President Joe Biden will address the nation at 4 p.m. EDT on Sunday with updates on the evacuation from Afghanistan and the impact of Hurricane Henri. Biden received a briefing from his national security team on Saturday “to hear intelligence, security, and diplomatic updates on the evolving situation in Afghanistan,” the White House said in […]
Posts Tagged ‘afternoon’
Biden to Give Update on Afghanistan, Hurricane Henri on Sunday Afternoon

Assange Court Report September 16: Afternoon

Celebrated whistleblower defends Assange in court. A famous Vietnam era whistleblower, 89-year-old Daniel Ellsberg, has told a court that he feels “a great identification,” with both Julian Assange and his source Chelsea Manning, who, he said, “were willing to suffer the risk of imprisonment or even death to get information to the American public.” Ellsberg, […]
Starbucks to close its stores for an afternoon to force-feed politically correct “racial bias training” to ALL employees

(Natural News) If you’re an avid news consumer you likely heard that a pair of black men were recently escorted out of a Philadelphia Starbucks in handcuffs after the store manager called the police. The reason? Well, according to initial reports the “reason” may have been strictly because the two men were of […]
SYRIA: The Guardian Journalist who takes ‘Afternoon Tea’ with ISIS and Survives.

A May 2014 Guardian headline from Martin Chulov whitewashing terrorist faction crimes in East Aleppo. Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire The war in Syria has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, the majority are most likely to be from among the Syrian Arab Army soldiers, defending their country and their people against the […]
DAMASCUS: Death in the Afternoon, Ignored by Corporate Media in the West

It was wonderful to see all the colours of their coats and school bags. It was a warm day, the sun was bright and heightened the colour & clamour from these children. One little girl walked past the car giggling with her friend, her smile broke her face in two, it was so broad and […]