Liberal Jewish politician emerging as main opposition challenger to Putin

“After the destruction of the Bolshevik system, it becomes clear that anti-Semitism in Russia was mainly of a state nature’”

We can see what sort of President of the Russian Federation he would make when he makes big lies like this from the very start.

The Jews like to distance themselves from the horrors of the Jewish terrorist takeover of Russia by saying that they themselves (6 million again when the newspaper articles of that period are examined) were actually the victims throughout.

The first Russian ‘revolution’ (terrorist takeover) of Russia was attempted in 1905, that failed, and that had been intended to go alongside WWI, before the second attempt of 1917 succeeded, so that a Jewish-dominated Russia could more easily smash through an already-defeated Germany and thus take all of Europe.

The European people were to be liquidated just as the Kulak peasants and other Christians had been, exactly the same as had happened in Russia already, that genocidal slaughter actually being the Noahide Laws in effect there already, albeit, without being officially declared (such is the way of war), just as the Noahide Laws are behind the liquidation of those in the ME Arab and Muslim countries are today, using subjugated NATO armies to do the dirty work, just as rabbis can be seen on YouTube video fotage openly stating that NATO armies will be used to enforce the Noahide Laws and do the killings.

And of course, WWII was merely a direct continuation of WWI, the task being to smash Germany, that being the only nation powerful enough to stop any invasion from the East by Russia, Stalin had everything worked out nicely to protect the Jews, being one of three leaders named by an eminent Jew as ‘sons of Israel’ who would destroy Germany for the Jews.

Over 2 million Jews left Germany and the other countries that would become occupied by German forces, and sat out the war in Russia, and Stalin knew what was coming, and had pre-planned the creation of the semi-autonomous oblast within Russia, known today as Birobidzhan, the size of Switzerland, just for the mass influx of Jews he knew would soon be coming, and it still exists today. In the 1920’s Stalin created Birobidzhan, making it officially recognized by the state in the 1930’s, specifically for the safety of the Jews in their own homeland, protected by Russia.

The Bolshevik Jews in Russia took all the land from the so-called ‘landowners’ (gentile Christians, many of whom were Kulak peasants recently liberated by the Tsar, real working men, hardly capitalist bourgoisie rich who had been enslaving the poor and oppressing them, as these peasants had just been given smallholdings of land and a couple of cows by the Tsar, but the Jews wanted EVERYTHING in the name of the state, themselves in fact, as the private bank accounts of Lenin and Trotsky in the West held hundreds of millions of dollars filched from the Russian people, that was never reinvested in Russia for the benefit of all of the Russian people after the ‘revolution’. See the works of Juri Lina for all the research on that.

Trotsky and Lenin were the scum of the Earth, mass-murderers and robbers of the nastiest sort.

After the war, well over 4.25 million Jews went to West Germany and then claimed financial compensation according to the statement of the West German Finance Minister, I read the exact figure years ago, and it was right down to individual numbers, and that was around 1974 I think, for having been held in the camps, a very impressive feat, since a maximum of 4.5 million Jews had lived in all the territories that Germany eventually occupied, and 500,000 of those Jews lived in France, from which they were never deported even during the war, though around 13,000 heavily active Communist Jews were deported to the camps at that time, so take away 500,000 from 4.5 million and you have 4 million, yet more demanded compensation for having been held in ‘extermination’ (labour) camps than could possibly have been in the camps. Most Jews left Europe well before the war that started in 1939 anyway, with Germany encouraging Jews to leave Germany since 1933, so most of those 4.5 million Jews in Europe, getting wind of that, would have been well gone by the start of the war, those within closest proximity to Germany anyway, though as mentioned, over 500,000 Jews chose to stay in France anyway, likely because France was on the Allied side.

60,000 Jews were deported to Palestine by the Germans themselves, 150,000 Jews served in the German armed forces, and of course many Jews were liberated from the camps at the end of the war, and the total death toll of all groups of people held in the camps, mainly Russians due to the fact Germany had 3 million Russian POW’s, was initially established at 271,304, later revised very slightly higher by the International Red Cross, of which no more than 50,000 or so were likely actually Jewish, though some have calculated an absolute maximum of 180,000 dead Jews, which is highly unlikely, given the predominance of Russians and other POW’s and other groups, like petty criminals, who would come and go, serving short sentences in Auschwitz for example throughout the war, for crimes such as black-marketeering, petty theft, etc.

No bodies examined in the camps demonstrated any signs of having been poisoned by gas when any bodies remaining were examined, nor were any homicidal gas chambers found, and the two American forensic officers who established this tried to place their evidence before the courts at the Nuremberg trials and their testimonies were refused to be allowed as admissible.

But of course, the Jews are always crafty lying manipulative bastards, and even when the Bolshevik Jews were committing the most apalling atrocities as they tortured Christians to death in Russia, their controlled press throughout the western nations was publishing the most harrowing story of JEWS being persecuted, starved, etc., at that same time in Russia, so that it was the Jews who were made to appear the victims, in danger of dying, as usual, whilst in fact, they themselves were the actual murderers and terrorists, and the Jews appealed to the west for financial and other aid to help the Jews in their supposed terrrible plight, even as they literally butchered entire Christian families with seething bloodlust.

The Jews also lied over the Katyn Fort massacre of course, and over Babi Yar near Kiev, where 15,000 to 20,000 and 100,000 Polish Christians were all massacred, and then the Jews claimed that the Germans had killed those at Katyn, and those at Babi Yar.

Jews always make out that Stalin et al really persecuted them, stating that they, the Jews, have been the victims of Communist persecution all along. Their ability to lie is nothing short of stunning,

The Jews do this so that they can publicly distance themselves from the real truth in the eyes of all others, that the terrible crimes by those Communist agents of the Jewish bankers and rabbis were actually committed on their behalf, and they do this so that people will be deceived into allowing Jews to continue to run the the affairs of other peoples whom they continue to infiltrate.

This, of course, is why anti-holocaust denial laws have been brought in by Putin in Russia, and he has even encouraged all other nations in the world to bring in legislation that would make it an imprisonable offence for anyone in their country to deny the fake, 6 million Jewish holocaust figure, and several other nations so far have recently introduced such legislation. This they must do, because if they do not, rational discussion of the evidence available would demolish the entire holocaust pretence extremely quickly.

There is no excuse for this, as any leader could let the generations of today know the real truth and the depth of the deception that hid the real truth from previous generations, that no holocaust of 6 million Jews occurred, no riots or loss of control or other problems would occur in any state in the world if the real truth were revealed, but there might be one problem, for Jews that is, that people might the question the validity of the reasons used as justification for the creation of the state of Israel. And that is the big issue, the only real issue in the consideration of all these crooked and traitorous politicians.

They maintain these lies today only to preserve Jewish power, to preserve Israel, and for no other reason, yet as Russians, they have no genuine reason to do this. Grigory Yavlinsky, a Jew, would no doubt do even more to maintain this pernicious web of lies of the holocaust, and thus hold the Russian people in the darkness of living under Jewish control.

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