One of the IsraHELL Invading Red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian mongrel Khazarian Babylonian Talmud’s Pedophiles End of Times Death cult Member Terrorist “Defense Force”
“soldiers” who was a participate in a gang rape of a kidnaped Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendant of the Biblical judeans man at the Sde Teiman military base in IsraHELL told the media that military police interrogators “applauded us.”
Israeli journalist Israel Frey reports: “Meir Ben Shatrit, an IDF Terrorist “soldier” involved in perverted sadistic abuse of Semitic Indigenous Palestinian kidnaped victims admits that his interrogation by the military police was only a sham. ‘You feel they want to thank you, there were days when they applauded us,’ he said.”
Zionism is a virus.
The Virus must be eradicated.
The Ole Dog!
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