Hatred of Muslims in the West and United Terrorism: The Common Platform

I have long enjoyed the Mathaba web site. It has always been dedicated to the Libyan Jamahiriya, which I admired. In previous comments I explained that Libya was destroyed because Gaddafi’s sons got greedy, and started to impose neo-liberal “reforms” on the masses. That is, Gaddafi’s sons worked to destroy the Libyan Jamahiriya, so they could have greater personal power. This caused unhappiness, especially in Cyrenaica (Benghazi etc). The masses started to protest, and then the USA hijacked their protests, turned them into a civil war, and used it as an excuse to annihilate all of Libya. It was the neo-liberal “reforms” that opened the door to all this. Bashar al Assad of Syria made the exact same error.

Anyway, some comments about the article above…

[1] “Whether Australia, Europe or America, nowhere else in the world is the widespread hatred of Muslims so widespread. In fact, it is generally a white problem. We must remember, it is the same whites who hated Jews, but are now practically controlled by them…”

Have whites ever hated Jews? The question is more properly phrased as, “Have whites stopped being Jews?” That is, “Have there been times when whites were not depraved, corrupt, and imperialistic as a whole?”

The answer is yes, but rarely. Through most of Western history, whites have not only loved Jews; they have BEEN Jews.

Muslims too have been Jews. Many still are. Most Muslim empires and Caliphates took slaves from Africa, beginning with the Umayyad Caliphate (661-750 AD). In southern Iraq there was a 15-year-long slave revolt against Muslims masters (The Zanj Rebellion AD 869–883). It involved half a million African slaves, and was eventually crushed.
The point is that the temptation to become a Jew is constant, and must be guarded against at all times. No one is totally immune.

Today the West is extremely Judaic.

[2] “These same whites who are railing against Muslims dare not criticize the Jews, who are, after all, stirring up hatred against Muslims via the western news media networks.”

That’s because most whites) are themselves Jews, whether or not they call themselves “Jews.” (I say most, not all.)

[3] “To see the hatred of Muslims, one only has to peruse any social media, where the low class whites are active. But talking to middle and upper class whites, it is observed that the resentment against Muslims is more one of fear and disinformation, than outright hatred, compared, it seems, statistically with the lower and uneducated classes.”

No, middle and upper class whites hate Muslims, since most whites are Jews. Most Americans, for example, tend to be supremacists, just like Jews. They think they are “better,” just like Jews. In order to feel “better,” they hate Muslims.

[4] “The lower class are however generally over-run and competing with large numbers of Asians, in particular Chinese and Indians. Perhaps they find that they cannot get away with racial hatred against those national groups, but Muslims are a soft and easy target: no censure is undertaken by human rights groups.”

Yes. When there is violence against Muslims, the police say they will investigate it as a “hate crime,” but they do nothing. After all, the police are Jews.

[5] “The common white westerner still fails to realize that the population of Muslims is in the billions worldwide. And so, the terrorists among them are a tiny fraction of a fraction of a percentage.”

Ouch. The definition of “terrorist” is totally arbitrary, subjective, and expedient. From my perspective, the USA is the worst terrorist nation in history. And Muslims who resist imperialist invaders and occupiers are not terrorists. They are patriots and freedom fighters.

[6] “When this is pointed out, they say that they do not see Muslims condemning the terrorists. How often do Muslims need to condemn them?”

That’s the white Jew speaking. “How come you Muslims don’t condemn yourselves as terrorists as much as I condemn you?” The article notes that most of the victims of Muslim violence are other Muslims. Yet whites in their Judified arrogance think that whites are the main “victims.” Like I said, most whites are Jews.

[7] “Non-white life, has never had the same value as white lives, nor has goyim (non-Jew) lives had the value of gentiles (Jews).”
Hold it. As I noted above, Muslims are often Jews. Muslims took slaves for centuries. Even today, most Muslim Arabs (not all) tend to be racist against black Africans. Moamar Gaddafi wanted African unity, but many Libyans (not all) resented this. The point is that the temptation to become a Jew is constant, and must be guarded against at all times. No one is totally immune.

[8] “The first terrorists historically, were the Zionist Jews, most notorious among them the Stern Gang, who targeted the British colonial occupiers of Palestine.”

There have always been “terrorists,” but they have had different names. Before World War II, they were called “anarchists.” During WW II they were called “partisans.” After WW II they were called “commies.” Today they are called “terrorists.”

[9] “Jihadist Muslim terrorism started against the Russians and was sponsored and financed by the CIA in Afghanistan.”

No. “Jihad” means collective effort with a spiritual purpose. A jihad can be a war, or the building of a bridge, or whatever. Moreover, when Muslims began to invade Spain in 709 AD, the local people no doubt called them “Jihadist Muslims,” or something equivalent.

Source Article from https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2014/12/01/hatred-of-muslims-in-the-west-and-united-terrorism-the-common-platform/

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