Protests, even massive, they can handle. But when it comes to any step towards taking back the power from the rich and privileged, police state shows its teeth. For 3 days, #OccupyDemocracy have occupied Parliament Square in London and opened public debates on how democracy should function for real for those who keep society going, who are not those at the top.
Cops responded with brutality and violence; they attacked occupiers, and arrested them in what became known “The Battle of the Tarpaulin“. Yes, cops have arrested not just occupiers, but also tarpaulins, blankets, written papers, and have tried to stop people from sleeping.
“The Battle of Tarp.” Met Police launch #OpTarp. Weapon of Mass Resistance. Westminster (full):
2AFan : #occupydemocracy – news flash: a parliamentary system is not a democracy.
Linked here, older but relevant Parliament or Democracy? “From the 1850s onwards, against a background of great new wealth in society and a working class that was more independent and resourceful, the ‘problem of democracy’ became urgent for the rich and powerful. Maintaining their privilege and wealth while generally conceding a semblance of democracy was the principal aim of the ‘rich and privileged’ during the second half of the 19th century. Parliament is a means of diffusing democracy, of channelling real struggles into a safe dead-end. Time and time again it has become a graveyard for the workers’ movement.”
#OccupyDemocracy breaks off from the main TUC march and heads to Parliament Square for a second night of speakers and an open Assembly. The Park wardens asked protesters to leave the Square using Bylaw 5 but by not informing the people the reason they were being asked to leave, neither were protester being told that they could stay if you gave them your details for a summons for civil trespass to be sent to you made this null and void. And then they used the police to enforce this incorrect instruction. There was nothing proportional about the amount of police used against peaceful protester. Occupy returned again today and were faced with more police brutality and arrests have taken place.
More speakers will be talking tomorrow and we urge all people to come and join our struggle for democracy.
Here is a programme for the rest of the week:; Monday 20 Oct: Public services: Privatisation and the corporate takeover at#tarpaulinrevolution#occupydemocracy#olsx
So what exactly terrified cops so badly?
“The protest, organised by #OccupyDemocracy – a group that grew out of Occupy London – is demanding reforms to our democratic process so that it serves the public interest, rather than the interests of corporations, banks and a tiny wealthy elite.”They wouldn’t dare, would they? #Westmonster
Occupy London: “Met Police, literally ran away with democracy last night as they confiscated our banner tower. Give us back our democracy.”
@JolyonRubs: Why are the police so bothered about#occupydemocracy putting tarp down on parliament Sq?@OccupyLondon scare you much@metpoliceuk???The-Battle-of the Tarpaulin: “Although in the UK the movement appears to be small in numbers, it’s clear it has a growing resonance, and that more and more people are searching for a new paradigm. What is also clearer than ever after yesterday, is that those who hold power are deeply afraid of this movement.
After the TUC march, Parliament Square was very busy, with no more than a couple of hundred ‘occupiers’ surrounded on all sides by as many or more police.
A sleazy reporter from the Daily Mail, who seemed to have close ties with the authorities, told me that the Superintendent (“a lovely chap”) wasn’t going to mess around, and would make it “short and sweet”, and sure enough, the disruption and harassment began.
First, a couple of units of TSG moved in and surrounded the blue tarpaulin that was being used to keep extremist bums dry on the grass. But despite the intimidation and police numbers, people linked arms and chanted (see vid below), and the tarp remained in place.
Next, the Super sent in a highly-trained ‘bunting snatch squad’ comprised of Heritage Wardens and police…
Occupiers are beginning to use the hashtag #tarpaulinrevolution, and are asking people to come to the square bringing tarpaulins or umbrellas. Any donations of waterproof trousers or tarpaulins that could be cut up and wrapped round waists greatly appreciated.
Despite the attack, spirits remain high and they are clearing up the mess, and are intending to remain in the square overnight again with a packed timetable of events planned for tomorrow.
Natasha Quarmby: “I was there last night and it was ridiculous watching police trying to intimidate people off a small piece of tarpaulin, I am a documentary photographer, and I have three days worth of images yet to upload on my page.
One of the first arrested was told: “You are not allowed to display “written material“.
@rwis1 : Bring your tarpaulins down to Parliament Square!!!!!!#tarpaulinrevolution#occupydemocracy#occupylondon
“Hundreds of police – but whatever for?
There were literally hundreds and hundreds of police surrounding the democracy debate.
Then another police cordon around the squares footpaths – within which the press were banned.
Then the entire boundary of the square was surrounded by police vans.
A police helicopter hovered over-head. Hundreds more police were in vans spread all around the vecinity.
This massive over-policing and attempts to shut the democratic forum down was truly shocking and outrageous.
However, despite repeated provocation the democrats remained peaceful, and with huge help from the legal team, Occupy faced down all of the attacks and is now proceeding peacefully with talks and workshops all week, including today.
Please go and support these brave protesters today or during the week if you can.
I am now going to crash … grateful for not being in jail and grateful for helping claim this space for open demoractic debate for nine days, outside the Whore of Parliaments.”
@barnabynerberka: Protesters being snatched out of the kettle one at a time. Riot police heavy handed. #occupydemocracy
Some even dared to bring in terrorist musical instruments: pic via Fields of Photography
Alison Playford from #OccupyDemocracy said: “The way the State has responded to our protest with this political policing just shows how frightened the elite are of a new movement pushing for radical democratic reform.”
@IllustratedGame : The police were very upset when this man wouldn’t relinquish his blanket at #occupydemocracy.
“Police violently dragging protestors off Parliament Square: “Because they’re lying on plastic.”
“BECAUSE: ” allegedly, someone cut a piece of string, we kid you not “
Michelle Kent : #OccupyDemocracy
“Just to say that Kaz was pulled from the circle by her head, they used ‘pressure point’ under her jaw, top of her right arm has bruising andswelling… Darcy was ripped out the circle by the arm and shoulder, bruised and in pain. Kaz is now telling Darcy to ‘man the fuck up’. Totally unnecessary – #Police State!!!”
@emccallum: Surprise, surprise BBC aren’t reporting #occupydemocracy
@dreistreifenz: The BBC, by remaining silent on #occupydemocracy is complicit in its support of Westminster and their bully boy attack dogs – The Met.
@8owechl: It’s actually amazing the nonexistence of BBC coverage on #occupydemocracy protests in London #bbcbias
@barnabynerberka: Livestreamers at #occupydemocracy eviction.
@DemocracyCafe: This is not what
#democracy looks like:
@galandlockwood : Bertrand Russell’s comments apt for the cops at parliament #occupydemocracy
@emmafriedmann: Benefit Street – by @NxtGenUK
Reasons for #occupydemocracy @occupydemocracy @OccupyLondon @UKuncut
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