Bird Flu is a Tool of the Central Bankers


Catherine Austin Fitts: We were talking about Yellen. Yellen is setting aside a fund for Bird Flu Pandemic Preparedness. And we showed a video of her talking and John said, “You know, she’s not a healthcare expert. Why is Yellen talking about Bird Flu?”

I said, “Because Bird Flu has nothing to do with health. It’s a tool of the Central Bankers.”

So, of course, Yellen can talk about it, because she is an “expert”. She’s a Central Banker! She’s an expert at Central Banking tools…When you’re printing monetary inflation, you need a way to create deflation on-demand. So, as a Central Bank tool, she’s perfectly expert to deal with this! (Laughs)

Anyway, so Vaccine Passports went over like a lead balloon in Europe, in COVID-19. So they’re coming back around, again and let’s see how they do! I think many more people are hip to the trick.

Carolyn Betts: Right. Right. Let’s hope.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Let’s hope.

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The post Bird Flu is a Tool of the Central Bankers first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV.


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