A recent Global Early Adolescent Study analyzed how gender is learned, enforced and reinforced among early adolescents in 15 countries. It concluded that culturally-enforced gender stereotypes – that is to say, calling a boy a boy and a girl a girl – are linked to an increased risk of mental and physical health problems later in life. The study found these ‘stereotypes’ leave the girls at greater risk of exposure to physical and sexual violence, child marriage, and HIV, and boys at greater risk of substance abuse and suicide. It is not clear from the study if a global control group of boys and girls who had grown into adults without ever having been referred to as ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ was used in order to make the study’s conclusions even remotely plausible.

It should be noted that the alleged ‘life-long negative consequences’ referred to above are definitely NOT the result of social ills that have existed in human societies for millennia, but are the direct result of parents referring to and treating their male children as males or ‘boys’ and their female children as females or ‘girls’. As such, the authors of the study suggest that the small percentage of human beings that have a hormonal/brain chemical imbalance that presents as confusion about sexual identity should be used as a bench-mark for instructing young, well-balanced children on their own sexual identity.

According to the study, the problem is that when a female human child is treated as a female, she is effectively ‘indoctrinated’ with the idea that there exists a certain ‘sexual attraction’ between females and males which, until now, was believed to be a function of the biological and genetic mandate inherent in most human beings that ensures the continuation of the species, similar to how so-called ‘females’ and ‘males’ of other species ensure the continuation of their own kind. This belief however, has been proven false by the new study, which revealed that the alleged biological mandate is nothing more than a cultural manipulation by our global patriarchal society – albeit one that has been rather persistent and widespread throughout human history – that attempts to ensure that women continue to labor under the illusion that one of their primary biological functions is to bear children.

When a male child is treated as a male, he is similarly indoctrinated with the idea that sexual attraction between male and female humans is ‘natural’. Believing this lie, the male adult attempts to secure a female with whom he can reproduce. In this task, the male will often make efforts to charm the female by way of compliments and the offering of gifts. All too often, however, his efforts come to naught because the entire basis of his belief in fixed male and female biology is erroneous. After several such failures, the male adult may resort to substance abuse and suicide to dull the pain of repeated rejection by his prospective mate.

The solution, as outlined by the study, is for the deceptive established gender roles to be inverted or abolished. For example, the male child should be taught in school that the female can and should ‘sweep the male off his feet’, that the female can be the primary money-earner in a relationship (if one is successfully established), perhaps working a 50-hour week on a construction site, while the male should be encouraged to fulfill the role of ‘house husband’ and, if technology allows, the child-bearer. Alternatively, school children can simply be taught nothing about the cultural concepts of ‘male’ and ‘female’ or the previously established gender and biological roles. Instead, they should be allowed to decide for themselves what their roles in later life should be and they should not be constrained by something as malleable as biology. This process should be pursued at as young an age as possible, when children have a very limited understanding of what life entails.

The study contends that if more accurate and progressive portrayals of gender and human biology are enforced in schools, and that if the oppressive ‘gender strait-jacket’ is removed, women will be less likely to be the object of sexual advances from men, and men will be much happier and less prone to drug-taking and suicide. There exists, however, the possibility that at some point in the future, such a reversal of gender roles may result in a concomitant reversal of the life-long negative consequences previously provoked by ‘cis-normative’ gender roles. That is to say, men will experience more sexual abuse and women will take more drugs and commit suicide more often.