Palestinians Fear Israelis Promoting COVID Vaccine As Covert Means To Sterilize And Kill Them


Let’s look at Left & Right.

Old left – nationalist, fought for the workers/lower rights to fair pay and hours. Fought against the unscrupulous landlords and factory owners. Essentially, the left, in the past were the working class.

Old right – nationalist, the aristocracy, upper classes (and later the newly born middle classes), landlords, business owners. Essentially the old right was those with money and those who sought to keep it.

And courtesy of the Jewish infiltration of the left, with Karl Marx’s communism, created to takeover socialism amongst the working classes, both the left and the right completely changed. With the emergence of the middle class, we now had a grey area, people who had come from poverty, who had succeeded financially knew of the plight of the working class and of course, there was that part of the upper class that fell and became middle class, bitter they were no longer at the top and looked down upon the working class. And therefore, overwhelmingly, with the creation of a middle class, we had the creation of classic British liberalism, a benchmark, neither left nor right, a balance, centrist in politics.
Now that the Jew was firmly controlling both the left and the right (and liberalism as well), the left sold out to their arch enemy, the bankers and corporatists (factory owners of the past) who as long as they stopped attacking them, they’d finance their agendas. And of course the agendas were those of the Frankfurt School. Identity politics was thus born, pre WW2 and came fully into effect at the end of the 50’s and beginning of the 60’s.

New left: identity politics promoting, vehemently anti nationalist, pro affirmative action/positive discrimination (blatant racism/anti meritocratic), completely intolerant, subjective, pro minority, pro immigration, pro multiculturalism, pro multiracialism, pro feminism, pro abortion, anti family, anti patriarchy, anti white, anti male, anti western civilization….in fact, completely mirrored the agenda as promoted by Karl Marx, as stated above he was deliberately asked by his cousin, Rothschild, to infiltrate socialism and he did so with communism. Because the left is completely dominated by Jews and their promotion of victimhood and victim complex and therefore being predominantly Jewish with the Jewish line coming from the mother, the left is the matriarchy. It also fits in perfectly with the many ‘Gaia’ cults in the west, who are also matriarchal.

New right: mix of both working and middle class. Now the home of nationalism and protection of the nation, culture and civilization, Christian, pro meritocracy, tolerant, objective, freedom and liberty loving (although I can’t understand why they promote liberty as it’s ‘granted’ freedom, by the authorities that can be taken away), anti corporation, anti banking, pro family, pro heterosexuality. The right is the patriarchy.

Pointless debate. Both controlled by the Jews (Rothschilds). Globalists all and politicians won’t succeed unless they swear fealty to Israel (Jews). The late James Traficante Jr. spoke of this, along with Cynthia McKinney, both Democrats and of course, the last UK election saw the demolition of Jeremy Corbyn, because although he capitulated 99.9% to Jews, it wasn’t 100% and therefore had to go. He wouldn’t drop the Palestine cause so there was no way he’d ever become Prime Minister. Both in the US, Canada & the UK (along with all European nations), Zionism control politics and it’s all about what’s best for the Jews.

But overall, essentially, the new right is somewhat the old left and the new left is somewhat the old right. Lefties like to state that what’s happening is right wing, when they forget to see that the old right, although run by the aristocracy, was vehemently nationalist. This therefore destroys any labeling of it being a right wing agenda. The old left also sought to create the state and Karl Marx capitalized on this, by making the state Big Brother, an all powerful, authoritarian body, with complete control over the population. One could say that it was the new aristocracy, a new feudalism, but the Jews would be the new monarchs.
Lefties also don’t understand the simple difference between nationalism and internationalism. There is no nationalism any more in the left. Almost all lefties I know are internationalists. All righties I know are nationalists and anti globalists.

More so, the political spectrum is also wrong and always has been. National Socialism and Fascism are both left wing ideologies. Anarchy, has NEVER been left wing, although Jewpedia and lefties like to promote ‘left wing anarchism’ (an oxymoron). The farthest left is communism, it then moves into socialism within which lies national socialism and fascism, with fascism being nearer communism and national socialism being nearer classic British liberalism in the middle. From classic British liberalism, we move right with conservatism, then into libertarianism and the farthest left you could go, right wise, is Anarchy. This is the political spectrum how it should look:

Communism – Fascism – national socialism – Liberalism – Conservatism – Libertarianism – Anarchy

Before WW2, there was no need for the term ‘national’ anywhere in the west, because everyone was a national with a love for their nation and civilization. Hitler had to use the term national, to unite the German people against the clear communist enemy (Jews) who were trying to destroy Germany, having previously committed genocide in Russia (and still). Therefore all political ideologies, whether left, right or centre were nationalist. This of course, began to change with the Frankfurt school’s indoctrination of the western nations, in the 1930’s onwards, so much so by the 1960’s we had the Jewish created, civil right’s movement, which as with everything Jewish created, always has an ulterior motive. It wasn’t about the welfare of blacks but more about sewing the seeds for the future destruction of the indigenous westerners (whites). And we can see the fruition today with Black Lives Matter, being supported by some 600 Jewish groups.

Sorry for the long rant, but the left and the right no longer is what it was. You’ll find that the pro right people are anti Zionist, but the pro right politicians aren’t. But again, that’s because all politicians, regardless what party they are within, are all controlled, Mammonites, shabbos goy and globalists. The bottom line is there are no longer any ‘left’ or ‘right’ politicians. All are simply communists (extreme left) and this is why every politician continually goes on about the deadly threat of the far right, because anything that isn’t communism, is far right.

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