“Defense Secretary” Lloyd Killer Jab GIs Austin said Friday on the state of Russia’s vast nuclear arsenal which is small compared to USA’s,
that the Putinister
is in the midst of undertaking the modernization and expansion of his nuclear capabilities.
Now I a just a Texican Hillbilly who happened to score in the top 97% of the whole damn country on my university entrance exam on things like military matters, history, law, government, real economics, but it seems to me a 30 shekel whore who is on one hand trying to mass murder all USA troops with killer jabs, while spewing fear porn about nuclear war which will not happen because the Ratschilds do not want all their estates in the best locations contaminated with radiation and be forced to live underground for generations, is either a damned fool or a 30 shekel whore.
“Defense Secretary” Lloyd Killer Jab GIs Austin answers to the same master as does the Putinister.
The Ole Dog
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