Feeding Babies On Demand Contributes To Higher IQMarch 21, 2012 | Breastfeeding | EditorA new study suggests that babies who are breast-fed or bottle-fed to a schedule do not perform academically as well at school as their demand-fed peers. The finding is based on the results of IQ tests and school-based SATs tests carried out between the ages of […]
Archive for the ‘Prevent Disease’ Category
Wild Blackberries Prove Superior Than Conventional Varieties In Antioxidant Power

Wild Blackberries Prove Superior Than Conventional Varieties In Antioxidant PowerMarch 21, 2012 | Antioxidants | EditorFurther evidence from research in the UK and Portugal shows that there is a difference in antioxidant potential between conventional blackberries and their wild counterparts. While adding extracts from wild blackberries protects brain cells from oxidative stress, commercial berry extracts were ineffective. Views: 0
Curcumin Outperforms Pharmaceuticals and Prevents Disease Without Side Effects

Curcumin Outperforms Pharmaceuticals and Prevents Disease Without Side EffectsMarch 21, 2012 | Antioxidants | M.TorresAdding to the wealth of research confirming that high antioxidant spices protect the body and prevent disease more effectively than drug based treatments, a Michigan State University researcher has found that curcumin, a compound found in the spice turmeric, is proving effective at preventing clumping […]
These Foods Can Save Your Heart

These Foods Can Save Your Heart March 20, 2012 | Prevention | M.LakdawalaIncreased weight is a determinant of higher levels of triglycerides, elevated LDL (commonly known as bad cholesterol) and low HDL (commonly known as good cholesterol). The good news, however, is that even a slight reduction in weight (5-10 per cent) can reduce a person’s risk of heart […]
Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat

Why 80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating Wheat March 20, 2012 | Toxins | N.LongoThe future of wheat is certain, and it’s toxic. There are as many health risks associated with the consumption of wheat as there are nutritional benefits claimed by the wheat industry. Why is there such a strong emphasis on the development wheat […]
Another Major Health Consequence of Fracking For Natural Gas

Another Major Health Consequence of Fracking For Natural Gas March 20, 2012 | Pollution | EditorAll across the U.S. Europe and Africa, landowners are waking up one day to find multinational energy conglomerates wanting to lease their property to participate is something very dangerous. In a new study, researchers from the Colorado School of Public Health have shown that […]
Those Who Suppress Feelings of Compassion Slowly Lose Their Sense of Morality

Those Who Suppress Feelings of Compassion Slowly Lose Their Sense of MoralityMarch 19, 2012 | Consciousness | EditorIt’s normal to not always act on your sense of compassionfor example, by walking past a beggar on the street without giving them any money. Maybe you want to save your money or avoid engaging with a homeless person. But even if […]
Your Organs Are Desperate For These Foods

Your Organs Are Desperate For These Foods – Make Them HappyMarch 19, 2012 | Nutrition | EditorWater, vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol all need to be absorbed into the organs and tissues for their proper functioning. Foods can confer health benefits beyond their nutritional value. For example, fiber helps prevent colon cancer, and cranberries and blueberries promote urinary tract health. […]
Coregasms: The Most Intriguing Reason For Ladies To Workout

Coregasms: The Most Intriguing Reason For Ladies To WorkoutMarch 19, 2012 | Fitness | T.McKenzieIf this doesn’t make women exercise, nothing will. Don’t exercise to lose weight, increase your strength, or change your body shape or fitness level. Despite all of those things being benefits of exercise, forget all of that advice. I’m being sarcastic of course, but none […]
Different Toxins For Different Social Classes

Different Toxins For Different Social Classes – In The End We’re All PoisonedMarch 18, 2012 | Toxins | EditorNew research by scientists from Boston University finds striking associations between chemical body burdens of two different types of chemicals and socioeconomic status. Poor people especially young children dependent upon food assistance were more likely to have higher levels of bisphenol […]
Perspective: The Secret History of the War on Cancer

Perspective: The Secret History of the War on CancerMarch 18, 2012 | Cancer | A.NikiforukThe cancer establishment has retreated from the truth. What began as sincere investigation into the economic root causes of a complex set of 200 different diseases, at the turn of the 20th century, quickly degenerated into a single-minded focus on treatments after the Second World […]
Switching From White Rice To Brown Rice Dramatically Improves Blood Sugar

Switching From White Rice To Brown Rice Dramatically Improves Blood SugarMarch 18, 2012 | Nutrition | N.LongoFitness and nutrition experts have been touting it for years. There is a distinct advantage of eating brown rice over white. White rice is also joining the growing list of refined carbohydrates with links to a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes […]
Public Watchdog Wants Mercury Removed From All Drugs and Vaccines

Public Watchdog Wants Mercury Removed From All Drugs and VaccinesMarch 16, 2012 | Vaccines | D.MihalovicIn an open letter that will surely turn heads at the World Health Organization and other public health agencies, the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD), and the United Methodist Women are seeking to stop the use of mercury in human drugs, especially vaccines. Views: […]
Using Cell Phones During Pregnancy May Cause Behavioral Disorders To Offspring

Using Cell Phones During Pregnancy May Cause Behavioral Disorders To OffspringMarch 16, 2012 | EMF | EditorExposure to radiation from cell phones during pregnancy affects the brain development of offspring, potentially leading to hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers have determined. Views: 0
The Most Empowered Children of The Future Will Be Deprogrammed and Deschooled

The Most Empowered Children of The Future Will Be Deprogrammed and Deschooled March 16, 2012 | ChildHealth | M.Torres What has ultimately enabled you to think for yourself in life? Above parenting, many say that both age and experience have allowed them to evolve and move past the restrictive classic conditioning that educational systems impose upon students. This not […]
Strong Scientific Evidence Suggests We Need Berries For Our Brain As We Age

Strong Scientific Evidence Suggests We Need Berries For Our Brain As We AgeMarch 15, 2012 | Antioxidants | EditorA diet rich in phytochemicals from berries could help improve brain health in several ways, such as improving communication pathways and protecting against oxidative stress, say researchers. Views: 0
Do The Solar Flares Have Your Attention Yet?

Do The Solar Flares Have Your Attention Yet?March 15, 2012 | Consciousness | EditorSince the beginning of the year, we have been receiving an unprecedented number of solar flares as we approach the solar maximum. Every month that goes by, the sun continues shifting to an even higher activity level compared to every previous month before it. Feel nervous, […]
Which Toxic Chemical Is Found In 99 Percent of Breast Cancer Patients?

Which Toxic Chemical Is Found In 99 Percent of Breast Cancer Patients?March 15, 2012 | Cancer | A.McCarthyFor years, experts have been warning women about some very toxic ingredients the cosmetic industry uses which put users at risk of cancer and hormonal changes. University of Reading researchers have now found one of those chemicals in 99 percent of the […]
50 Years of Motherhood Advice Given With Ultimatums If Mother or Child Failed To Behave

50 Years of Motherhood Advice Given With Ultimatums If Mother or Child Failed To BehaveMarch 14, 2012 | ChildHealth | EditorNew research at the University of Warwick into 50 years of motherhood manuals has revealed how despite their differences they have always issued advice as orders and set unattainably high standards for new mums and babies. Views: 0
Former Scientist, and Pharma Executive Speaks Out On The True Motives of Big Pharma

Former Scientist, and Pharma Executive Speaks Out On The True Motives of Big PharmaMarch 14, 2012 | BigPharma | EditorDr. John Virapenhas worked more than three decades in the pharmaceutical industry. As an insider, former scientist and whistleblower, he is now dedicated to expose and create awareness on how the pharmaceutical industry is operating with their own best interest […]