Archive for the ‘prince charles’ Category

With Queen Elizabeth’s passing … and Charles now King, remember he is in full compliance with the WEF’s plans for a global reset aka one world government

With the passing of the British Queen yesterday, 8th of September, Charles has becomeKing. World events are already moving quickly witness the plans of the globalist cabal rolling out. We will own nothing and be happy they tell us. On topic, years ago I purchased and read the late Joan Veon’s book called ‘Charles, the […]

Breaking => Obama Issues Executive Order Allowing Seizure of Americans’ Bank Accounts: Told Bankers Today Its OK To Foreclose On American Citizens Who Bailed You Out!

The latest executive order (EO) emanating from the White House this October, now gives Bankers the power to freeze all bank accounts and stop any related financial transactions that a “sanctioned person” may own or try to perform — all in the n…