Roadmap to Adolf Hitler’s Rehabilitation

Hitler’s 132nd birthday anniversary is a good time to reflect and assess the state of the racialist movement.

The precondition of any official rehabilitation of Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, and National Socialism is the de facto rehabilitation and vindication of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. The latter is in our hands.

Do we observe the de facto rehabilitation of Hitler? Absolutely. It would take a series, or even a book, to cover it all.

[1] A good place to start is with Robert Faurisson’s article that notes “the material impossibilities” of a gasacaust,  The Victories of Revisionism.

Revisionism shows that a very small group of people conversing with the ruling scum can expose and alter its narrative for permanent gains.  The genocidal gasacaust slander, which is meant to smear Hitler and Germans as evil, is just a bunch of huff-puff that we can now account for.

[2] The acknowledgement that the Katyn massacre was Soviet disinformation forever impeached Soviet credibility. That the gasacaust started out as Soviet disinformation negates it. That the Soviets planned a mass invasion of Europe in 1941, just weeks before Hitler’s heroic preemptive strike, as presented by Viktor Suvorov in his Icebreaker thesis, established Soviet aggression. That communism collapsed, as unfit for life itself, is a full vindication of Hitler’s policy in the east.

[3] The encirclement of Germany, starting under King Edward VII (EVII) is the start of a genocidal British aggression, not only against Germany, but against all of Europe. Cecil Rhodes voiced the British ambition to put “all habitable lands” under the British empire.  What else could that be, but a declaration of war on the world, and on Europe, particularly. Is that not aggression and the mental state (mens rea) responsible for the start of any hot wars? Absolutely.

Tactically, encirclement is an act of war and aggression. The British encircled Germany. Germany didn’t not encircle Britain. There is no means to do so.

A discussion of British encirclement of Germany:

[4] William Engdahl in his book Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics presents the thesis that as oil was envisioned to replace coal as the fuel of choice for industrial nations, petroleum would be vital to Europe. Germany had proximity over France and contiguity over England to the Middle East. Importantly, Germany was trusted by the Ottomans over any other country, and she had both the industrial skill and capital to build the Berlin-to-Baghdad railroad (BBR) to bring in oil into Europe peacefully by land…a great virtue compared to America’s wars for oil.

Because French access to oil would have been dependent on peace with Germany, this would have made a successful French war on Germany impossible, assuring peace and unity in Europe for generations, precluding encirclement and war.

The Kaiser and Sultan agreed that Germany would build the oil railroad.  In return, Germany would get 20 km on either side of the railroad to drill for oil. That would make Germany a major oil power. No war was needed, no coups, no terrorism, and no Israel. The vision aimed for the greatest security for Europe and peaceful co-development of what was, effectively, “Otto-Germania.” What a wonderful world it would be.

This British didn’t want oil go by land. They wanted it to go by sea, where British naval terrorism could cut it off. The aim was to hold Europe hostage to British control over oil. As knight-servant of the British empire Henry Kissinger said, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” This is the essential purpose of both Zionism and communism, respectively.  WWI resulted in the collapse of the German, Austria-Hungarian, Ottoman regimes, where the British took over Otto-Germania for itself, and where Russia was paralyzed in civil war and revolution.

Today, it is clear that the British had a long-term strategy to destroy Europe’s independent access to oil through Germany, in line, with its ambition for world domination. To retain this power, permanently, British domination of Europe demands the extermination of the German nation.

This prompted the destruction of the BBR, by inflaming the Balkans, cutting Germany off from Baghdad, and preventing Russia from filling in the power vacuum. That’s where communism came in: to paralyze Russia in civil war and to control it with a British-sponsored Bolshevik dictatorship. The Soviets were the first to recognize Israel. Despite having the power, the Soviets never conquered the Middle East to give capitalism an economic death blow, which you would expect. Instead, they invaded Afghanistan and went bankrupt. Soviet policy suggests they were always on the British hook.

[5] Importantly, for the British-American syndicate to hold power over the Otto-Germania, permanently, they required the extermination of the German nation; otherwise, Germany could recover what is rightfully hers.

