EU Declares Proxy WAR against Belarus, orders Lukashenko to step down, allow Puppets to take his Place



The soulless globalist meat blob known as the European Union is hungry again, it wants to eat more territories, it wants to consume others into its hive made out of raw bloody flesh. All its eyes on Belarus, it is hungry, the blob is hungry… After eating Ukraine a few years ago now the blob wants to eat Belarus.

The EU is an undefined ugly creature, consuming everything, absorbing all nations, destroying their cultures, absorbing Africans, Arabs, Indians, everything must die and become part of the undefined monster.

Now the EU demon is playing the card they played with Venezuela, saying that they do not recognize Lukashenko as the president of Belarus, despite winning 80% of the popular vote. Lukashenko must step down and allow Belarus to be eaten by the EU monster.

The EU truly is a monster in the real sense of the word. As its citizens are getting robbed, beaten in the streets, raped, killed and terror attacked by the invading hoards of migrants which are not only accepted in the EU but actually WANTED and encouraged to go there, the EU is pointing its claws at others. While the EU offers zero protection to its citizens it is pointing claws at others such as Belarus which is generally one of the safest and cleanest countries in the world to live in with very little criminality.

The monster doesn’t know what hypocrisy is. This word doesn’t even exist in its vocabulary or dictionary. As the French Yellow Vests have protested Macron for over a year now, nobody asked Macron to step down and give the protesters what they want. Nobody said they do not recognize Macron as the legitimate president of France.

Yet same Macron whom the people do not want as president, pointed its claws towards Venezuela, saying Maduro must step down, Guaido is the real president… These hypocrites, these vile snakes simply do not know what hypocrisy is. To them nobody is a hypocrite because they do not have knowledge of this word. To them, not even their worst enemies, not even Lukashenko or Maduro they would see as hypocrites because they have no knowledge of this word. To them, Lukashenko and Maduro are just food for the blob monster.

Nobody in the EU political class cheered for the anti-coronavirus lockdown protests in Germany. Nope this soulless EU monster only cheers for protests which are convenient to them. Protests which may bring more food for it to eat.

Notice that they cannot accept one single country in the world to be, not exactly free but simply SEPARATED from the blob… North Korea for example, that’s not a free country, everyone agrees to that, but free or not free, it is not part of the blob and the blob has its teeth on it. It doesn’t know how to consume it, it would have consumed it a long time ago but they can’t because they have nukes over there and they would strike back at the blob…

Belarus, Russia, even Venezuela and Iran are free though, there is no dictatorship over there, but they live independently, outside of the blob and the blob is furious for not being able to consume them. So they put sanctions over them, send CIA agents to overthrow their governments, not one single country must be left out by the order of the globalist blob. Free or not free, the blob wants it, at least in the case of North Korea they have a pretext “Ohhh we care sooo much about the Korean people and we just wanna spread muh democracy en sheit to them, modernize them, give them modern phones, computers, etc.” but in the case of these other 4 examples, that’s not even a pretext as these countries are capitalist with open economies. Everyone has rights there and stuff, but the blob doesn’t care, these are just pretexts, that’s all the blob needs, pretexts to eat more food.

Freedom and muh democracy is not the issue here, for you see, there is no muh democracy in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Vietnam, China and plenty of other examples and the blob doesn’t attack them. Why? Because they work with the blob, they are slaves of the blob. Turkey has NATO bases, Saudis give their oil to the blob in exchange for technology and building their cities with modern skyscrapers and stuff, Vietnam and China are producing stuff for the blob and so on. You are either with the blob or against it and if you’re against it, you’re screwed, because the blob is going to come after you with sanctions and maybe even wars such as in the case of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia and many other examples.

Freedom and muh democRATcy is irrelevant to the blob monster. They just use this as a pretext to eat all independent nations up, free or not free. They all must be eaten and absorbed by this demonic vile monster from hell.

