Archive for the ‘Chemtrails destroying the ozone’ Category

Aircraft Spraying Toxic Aerosols Originating From Fairchild and Offut AFB

Report by William Mount, PhD – Jun 21, 2015 The 60th Air Wing out of Fairchild AFB (Spokane, WA) and an Air Wing out of Omaha Nebraska (Offut AFB) are spraying us with Aluminum, Beryllium, Mercury, Viruses, Fungi, Bacteria and Parasites to both kill us, change our DNA and make us sick. Personnel from the […]

9/11 Exposed – 2015 Edition Documentary Film

9/11 Exposed – 2nd Edition is a documentary that examines the collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on September 11th, 2001. *Warning* Explicit Language. This film contains scenes that some viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. This film may not be suitable for younger viewers. NSFW. (Video Link) __________________ Download the […]

EXTRATERRESTRIALS: Rockefellers Close To Playing Last Card in New World Order Delusion

T-Files: The Last Card (Truthstream Media) Whatever the real truth is actually out there, rest assured the Powers That Shouldn’t Be will do whatever it takes to make sure we are never allowed to learn it. Instead we’ll get drip-fed a bunch of government lies, illusions, distortions, and half-truths as preprogramming for a sinister agenda. […]

Video Evidence Demonstrates How Geoengineering Climate Produces Deliberate California Drought

Los Angeles resident presents excellent video for chemtrails geoengineering over Los Angeles that any reasonable person cannot deny. ___________________ Jasper Kirkby Climate and CLOUD investigator at CERN explains how normal rainfall can be inhibited by dumping an over-abundance of CCN (cloud condensation nuclei) into the atmosphere. (More) Source Article from Views: 0

Chemtrails Revealed by Ben Davidson a.k.a. Suspicious Observers

Ben Davidson is host of the Suspicious 0bservers Youtube channel and website. His excellent 3 to 4 minute daily reporting on solar and space weather has captured the deserved interest of about 40,000 viewers per day. Ben was tantalized by the subject of Solar Radiation Management (SRM), geoengineering and chemtrails after his wife pointed a […]

Chemtrails Revealed by Ben Davidson – a.k.a. – Suspicious Observers

Ben Davidson is host of the Suspicious 0bservers Youtube channel and website. His excellent 3 to 4 minute daily reporting on solar and space weather has captured the deserved interest of about 40,000 viewers per day. Ben was tantalized by the subject of Solar Radiation Management (SRM), geoengineering and chemtrails after his wife pointed a […]

False Flag Weekly News 6-11-2015 with Jim Fetzer and Kevin Barrett

Complete Documentation Source Article from Views: 0

Dr. Kelli Ward – McCain Challenger for US Senate Betrays Voters on Public Health Issues

Arizona State senator and Public Health Physician, Kelli Ward believes in “secrets” when it’s convenient but has no courage to support her own constituents when “secret” but documented toxic environmental contamination effects the public health of her own potential voters in her campaign against incumbent, John McCain. SOURCE: Arizona Central Article Below On June 25,2014 […]

Analysis of Dramatic 2025 Population Reduction Data Posted at DEAGEL.COM

Economic Collapse Will Lead to Massive 78% Depopulation in America BARBWIRE Marc Slavo – May 9, 2015 With economic malaise on the horizon and any number of triggers ready to set things into motion, military site recently posted their global forecast for 2025. The site, rumored to be a front for various alphabet intelligence […]

Breakthrough in Sandy Hook Investigation as Testimony Iplicates DHS in Coverup

Wolfgang Halbig and attorney Kay Wilson reached a significant breakthrough in the Sandy Hook investigation when Newtown Selectman, E. Patricia Lllodra, testified that  the Department of Homeland Security placed the “Check in”  signs at the fire house on the morning prior to the alleged shooting. In this video we watch investigative reporter, Dan Bidondi confront […]

Fukushima Radiation Equal to 10 Hiroshima Bombs Every Hour Since 2011

Everyday, Every Hour, Radiation the Equivalent of 10 Hiroshima Nuclear Bombs Going into our Oceans Since 2011 American Live Wire You can assist scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution reveal the ongoing spread of radiation across the Pacific and its evolving impacts on the ocean. In the video below, scientist Patrick Flanagan tells us […]

SCIENCE FASCISM: Ivy League Schools Censor Evidence For Controlled Demolition on 9/11

CLICK HERE “Any time you can take the censors out of the equation and speak directly to the people you want to reach, the more control you have over the situation and the stronger the impact of your message will be.” — Andrew Steele  MASSIVE MAILING EFFORT UNDERTAKEN AFTER CAMPUS NEWSPAPERS REFUSE TO RUN AE911TRUTH […]

Media Propaganda and Deliberate Distortion of Climate Change Data

Al Gore Says the Science in Global Warming is Settled Suspicious Observer, Ben Davidson presents copious data supporting massive media deception in climate change pseudo-science and proposed policy as propaganda promoted by the slave media of corporate control.  “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science”. Author Tim Ball presents conclusive evidence of complete abandonment of the […]

Explosive Chemtrails Awakening Among Survivalists and Firearm Experts

Activist, JustinWuLee et al sent me a thank you video showing the geo-death trails in his sky. Be sure to check the many videos that brilliantly decode world events and false flags including the AARP connection to martial  law and Jade Helm (More) MUST SEE: What does AARP, Jade Helm, the Ebola Hoax and China […]

Are Chemtrail Nanoparticles Contributing to Unprecedented Sea Life Mortality?

NOTE: This related article points out the delicate balance of oxygen producing phytoplankton at continued risk of being altered by the past two decades of aerosol geoengineering with millions of tons of alumina sprayed over the oceans of planet earth.  “Consequences of Toxic Alumina Aerosols Linked To Ocean Phytoplankton”  Published: June 4th, 2015 at 12:30 […]

New Documentary Links Chemtrails to NWO and United Nations Agenda

An UNconventional Shade of Grey “An UNconventional Shade of Grey is a call to action film that addresses chemtrail/geoengineering films in relation to our changing climate and global warming legislation. “An UNconventional Shade of Grey will also outline specific plans to take legal and legislation action to get these programs stopped immediately. For more information […]

SKYGATE: Pilots For 9/11 Truth Prove “Inside Job”

Published on May 14, 2014 Government coverup proved beyond a reasonable doubt … AGAIN. The evidence reported in SKYGATE by Pilots For 9/11 Truth, combined with forensic analysis provided by Richard Gage at AE911truth is nothing less than a call for immediate action. (9/11: Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction-114min.) This video provides (1) an […]

Army General Links 9/11 Flase Flag, Chemtrails and Jade Helm

____________________________ by Dane Wigington This interview is a dialog addressing the most critical issues we face. The discussion is between myself, former Army Major General Albert Stubblebine, and his wife Dr. Rima Laibow. General Stubblebine is the highest ranking US military official to courageously speak the truth about the 9/11 false flag event and the […]

GUNS AMERICA: Jade Helm Part of a Government Engineered Mass Extinction Event

by Paul Helinski on May 31, 2015 (Guns America) My dear friends, we have been played, and we are actually being set up. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would be writing you about this topic, but I have discovered something that I feel like must share with the many […]

Consequences of Toxic Alumina Aerosols Linked To Ocean Phytoplankton

NOTE:  This article points out the delicate balance of oxygen producing phytoplankton at continued risk of being altered by the past two decades of aerosol geoengineering with millions of tons of alumina sprayed over the oceans of planet earth. The decline of planetary phytoplankton by exposure to alumina toxicity could accelerate the volume of CO2 […]