(EmilyH) Brynn Williams was sent home with a share bag on December 18th by her teacher. The teacher explained that they were supposed to bring in something the next day for show and tell. When they do, they were to tell the class how they celebrate the Christmas season in their home. Little Brynn brought a tree topper of the star of Bethlehem. Brynn got up in front of the class and told about how Jesus was born.
“Our Christmas tradition is to put a star on top of our tree. The star is named the Star of Bethlehem,” Williams reportedly said. “The three kings followed the star to find baby Jesus, the Savior of the world.” Brynn was about to share John 3:16 with the class, but that is when the teacher told her to stop and sit down. The teacher said that she was not allowed to share about the Bible in the classroom.
“Advocates For Faith & Freedom has taken up the case and is speaking out against what it believes was improper behavior on the part of the teacher,” the Blaze reports. The group also sent a letter urging educators at the Temecula Valley Unified School District to stop “expressing disapproval or hostility toward religion or toward religious viewpoints expressed by students.”
The group is also urging the teacher to send little Brynn a written apology for her behavior, and be allowed to share the rest of her story; including the Bible verse.
“The disapproval and hostility that Christian students have come to experience in our nation’s public schools has become epidemic,” said Robert Tyler, General Counsel for Advocates for Faith & Freedom. “I hope that TVUSD will take the lead role in adopting a model policy to prohibit this abuse that has become all too common place for religious-minded students.”
It’s just sickening how liberal teachers think they need to squelch the faith of Christian students just because it makes them uncomfortable. Or because they are afraid it will make non-believing students uncomfortable. I really wish public schools would allow God to be brought back into the classroom so kids can feel safe to share their faith and be a blessing to other students. It wouldn’t hurt if there was a room dedicated to prayer every morning before school starts as well; for both Christian students and educators. I love private schools dearly, but it’s too bad there is so much hostility towards God and the Bible in our schools. Child-like faith such as Brynn’s is precious; and should not be squelched.
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Source Article from http://govtslaves.info/first-grader-sent-home-bible-show-tell/
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