The man, hailing from a village located in Russia’s Ryazan region, took his friend who had been visiting from Moscow, underwater fishing late at night on July 9. Фото опубликовано SeiFenBlasenFabRik.oO*@*0o. (@kabuki_1507)Июл 10 2016 в 1:49 PDT This kind of fishing requires special equipment such as a speargun that shoots fish or other underwater animals […]
Posts Tagged ‘aids’
Putin: America Is Not A Democracy

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that America is not really a democracy, arguing that a shadowy elite secretly run the country behind the scenes. In the video [below] Putin asks “do you really think the United States is a democracy?” reports: It has become almost commonplace to say that we live in a corporatocracy, […]
Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele ‘Created Twin Town in Brazil’

The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele is responsible for the astonishing number of twins in a small Brazilian town, an Argentine historian has claimed. By Nick Evans / Additions by Alexander Light The steely hearted “Angel of Death”, whose mission was to create a master race fit for the Third Reich, was the resident medic at […]
Brexit: pencils at polling stations draw fears of voting fraud

Electoral Commission rubberstamps little string-tied pencils (or pens) for vote casting – as social media users fret over dirty deeds The Electoral Commission has reminded voters that ballot papers marked in pencil or pen are equally valid, in response to concerns expressed on social media that votes not written in ink could be rubbed out […]
Orlando Gay Bar Fake Shooting Fraudsters Cheat American Public of Millions of Dollars

Orlando Gay Bar Fake Shooting Fraudsters Cheat American Public of Millions of Dollars In what is a most malicious example of fraud and deception, as well as virtual theft, Orlando Pulse Nightclub-related fraudsters have bilked unsuspecting donors of countless thousands of dollars, now held in the millions. It is all done in a premeditated fashion […]
Europe’s Robots Would Become ‘Electronic Persons’ Under Draft Plan

Europe’s Robots Would Become ‘Electronic Persons’ Under Draft Plan June 22nd, 2016 Good luck with that. What about the rest of the world, where automation is rolling out without restriction? Chinese corporations will shit themselves laughing at this one as tens of thousands of […]
The Convergence of Medicine and IoT Will Change Healthcare Forever

In a way, modern medicine has become a victim of it’s own success. Many of past centuries’ scourges have been cured as our understanding of nutrition, sanitation and genetics improves. The result is far longer lives. For the first time in history, we’re approaching a point where there are more elderly people than […]
Weev’s Printer Troll is the Greatest Troll in History

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 30, 2016 weev: Hero of the people. It’s official: weev’s printer troll, wherein he remotely sent Daily Stormer flyers to open printers across the planet, is the greatest troll of all time. Honestly, nothing else even comes close. It has now exploded in the media. Literally, it’s everywhere. National TV […]
Video Released of 60 Minutes Film Crew Being Attacked in Sweden by Migrants

From: 60 Minutes Australia finally aired its footage three weeks after an incident in which its film crew was attacked by a group of masked men in Sweden. The crew was filming in the predominantly immigrant district of Rinkeby in the capital city of Stockholm. Immediately upon arriving they were confronted […]
WashPost fact checker exposed as partisan liar whose ‘fact checks’ are subjective spin

(NaturalNews) The editor of The Washington Post‘s fact-check division has finally confessed that the paper’s methodology for vetting the truthfulness of a politician’s statements isn’t exactly honest or objective. After repeatedly denying that he takes a partisan approach, Glenn Kessler now says that his popular “Pinocchio” rating system is “inherently… subjective” and “not […]
Natural News announces recipients of the 2015 Media Fail Awards

(NaturalNews) Where you get your news determines, to a large extent, what you ultimately end up believing about the world around you. If your favorite newspaper or cable news channel is sold out to pharmaceutical and vaccine interests, you’re unlikely to get the honest truth about alternative medicine, for instance, or the prevalence […]
Canada Prioritizes Homo “Refugees”

The new Canadian government’s “Syrian refugee policy” has prioritized homosexual male “refugees” over heterosexual male “refugees” allegedly because the homosexuals are less of a “terrorist threat,” it has emerged. A report in the Jewish Press of November 26 revealed that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had set the new policy after “security concerns” were raised […]
British Schoolgirl Dead Due To WiFi ‘Allergic Reaction’

A British schoolgirl was found dead after complaining about suffering from an allergic reaction to the school’s WiFi system. Jenny Fry, 15, committed suicide in a woodland near her home by hanging herself from a tree. Her mother claims that she died due to a condition known as electro-hypersensitivity (EHS). reports: Debra Fry told […]
Any agreement on climate change must be inclusive: Iran official

A senior Iranian official says all sides attending the UN-sponsored summit on climate change in Paris, France, should make efforts to work out an “inclusive” binding agreement on ways to slow the pace of rising global temperatures. “We need to ensure that this agreement is inclusive for all, and that no party is left behind. […]
Balkans Closes to “Economic Migrant” Invaders

The Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Styrian provincial Governor Hermann Schützenhöfer has announced that his region “cannot take any more refugees” and has called on his central government to follow the lead of four Balkan states that have refused to allow “economic migrants” to pass their borders. Schützenhöfer—who until now has supported his party’s treasonous […]
Plague DNA Detected in Bronze Age Teeth

Plague is a disease that conjures a mix of horror and revulsion at its mere mention because of the mark it has left on human history. Plague wiped out entire regions, triggered economic and political collapse, and threatened Western civilization on more than one occasion. As much of an impact plague has had over […]
Man Found “Cures For All Diseases” HIV, AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, STDs, Arthritis & More….. AND Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It

A true healthcare reformer, who stood up against the American Medical Association in court, the list of diseases he can cure stretches to some of the most unsettling conditions people face today including: bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, Mesothelioma, acid reflux and drug addiction. Everyday it seems to become evermore clear that the human body has […]
AIDS Vaccine Coming Soon — Experimental Vaccine Led to Censored Deaths

Anthony GucciardiActivist Post September 26, 2011 Scientists are hailing a new discovery in the field of AIDS research that may lead to the development of an AIDS vaccine. The discovery, revolving around the elimination of a cholesterol membrane surrounding the virus, emerged from The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. However, the past of […]
New Dental Clinic Aids Homeless Veterans

Dr. Georgia McDonald, left, chief of dental medicine, consults with homeless Veteran Sandy Broussard, right, before a procedure at the new specialty clinic in New Orleans. (Photo by Kimberly Gearhart) by Kimberly Gearhart Nearly 137,000 Veterans in the United States are homeless. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) plans to change that. In November 2009, […]