Harness the Power of Your Dreams – FREE 4-Day Online Dreamwork Event

2020 has so far been something of a collective nightmare around the world.

With worsening environmental disasters, continued health and economic uncertainty rippling across the globe… and mounting social unrest and political turmoil… many are disoriented and mourning the loss of normalcy.

In the realm of dreamwork, however, nightmares are important messengers, prompting the sleeper to awaken spiritually and personally. Learning to unlock the deeper meaning of your dreams, especially the frightening ones, can illuminate a pathway through confusion into clarity and peace.

If you want to understand the power of your dreams, we invite you to take up your FREE place at a groundbreaking online event, where you can learn from experts in this field:

Harness the Power of Your Dreams – FREE 4-Day Online Dreamwork Event

During this 4-day free online event, you’ll discover a variety of dreamwork methods that can help you reframe and work through painful experiences, ease stress, and provide new perspectives on your challenges — and even break through lifelong blocks to start living the life your soul intended for you.

Get ready to learn from more than 20 of today’s leading master dream professionals and psychologists, each of whom will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your nighttime dreams.

Sign up here – FREE of charge and start a new story for your life.

During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • The latent power of daydreams, visions, and synchronicities as sources of spiritual development
  • The richness of active imagination and hypnotic dreamwork when facing crucial life transitions and transformations
  • How Gestalt psychology, dream psychodrama, and improvisational dream theater can intersect to help dreamers find insight, health, healing, and wholeness
  • Ways to craft a shrine in a loved one’s memory as a way to process, honor, and continue the relationship
  • Four lucid states and how we can tap into them for deep healing
  • How your dreaming mind wants you to heal and will do everything in its power to guide you to transformative solutions
  • Qualities of visitation dreams, and how shrines can be used as a portal to meaningfully connect with deceased loved ones
  • How images of gems, jewelry, and other talismans can bring gifts to a dreamer who values them
  • A poetic dream synthesis technique
  • The “levels of dreaming” from Toltec and Aztec wisdom
  • And much more!

As a collective, we can choose to view these challenging times as an invitation to dive deep… to uncover and work with our shadow side and the things we need to wake up from. Exploring your dreams can help you unveil inner wisdom that’s been clouded by the stressors of your waking life. And it can help you access your intuition — a source of clarity, guidance, transformation, and the key to manifesting what you need to navigate these difficult times.

Intrigued? Here’s more of what you’ll learn from incredible teachers at this unmissable, FREE 4-day dreamwork event:

  • With Sandra Ingerman, you’ll learn to decode prophetic dreams and understand how you can ask for guidance in a dream by working in “The Land of Dreams.”
  • Learn the 9 keys to understanding your dreams, taking action to apply their guidance and embody their healing creative energy, with Robert Moss.
  • Sharpen your ability to discern true vision from false messages with Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, who’ll share ways to live your dream messages and fulfill the visions you receive.
  • Sharon Blackie will introduce the practice of “dream-weaving,” her unique active imagination process — and the ways it can help you connect with the spirit of a specific place.
  • With rainforest herbalist Adriana Ayales, you’ll experience a deep immersion into the powers of the pineal gland… and discover which teas, elixirs, and smudging plants to use before sleep.
  • Dr. Enjolie Lafaurie & Cihuapactli Collective will discuss dreams from a Latinx and Indigenous perspective, focusing on the cultural interpretations and implications of visitation dreams.
  • Andrew Holecek will offer wisdom about liminal dreaming, lucid dreaming, dream yoga, sleep yoga, and bardo yoga… which together create a unique form of “night school” — offering huge transformative potential.
  • Join world-renowned healer Sergio Magaña as he describes the transition to a new time according to Toltec and Aztec wisdom, and explains why this is THE time to learn to create your life through dreams.

Reserve your free place now and get ready to understand the power of your dreams. Because when you befriend your subconscious mind, it can provide you with clues for your next steps… and unique insight into the state of our world.

Dreamwork matters – now more than ever.

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