This accounts for the viciousness of Versailles, the breakup of Germany, the imposition of hostile regimes on Germans, instead of self-determination, the consistent racist anti-German bias in history, the firebombing of whole cities, the burning alive of German civilians, the mass expulsions, the British-imposed famines, the mass rapes, the starvation of soldiers, the endless brainwashing, and the gasacaust slander to destroy the German soul.  The British regime is in pursuit of the genocide of Europe, Germany first, to rule the world. The aim of WWI was to make the world safe for German ethnic cleansing.

Whether Britain is ruled by Jews or not doesn’t change the existential threat of Britain to Europe given its institutional ambitions.

Jews are involved, in so far as, they are the knight-servants, assassins, foot soldiers, court-Jews, and willing executioners of this geopolitical genocide.

This is the reason why, I believe, the gasacaust non-sense is sustained by the crazies of the Anglo-American establishment, why the non-sense of the Jews is entertained, and why Zionist WASPS come to the rescue of the termites.  There is no rational reason to this.


By exposing this, we can break it down.

Joe Biden admitted that, “if Israel did not exist, we would have to invent one.” Not only is Israel a creation of the British, but its function is to advance Genocidal British Geopolitics from Palestine to India, under the ruse of being a Jewish state. Shimon Peres, president of Israel, was knighted by the Queen, and he accepted knighthood on behalf of the State of Israel. To be a knight is to be a servant. Thus, Israel is a British servant state, not a Jewish sovereign state.  Is it best for Jews to have a state founded on the quicksand of Genocidal British Geopolitics? How quickly that state will collapse, once that is universally acknowledged.

We add that the Queen knighted communists Mandela and Mugabe, indicating that communism was always a British geopolitical stratagem.

[6]  There are some shocking things to consider about the rise of communism, particularly, that Lenin and Trotsky were groomed by the (wolf in sheep’s clothing) British Fabian Society, a full ten years before the 1917 Revolution, while holding a party congress in London in 1907. Lenin translated the work of Fabian Society founder Sidney Webb, who was on the King’s Privy Council, the highest council in Britain. This tells us that communism was sponsored by the real evil empire, Britain, to enslave Europe. George Bernard Shaw is quoted as saying that “Stalin is a good Fabian,” and that communism is Fabian Socialism.

“Webb and myself remain the staunchest champions of Soviet Russia in the west. We believe that Fabian Russia will pull through.”

We must speak of British-Bolshevism, as the hidden hand behind, Jewish-Bolshevism. This does not exculpate Jews, but exposes Jews as co-conspirators to GENOCIDAL BRITISH GEOPOLITICS.

Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech, “There is deep sympathy and goodwill in Britain…[for Stalin’s Russia]. We welcome [Soviet] Russia to her rightful place among the leading nations of the world. We welcome her flag upon the seas.”

Isn’t that welcome of her flags on the seas all that anti-communist Germany ever asked and to be left alone on the land?

Margaret Thatcher told Gorbachev, “Britain did not want German unification.” Her anti-communist credentials go out the window.

The Iron Lady was a fan of the Iron Curtain.

The British encirclement of Germany in pursuit of British world domination is the aggression that caused of WWI and WWII and the deaths of forgotten millions. As such, the British are responsible for all the deaths of these wars, including those of the Jews, who were serving this geopolitical cause. The use of Jews to foment murderous revolution is a British act of war against Europeans. All deaths in defense of Europe are exculpatory.

The Jew Kaufman who wrote “Germany Must Perish!” was an obscure writer who was panned for his “Sensational Idea!” in Time Magazine, the voice of Skull and Bones. Kaufman was also a frequent guest of Churchill’s cousin Clare Sheridan. Clearly, he wasn’t simply a Jewish crank, but voice of the British ruling scum floating its trial balloon. The Hooten Plan from the Rhodes Scholar Ernst Hooten ties the genocide of Germans to the British Rhodes Mafia, the CFR, and British monarchy.

[7] The Coefficient Society members were mixed with the Rhodes Mafia and the Fabian Society. This means the British ruling scum aimed for the communization of Europe, and that a gaggle of flee-bitten Jews could not have toppled the czar on their own. Rather, it was a British state-sponsored operation with a Jewish face. This would explain the hidden hand of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.

