Health Benefits of Walnuts

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Naomi Woods
June 7, 2012

walnuts 235x147 Health Benefits of WalnutsWalnuts have long been considered some of the most healthful nuts that you can add to your diet. The levels of antioxidants that they offer are not matched even by peanuts, almonds, pecans, or mostly any other nut. In fact, according to Joe Vinson from the University of Scranton, walnuts possess as much as two times the amount of antioxidants as other nuts. Nuts in general are especially beneficial for vegetarians who are missing certain vitamins and nutrients from their diet. Slowed aging, a boost of energy for people who are partaking in a rigorous workout, and cardiovascular benefits are only a few of the positive attributes making up the health benefits of walnuts.

Handful of Walnuts is Enough to Boost Health

You do not have to consume large amounts of walnuts in order to experience the health benefits of walnuts. According to Vinson, as little as seven walnuts is enough to experience the benefits. Walnuts are so rich in antioxidants that a small amount is more than enough; when compared to vitamin E for example, walnuts are 15 times more potent. Just a handful of walnuts per day will help reduce the chances of heart disease, and other cardiovascular-related issues.

“Walnuts rank above peanuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios and other nuts. A handful of walnuts contains almost twice as much antioxidants as an equivalent amount of any other commonly consumed nut. But unfortunately, people don’t eat a lot of them. This study suggests that consumers should eat more walnuts as part of a healthy diet,”  Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania says.

Other Benefits

According to an article published by David Katz MD and his research group in Diabetes Care back in 2010, walnuts have been shown to help improve the health of the blood vessels in adults with type 2 diabetes. Other published papers since have shown the same correlation between walnuts and overall vessel health. The great thing is that you do not have to add great quantities of walnuts every day. The consensus is that a small amount can have a great positive impact on people with diabetes and/or heart conditions. Lowering the amount of meat that you consume and increasing consumption of walnuts also helps reduce the chances of heart disease.

Despite Health Benefits of Walnuts, the Nuts are Seldom Consumed

Even with all the positive health benefits of walnuts, most people are still not eating them. The last figures showed that only 5.5% of adults consume tree nuts of any kind – a figure that can be a great disservice to their health, as nuts in general are great sources of protein, antioxidants and omega 3 acids. Walnuts are not only a great source of them; they are one of the best sources. Adding them to your diet should be a no brainer, especially if you are trying to reduce your chances of heart disease or if you are looking to get in shape.

Interesting Related Read: FDA Claims Walnuts to be Illegal Drugs

Additional Sources:

University of Scranton


540x80 papaya leaf extract Health Benefits of Walnuts

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  1. Walnuts Pack a Powerful Dose of Antioxidants
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  6. FDA Claims Walnuts to be Illegal Drugs | Government Lunacy at its Best

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