Thanks to HRS and mkey. The summary I wrote didn’t even do justice to the evasion and even some abuse I suffered in talking to this lady who kept interrupting me and even began to berate me every time I had a point, “you don’t see and work with viruses like I do so you don’t know”.
Here is our nice interviewee in the flesh, she put her broomstick down to pose for the photo:
Me: What about PCR, is it really valid to go to 40-45 cycles?
Her: That’s just to confirm control at 45. Most people are positive at 30-35 cycles.
Me: Still, the cycle no for individuals isn’t known, isn’t going to 40-45 too high?
Her: It all depends on the amount of virus in the sample [she’s dodging the question].
Me: What about the many PCR makers that state in their usage sheets that the PCR isn’t specific for Covid and can be positive for flu, rsv, adeno, etc?
Her: Those makers are just flat wrong, the pcr aims at special epitopes on Corona.
Here are 2 examples
1. Diagnostics DC. SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit. In. DC Creative Diagnostics 2020.
“Non-specific interference of Influenza A Virus (H1N1), Influenza B Virus (Yamagata), RespiratorySyncytial Virus (type B),Respiratory Adenovirus (type 3, type 7), Parainfluenza Virus (type 2), Mycoplasma Pneumoniae,Chlamydia Pneumoniae, etc”.
2. BIOTEC C. Real Time PCR Detection Kits. In. Certest BIOTEC 2020.“New Real Time PCR Detection Kit designed for the identification of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A/B (Flu A/B) and/or Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus A/B (RSV A/B) in respiratory samples. One assay. Multiple pathogens detection”
Me: Why is there near zero flu in Japan this year?
Her: Less people are traveling this year so it didn’t come, also, wearing masks.
Me: But ’19-’20 season there were over 100k cases of flu in Japan [and people weren’t traveling so much during the Spanish 1918 flu] and doesn’t a mask protect from flu just like Corona even though everyone’s mask is clearly open at the edges?
Her: There wasn’t so much flu in Japan, what the gov’t puts out is a guesstimate, and many had immunity to flu from before, and Corona is more infective from aerosol vs flu [how is that proven?].
Me: Don’t people have some immunity to all the corona colds?
Her: No they don’t, and most people are getting flu vax each year [so why is there so much flu in Japan every year?].
Her: It’s nonsense to compare flu to corona [she’s dodging the question].
Me: Yes, there’s lot’s of nonsense going on out there.
Another Dr. I spoke to later about a different paper to was more pleasant but still evasive and denied every point. About isolation he said, “it isn’t necessary to do density-gradient isolation to prove what virus is the pathogen. The PCR we use at 20 cycles is basically 100% accurate and our PCR we use doesn’t have cross reactivity” [ok so what standard are they based on to begin with?]. “Viruses will disintegrate if we try to purify them so it’s not done.” [sure, but won’t some survive, and we can see their molecular size, and rule-out other types?]. I asked him if metagenomics was the basis of the PCR, he said yes, but then said no, but had no alternative. I also asked him if basing the metagenomic genome of one patient from Wuhan (sequenced by a company called “Illumina”) was a valid way to determine the genes to put in the PCR and vaccines and he said, “every pandemic has a first case”. [Metagenomic sequencing is only supposed to be accepted for well-characterized organisms].
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