The likely homosexuals Alfred Milner (Fabian) had contact with Russian Minister Lvov three weeks before the Czar abdicated. Lvov became the new leader of Russia with mason Kerensky as war minister. Kerensky and Lenin were born in the same obscure town and Kerensky’s father taught Lenin!

Freemasonry is British intelligence. Five British kings were masons. Masonry goes back to North Africa and the circumcising Egyptians.

Once Lord Balfour waved Trotsky back into Russia, mason Kerensky ceded power to Fabian Lenin in October. Lenin walked into the Winter Palace with hardly a shot fired. This was a controlled revolution under British oversight, from the start, from Fabian Milner to Fabian Lenin.

If the British didn’t start WWI, the conditions in Russia for a revolution would not exist.

The New York Federal Reserve had its own director (William Boyce Thompson) on the ground to offer financial aid to Lenin’s regime right away.  The USG and the boarding school elite (“old money wasps”) were involved in the construction of communism, which served their geopolitical ends. They committed to serving Britain and sold out America.

When Hitler invaded Russia to destroy communism, mason Kerensky came out to support Fabian Stalin. Kerensky was no friend of the Russia, but was its greatest traitor. Kerensky, Blavatsky, and Marx, are buried in London.

Reagan asked Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” The British ruling scum must tear down their deceptions, and rehabilitate Hitler on the obvious facts.

[8] Finally, we can understand “white,” and why white nationalism is doomed to failure. 

Does white mean what we think it means?

Mason Benjamin Franklin wrote, “the English make up the principle body of the white people on the face of the earth.” By implication, white nationalism is exclusively English nationalism.

Franklin adds, “The Number of purely white People in the World is [..] very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans.

Clearly, Franklin believes that he is dealing with two or more non-white races in Europe. I suggest Europeans call themselves the PEACH RACE(s).

As far as Franklin is concerned, white means the British and those who serve the British empire; meaning British imperialism is white supremacy.

In his book White Identity (228) Taylor quotes John Quincy Adams. He explained to a German, European immigrants “must cast off the European skin, never to resume it.” Again, we see a racist anti-Europeanism, where race is something one can cast off.

Later Anglos would speak of “an English-speaking race.” Anyone, including Jamaicans, Jews, and Indians, can speak English.

We have the conception of race as a social-political-linguistic construct, but not one of blood.

This means that good servants of the British imperialism, Africans or Indians or Jews can be white, while Europeans cannot be white. There’s no daylight between white nationalism, zionism, and Duginism at the end of the day.

Does this usage offer us any insights today?

Let us concede to Franklin, given Britain’s 500 years of genocidal ambitions towards Europe. The pursuit of a permanent state of war through balance of power politics over 500 years seems to manifest a metaphysical-racial difference that ought to be acknowledged.

Given that Spain, France, Russia, and Sweden had hot conflicts with Britain, it implies that whites serve the British empire, while European “swarthies” do not. Thus, Catholic Irish are not white. Italian Catholics are not white. And Germans are Huns to be exterminated. This usage makes sense. Things begin to make sense by noting how the ruling scum sees the world.

The greatest enemies of British white supremacy have been peach Europeans. Europeans should get credit for that.

Franklin may have been the first to suggest that race is a social-political construct, which is something the white ruling scum of today, certainly, pushes.

This perspective opens up a new line of thinking:

British imperialism is white supremacy is white zionism (Spencer).

a. Can the peach European victims of British genocide be responsible for the death and destruction of the British world wars? No.  Not one drop of blood is on our hands. That’s rehabilitation!

b. Should peach Europeans pay for reparations of white race slavery or segregation? No. When Elizabeth Warren pushes this, it is a scam to get European descent Americans to pay, while she and her crowd dip their beaks in the cash flow.

c. Should we continental Europeans (and Irish) identify with our genocidal oppressor, fight its wars, or save it from the umbrage of those seeking justice? No.

d. Are Jews white? Yes, if they serve the British empire, its communism and its zionism (originally British-Israelism); which they do.

“Israel belongs to the white man!” said Shas party leader and Israeli Interior Minister, Eli Yishai.

Zionism serves British imperialism. “Jews look white to me,” said Jared Taylor.

