama, Clinton, Cameron, Hague and Hollande repeat that, Assad is killing his own people. The Syrian people know the truth and they support him. Bashar Al Assad is protecting his people, from the USA, Saudi Arabia and their allies have killed. The USA are responsible for the tens of thousands killed in Syria.
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