Oh the shock and disbelief on the faces of the bleating sheep-
Will be priceless when the shit hits the fan and is stacked deep-
All the warnings they ignored while they gave blowjobs to dark side Jackals-
Will suddenly taste in their mouths like rotten blood soaked vulture’s hackels-
All the lies they believed and regurgitated all their worthless lifes-
Will sting like hit with a swarm from knocked over bee hives-
They will stand drooling unable to function at all-
They will wring their hooves, shake their heads and frightened sheep bawl-
As the slaughterhouse doors slam shut behind their dazed and confused asses-
As the butler’s knife from neck to neck makes repeated passes-
They will curse the truth and truth tellers they called conspiracist and tin foil nutters-
As their ewes are gang raped by the jackals held firmly in place by their utters-
Oh the wailing coming from and gnashing of GMO grass stained sheep teeth will be loud-
The panicked dying sheeple will no longer be so damned falsely proud-
As the slaughter they begged for by voting for the Jackals wielding the knife-
Bitch slaps reality into their sheep brains by the sudden reward of the strife-
The sheeple forced on humans who did not like the sheeple want to be slaves-
To Khazarian child raping mass murdering Zionist Zombie Virus knaves!
The Ole Dog!
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