This would account for the numerous claims by Jews to be Jews and white.  British masonry is two-faced. Is it any wonder that there would be one usage of white for the imperialist ruling scum and another for the ruled to paralyze them?

e. If Soviet communism is British white supremacy, is it any wonder that white nationalists would celebrate Bolshevism and Duginism? British-Bolshevism means that Soviet aggression against Europe is, in fact, British aggression against Europe. This would explain why Churchill was refusing to come to peace after the fall of France because he knew the British puppet regime under Stalin would bail him out.

f. White nationalists, like Jared Taylor, have always failed to define white or white interests properly. A movement that can’t tell us who it is really serving can’t serve anyone.  This can only nose-dive nationalism, as we have seen. What use does the white ruling scum have for white nationalism, when it has white imperialism that rules the world? Since white doesn’t mean European, it can’t have genuine appeal to Europeans or those of European descent. That’s a doomed movement.

g. Can we continue to ignore the responsibility that whites have for empowering Jews over Europe? Are they just so damn spineless? Or are they pretending to be spineless, so that Jews can murder without consequence? How can a country of 300 million guns in the hands of civilians be so weak, unless it was by choice?

h. Should we take offense if blacks hate whites? Not really. We may be lighter-skinned, but we’re not all white. The British ruling scum tells us so!

Peach Europeans and BIPOCS should work together against the British-Jewish ruling scum, then go our separate ways. That’s power. That’s vision. That’s a strategy. A racial realignment will break this cosmic oppression.

After WWII, 4 million German slaves were taken by the white supremacists =  the total number of black slaves in the US in 1860.

Some 20 million German were killed off in both world wars and their effects = the total number of blacks who won civil rights in 1964.

Some 500,000 burned alive in firebombs = 170 times the number of blacks lynched over 80 years in the US.

The scale of this is staggering. Only a comparison exposes its scale.

Unlike blacks, the white race demonizes Germans for the worst crime in history, when in fact, Germans are the greatest victims of white supremacy.

The slavery and suffering of blacks is given center stage in America, when the genocide of Germans is more recent, within living memory, and magnitudes greater.  Clearly, Germans are lower than blacks in our society. They have no stake in an evil system, but are used as taxpayers, farmers, and soldiers.

American political culture intentionally fails to distinguish between racialism and racism for purposes of its own imperialism.

Racialism is the cultivation of cohesive peoples.

Racism is the destruction of cohesive peoples.

National Socialism was racialist and benevolent.

British imperialism is racist and genocidal.

Conceptual clarity rehabilitates National Socialism.


That we can put the gasacaust slander in the context of GENOCIDAL BRITISH GEOPOLITICS (see my GBG paper) explains why it was produced, why it hangs around despite valid rational criticism, why revisionists are enemies of the state, and why they are censored and criminalized. This is a huge development because it pulls the self-righteous rug out from under ruling scum, in place of a, rational historical framework. Putting the two evils (GBG as the cause of the gasacaust slander) together has explanatory power.

To know the purpose of the gasacaust is to expose and debunk the whole thing. All the fishy elements and false claims suddenly fall into place with its purpose revealed—and that sinister purpose legitimizes all of the heroic revisionist questions, objections, and findings debunking the slander.

We can’t ignore Genocidal British Geopolitics because the British empire empowers Jews wherever its gunboats go.

Everyone who studies the Jewish power, finds that sooner or later, something more must be propping up Jews. They are too few and too ugly to rule the world alone, whether in a democracy or an authoritarian state. It’s not the devil, aliens, or reptilians who protect Jews. It’s the British and their “Anglo-American” minions. As Carroll Quigley noted, the Anglo-American network works with the communist network for world domination. That’s the best thesis in town. Plenty of public information supports it.

When the Catholic Church ruled Europe, Jewish power was a function of Church power. Once Christendom collapsed, Jews found a new and more dangerous host in the British empire. Jewish power today is a function of Anglo-American power. As that collapses, we anticipate Jewish power to collapse…unless they find another host hiring Jewish executioners.

Understanding the 20th Century in terms of Genocidal British Geopolitics helps us understand that Hitler was only a speed bump to a larger process. Once he was run over, the genocide of the world continued on to Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East.

Hitler’s resistance to genocide is no sin. Failing to acknowledge his heroism is no virtue.

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