Michael Scheuer
by Michael Scheuer: In
Mali, The Interventionist Establishment Already Is Lying About ‘Unintended Consequences’
The U.S. bipartisan
governing elite’s fingerprints are on the detonators of those Boston
While the Tsarnev
brothers apparently conducted the Marathon bombings in Boston, the
detonators of those bombs also have the fingerprints of most Democratic
and Republican politicians all over them, and those men and women
are in a measure responsible for each and every one of the Boston
casualties. Why? Because once again it is blatantly obvious from
the evidence the authorities have presented to date that the attackers
were motivated by what the U.S. government does in the Muslim world
and not because of our freedoms, liberties, and gender equality.
So before President Obama and Secretary Kerry, Senators McCain and
Graham, and most of the mainstream media swing into intense lying
mode – which amounts to “those murderous Muslims are crazy
and hate liberty” – here are several contact points with reality
worth keeping in mind
1.) To the
best of my knowledge, since Osama bin Laden declared war on America
in 1996 no Islamist attacker or would-be attacker in the West has
ever told the authorities after his arrest that he was motivated
to attack by the West’s values, lifestyles, and freedoms. In addition,
none of the recovered documents or taped statements by domestic
Islamist attackers who died in action have yielded evidence of that
kind of motivation. This sort of evidence consistently has shown
that the attackers’ overarching motivation to be hatred for U.S.
and Western foreign policy toward and intervention in the Islamic
2.) Likewise,
no major Sunni Islamist leader has preached jihad against the United
States and the West because of its values, lifestyle, etc. That
they loathe many parts of what has become the West’s semi-pagan
society is clear; secular democracy and feminism are not coming
to their precincts anytime soon, even if Obama, McCain, and Hillary
Clinton continue to seek to impose them with bayonets. Nearly to
a man, Islamist leaders have unrelentingly sought to focus Muslims
on U.S. and Western interventionist policies and actions in the
Muslim world. And those leaders have no lack of things to focus
Muslim attention on. Since 2011 alone, for example, President Obama
and the similarly interventionist NATO leaders have invaded two
Muslim countries – Mali and Libya; established a new U.S. military
base in Muslim Niger; and are on the verge of intervening in Syria.
In addition, they arbitrarily stripped Muslim Sudan of 30-plus percent
of its territory and 75-to-80 percent of its oil reserves and gave
it to a new and Christian “South Sudan.” To paraphrase
what Edmund Burke said about the resistance of American colonials
to direct British intervention and taxation, Muslims who would not
resist this sort of illegitimate intervention would be fit to be
3.) On the
U.S. and Western side of the equation we find a mindlessness that
is startling; productive of dead and wounded Americans; and which
increases the power of our Islamist enemies. Given points 1 and
2 above, it is nothing less than amazing that senior U.S. political
leaders in both parties and much of the media – as well as their
counterparts in Europe – continue to preach that Americans are being
attacked because of their lifestyle and freedoms. One would think
that someone in the media would ask them to produce the evidence
for this contention, which of course they could not do. But no one
has asked because these politicians, pundits, and journalists would
have to admit that U.S. foreign policy – preeminently our support
for the Saudi tyranny and Israel; our invasions of Muslim countries;
and our efforts to impose Western political and social views on
Muslims and neuter Islam – is the main motivation of our Islamist
enemies and that, therefore, U.S. policy has helped to kill and
maim military and civilian Americans abroad, as well as in Boston,
New York, Arkansas, Fort Hood, Texas, Washington, and the rural
fields of Pennsylvania.
4.) U.S. and
Western interventionism also is, in may ways, a two-for for Islamist
leaders, their groups, and their ability to attract increasing numbers
of young man to their banners. For example, we invade Libya and
destroy a viciously anti-Islamist regime. Thereby, we assist in
the freeing of thousands of Islamist fighters from Libyan prisons,
skilled and experienced men who immediately return to the mujahedin;
we facilitate the looting of dozens of arsenals – as we did in Egypt
and Tunisia – and so we better arm the mujahedin across Africa;
and we deliberately destroy a valuable intelligence ally in our
war against the Islamists. And all this in the name of a secular
democratic movement that surely exists in the deranged-by-feminism
brains of Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice but to no considerable
extent anywhere in the Arab world.
5.) Just as
damaging to the genuine national security interests of the United
States and Western Europe is the combination of relentless interventionism
and feckless, effeminate war-making. Whether the war was emphatically
a necessity – as in Afghanistan – or a criminally whimsical choice
– as in Iraq and Mali – the U.S. and its NATO allies always lose.
And they lose not because their Islamist enemies are stronger or
better armed – they clearly are not – but because the U.S. and the
West will not kill the requisite number of the enemy and their supporters,
and destroy enough of the foe’s resources and infrastructures, to
make our the Islamists know for certain that the bloody game they
started – their religious war against the West – is not worth the
candle. As a result, we have suffered truly staggering loses in
Iraq and Afghanistan, as we will in Mali as the Islamist insurgency
there evolves and expands. However much President Obama and the
war-boys McCain and Graham dress up the effectiveness and describe
the success of the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan, all of
the Muslim world – and especially the young male segment of that
population – perceives that the much vaunted U.S. military had its
ass kicked and is running home chased by Allah’s warriors, just
as the Soviets were evicted from Afghanistan in the 1980s. What
better recruiting tool could there be than a perceived reality among
young Muslims – underpinned by the reality of U.S. withdrawal-without-victory
in Iraq and Afghanistan – that the theoretically omni-powerful U.S.
military is an organization that is made reliably contemptible because
it is deliberately hamstrung by politicians who are more than willing
to wail lamentations and cry crocodile tears over U.S. casualties,
but are not willing to protect Americans because they cannot face
the reality that the one and only thing that counts in war is victory.
6.) So as Boston
is cleaned-up and the casualties are buried and tended, all Americans
have yet another chance to think about how long they will tolerate
a war that Washington refuses to win, while it systematically and
knowingly providing much of the motivation for those Islamists intent
on killing of Americans. Through its bipartisan truckling to the
Saudi and other Gulf tyrannies; its intervention in places like
Libya and Syria, where we have no genuine national interest and
are helping to put Islamists in power; its willingness to accept
U.S. military defeat everywhere; and its unquestioning bipartisan
support for Israel and thereby the corruption of U.S. politics by
AIPAC and the campaign funds provided by pro-Israel U.S. citizens,
Republicans and Democrats are helping to kill Americans, their families,
and their children.
7.) There
is a story, perhaps apocryphal, that the young George S. Patton
– then fighting to defend the U.S. border with Mexico – raised a
July 4th toast to America’s independence with the words:
“May God bless America, and may He damn all of her enemies.”
At that point in his career, Patton surely had Pancho Villa and
his raiders in mind as enemies, not the bipartisan political leaders
of the United States. Given where we stand today in our losing war
against Islamist insurgents and terrorists, Patton, if alive, might
well enlarge the compass of his definition of America’s enemies
to include recent U.S. presidents, senators, and congressman – and
he would be right to do so.
22, 2013
Scheuer [send him mail] is
the author of Marching
Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq and Imperial
Hubris and Through
Our Enemies’ Eyes. He recently resigned after 22 years at
the CIA. He served as chief of the CIA’s bin Laden unit.
2013 © Michael Scheuer
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