If you want to paint a picture of the EU vs Belarus, this is it. This is the soulless meat blob of the EU (and America as well) trying to consume Belarus into its soulless hive. All nations absorbed into globalism, eaten by a big culture-less virus.

All EU cultures are being erased, they are now being considered racist by the monster so everything which was once history, culture and tradition is being erased because it could spark division within the blob monster. No identity of any kind is allowed. Everything must die and unite into the blob, we are all blob, we are all one, there is no race, there is no religion, there is no culture and tradition, there is only the blob. Soon they will outlaw languages, forces us all to speak only one language.

They have already removed the currencies of all nations in Europe, united it into 1 currency, the Euro currency, its a shocker they haven’t outlawed languages by now but they will in the future, you will see… we can’t say when but they will. The preferred language? English of course, everyone is already using English world wide… This is going to be the final stage in the complete destruction of all possible forms of identity, the destruction of languages…

Time is not causing the situation in Belarus to cool off, and in fact, it is actually getting worse.

“Democracy”-obsessed lunatics are now openly calling for blood in the streets, as they seek to absorb one of the world’s last free countries into their globalist control grid.

As we’ve explained here extensively, there is no evidence that the election was fraudulent in Belarus. International observers were there. It simply isn’t possible to fake winning 80% of the vote.

Furthermore, the EU obviously planned to make this claim in advance, which is why they refused to send their own observers. Belarus requested observers from the official EU body in charge of this, and they said they couldn’t come because of the coronavirus.

What is happening is no different than if the EU and America invaded Belarus to overthrow the government. They are simply using more sophisticated methods. So they are now in a proxy war with Belarus. Who is the proxy? The few dumb protesters who go out there to protest Lukashenko on behalf of the EU and the US.

I hope that Vladimir Putin refuses to allow the West to steal Belarus. We do not need to give any more territory to the satanic globalist system.

I am particularly enraged by this situation with Belarus because they are one of the only countries that has not embraced this lunatic coronavirus hoax. Probably, Lukashenko’s refusal to accept the virus hoax is one of the reasons for overthrowing him at this time.

But just imagine: in America and Europe, you aren’t allowed to go to church or to the gym by order of the government. If you try to go to church or the gym, men with guns will come and put you in a cage. If you resist them, you are subject to death.

America and Europe, while doing this, are telling Belarus, which is a free and open country, that they are going to overthrow their government in order to gift them with “freedom.”

Obviously, if America and Europe are allowed to move into Belarus and take it over, and install their shills in power, one of the first things that will happen is that the churches and gyms will be closed by order of the new puppet government and Belarus won’t be gifted with freedom as it already has freedom, it will be caged.

People will be locked down in their homes, schools will get canceled, everything shut down. This is the so-called freedom that America and Europe are planning to give to Belarus.

The fact of the matter is that Belarus has prospered enormously during this coronavirus hoax, because while the entire planet was shut down, Belarus and a few others such as Sweden, were NOT shut down, and their economy boomed, their sports teams received billions in sponsorships from abroad as other sports were canceled and so on….

The fact that there are people protesting Lukashenko in Belarus, even if they are only 20% of the population, just goes to show that perfection can never be achieved. Every forest has its dead trees and these people protesting Lukashenko are the dead trees of Belarus.

Instead of cheering in joy that they are still free while the rest of the world is jailed in their homes and instead of cheering with joy that their economy is booming during this plandemic, they enjoy a few hundred euros they get as bribes from NGO’s sponsored by the likes of George Soros for going out to protest.

Yup, that’s exactly what’s happening, these people out there protesting receive cash from NGOs to do this. Same thing is happening in USA with BLM, they received $220 million from George Soros Open Society Foundations, plus many other sponsorships from others like Soros. Even the shoe company Nike invested $40 million into BLM. Imagine that, a shoe company sponsoring…. riots and overthrowing of elected governments and politicians……………..

Enjoy democracy! Best political system in the world!!!!!!!!!!

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