Not that such confirmation was required. The whole issue goes deeper than that, but good reminder though. Shame Source Views: 0
Archive for the ‘Ron Paul’ Category
A Dire Warning: The US Plan To Make Ukraine Into Europe’s ‘Big Israel’
SUNDAY, SEP 03, 202 Source Tyler Durden In his famous anti-Vietnam War speech, the late senator from South Dakota George McGovern told fellow Congressional leaders, “This chamber reeks of blood.” On Saturday, journalist Max Blumenthal opened a hard-hitting talk at the Ron Paul Institute’s “Which Way America…?” conference in D.C. by quoting those words, but applied them to […]
No, COVID-19 cases aren’t going up in vaccinated Israel and down in unvaccinated Palestine
In the past few weeks you may have seen Israel and Palestine in the headlines for an unexpected cause: anti-vaccination and anti-masking advocates have circulated misleading or outright false claims about inoculation and infection rates. The claims made it to the wide corners of the internet, including an account belonging to a notable retired physician, […]
YouTube Censors Video by Dr. Ron Paul for ‘Medical Misinformation’
YouTube has censored a video from former congressman Ron Paul, known for his trailblazing presidential campaigns against the Republican establishment in 2008 and 2012. Paul, who is a medical doctor, was censored for “medical misinformation.” “Very disturbing news: YouTube has pulled an episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and issued a “warning” that any […]
Ron Paul: Question ‘The Science’? Go To Gulag!
It’s not the science that is settled. What appears to be ‘settled is the impulse to silence anyone who asks ‘why’? In the Soviet Union it was forbidden to dispute the wisdom of the “party line.” That’s because Marxian communism was viewed as the scientifically inevitable progression of mankind. For Marx and Lenin, […]
Ron Paul ” We Just Plain Don’t Mind Our Own Business! “
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