Saying there is no God defies established facts

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Saying there is no God defies established facts

June 21, 2015, as part of a series the nature of the divine versus the nature of human claims regarding this Being

There are countless people who claim that there is no divine Being of any kind and that somehow the universe exists without the existence of any such Being.  Regardless, to say that there is no God defies common sense. For instance, there can be no explanation by those who make that statement regarding just how this universe has come to existence. No one can say that it happened by chance.

Now, it is true that the human has the capacity to do so, that is to reject God. Furthermore, no one will stop such a one from making this extremist claim. A person can say or believe anything. Nothing will intervene to prevent such a one from doing so. Nevertheless, the rejection of the existence of God makes no sense. As never before in history there is proof upon proof for this almighty One’s existence. That’s why denying Him is an extremist position.

Why would anyone do so, considering that the full realm of evidence in science demonstrates the existence of and continuous actions by a Supreme Being and that this existence in clearly evident in natural phenomena? That is why for virtually every serious scientist the more he discovers the more deeply believes that there is a God.

There is a basic fact to consider. How could a human being even be in existence if there wasn’t a great, almighty creator to make him? How could such an organized, sophisticated being merely develop on his own? It is patently impossible, and all scientists know it. Plus, that human being has all that he/she needs for sustenance: air, water, food, shelter, and far more. How did this happen unless it was all pre-arranged.

It would appear that most people who reject God do so for a simple reason. This is the fact that they don’t want to think of Him. Nor do they wish to give this Being due consideration about their responsibilities before Him. Thus, they argue about this Being, even bringing into question the entire idea of His domain such as the existence of life after death and His precise existence itself.

Even so, there is no evidence that there is not a God. So, why would anyone believe this Being as non-existent? In other words, no one can prove that He doesn’t exist, while, simultaneously, there is a plethora of evidence demonstrating this existence as well as the everyday miracles He creates.

The proofs of modern science in all realms give strong evidence against the “there is no God” claim is baseless. Consider death itself. It is obviously under non-human control. Moreover, the point is there are controls, which are involved. The controls are evident in the death process itself. Some people die in peace, that is they pass over without a fight. They realize they are dying, and they give this over to God. Some such individuals actually fill their hearts with prayer while passing. Consider those who have no belief in God and/or who fail to trust in Him. They die differently. It is these who fight that transition, resisting, breathing heavily, heaving their chests, and more. Despite this resistance, still, they ultimately pass.

They can do nothing about it to stop that transition from this life into the next. No matter how hard they fight against it, they will succumb. Moreover, they do make that transition, as do all people: no exceptions.

In times of terror there is great evidence of His prevailing role. When peril strikes, like a plane crash or other mass transit accident, what do all people scream out? Is it none other than “Oh my God?” Take notice, they say “…my God,” while pleading for his help.

Who created the concept of life and death? It surely couldn’t happen on its own. What other option is there other than to realize this entire existence of the human being as nothing other a divine creation?

This is why those who reject the existence of God belittle this. They must mock it in order to find at least a temporary satisfaction in their minds. Otherwise, they would have to consider it, which would make that house of cards of the rejection of God collapse into oblivion.

When God’s name is mentioned, that is the mention of an all-powerful, all-encompassing Supreme Being – even at the mere mention of that Being – they outright reject Him, as if they are rushing in a race to do so.

In the derision and mockery alone there is proof. Why mock it, unless the basis of the argument is weak, even feeble? Ultimately, people have their reasons for this ‘no God’ position – and the point is it is not based on any scientific or rational evidence. Instead, it is based on raw emotions such as the desire to fully enjoy the material life without giving the slightest consideration to its source, without being responsible in the least for a person’s actions.

There are certain hard facts which are found in the divine books which defy the rejection claims. One such fact is, as described in the Qur’aan (Chapter 21), is the Big Bang, that is “Have those who have rejected the truth not considered that the heavens and the earth (that is the vast universe) originally was a single mass, then, We separated them (ultimately) making every living thing from water? Then (as a result of such a clear evidence), will they not (consider this and) believe?”


Courtesy of former MIT scientist Gerald Schroeder

On YouTube there is a video by scientist Gerald Schroeder in which he makes it clear that the scriptural claim of a creative God and an expanding universe is absolutely correct. It did start with a kind of dense matter, that is dense beyond comprehension, which then exploded somehow and from there began expanding, with matter ultimately condensing into stars, planets, and more. All of this is alluded to in the Qur’aan, including the fact that the universe is continuously expanding (Chapter 51).

In the Schroeder video it is stated that it is possible to do the untenable, which is to create something out of nothing. This is true as long as it follows the laws of nature, therefore the Old Testament statement that there was a “beginning” of the universe from nothing as a result of His creative force. Then, too, it is the Qur’aan which says that for this almighty One creation is a minor issue, where all He does is deem it, and it happens, literally, “Be and it is.”

Now, this is not an attempt to rely solely on science as a means to recognize the divine existence. It is merely the establishment of a proof, the kind of proof which makes it abundantly clear that the claim that there is no God is baseless. The creation of “every living thing”  from water is itself a hard fact of modern science.

Let us take it in reverse. If there is no water, what happens? There is no life, as on barren, waterless planets. Even in the desert which is devoid of water there is little to no life unless it rains. Then, the desert sprouts with life.

These are proofs of the divine existence which are mentioned in various divinely inspired books by this almighty One Himself. It is a consequence of His ever-present mercy. He is attempting to enlighten people, to awaken them, and surely to give them warning. That warning is in regard to the consequences of rejecting Him.

It is said in a number of instances in the Qur’aan that people should surely be aware of the divine existence simply from natural phenomena. For instance, are people oblivious of the fact that on the earth itself there is much evidence of the divine role, that He has “set up firm mountains on the earth lest it sway with them (upon it as it spins) and (that) We have made therein broad pathways, so that they might find their way – and that We have set-up the sky as a well-secured canopy?”

The swaying could also indicate the consequences of creating a smooth ball in the universe versus one with struts or outcroppings, which would allow for resistance against spin. Regardless, anyone, no matter what is a person’s beliefs, can see the truths in such phrases. Who hasn’t been up on a jet, looking down and seeing the pathways created of the benefit of the human race of which this book alludes.

Who could have designed it all, so utilitarian for human benefit, other than almighty God, rather, who could have come to the idea of stating these obvious scientific and geographic facts in those times of old, other than Him? After all, these phrases were revealed not in the light of modern science but rather at a time when no such scientific knowledge existed. Moreover, regarding the desert bedouin, how could such a one have known anything about this?


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