Posts Tagged ‘agnostic’

NC leader: ‘Agnostic Jew’ made Black Panther to reach ‘Schvartze pockets’

An array of North Carolina Jewish figures and the Republican Jewish Coalition have called on North Carolina’s lieutenant governor to apologize for past comments about Jewish control. Jewish Insider on Friday quoted a number of Jewish officials who were appalled by Mark Keith Robinson’s comments on Jews and their influence. Robinson, a Republican, has said […]

The Agnostic

The All Time Underdog of Society – The Agnostic Let see what exactly is an “Agnostic”? Well described in the Merriam Websters dictionary, an Agnostic is…………………. 1.a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable; broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the […]