Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias tested positive for the coronavirus on Saturday. As he announced in a post on Twitter, although the diagnostic test showed that he is positive for the virus, he remains asymptomatic.
In fact, the Foreign Minister assured that he will continue to carry out his duties from home by teleworking, while for the time being he will cancel the meetings and visits to other countries that were planned for the next few days.
See the post:
“In a rapid test and a PCR test, which I underdid daily, I was found positive for Covid-19. I remain asymptomatic, but will be teleworking from home & canceling meetings & scheduled visits to other countries in the coming days.”
Σε rapid test και test PCR, στα οποία υποβάλλομαι καθημερινά, βρέθηκα θετικός στον Covid -19. Παραμένω ασυμπτωματικός, αλλά θα ασκώ τα καθήκοντά μου με τηλεργασία από την οικία μου & θα ακυρώσω τις συναντήσεις & τις προγραμματισμένες επισκέψεις σε άλλες χώρες τις επόμενες ημέρες.
— Nikos Dendias (@NikosDendias) October 22, 2022
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