Posts Tagged ‘alabed’

Bana Alabed “Dear World”, Book Review by a Conscientious Objector

Judith Tanner21st Century Wire With its dedication to every child suffering in war and quote from Anne Frank “ where there’s hope there’s life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again”, this book from the girl whose tweets asked Donald Trump to start World War Three, is presented to the reader […]

Bana Alabed the Exploited Child – War, to “Save the Children”

Ken Stone21st Century Wire Today, on her program, The Current, Anna Maria Tremonti introduced the broadcast of a 23-minute documentary record of the voices of 8-year-old Bana Alabed and her mother, Fatima, produced at the studios of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in New York City. Bana Alabed has been exposed recently, in several forums, […]

BANA ALABED: A Lost Childhood and a Future Jeopardized by Ongoing Child Exploitation

Who ever is running this campaign, Please stop, it’s harming the children… ” ~ Rami Jarrah on Facebook VIDEO ~  Rami Jarrah is a NATO state, George Soros funded, Syrian “regime change” propagandist – but even he recognised the grotesque child exploitation that was being inflicted upon then 7 year old [now 8] Bana Alabed […]

“We know Where You Live,” Israel

The Ugly Truth [Ariadna: Greg Bacon published this very interesting post, arguably even more interesting to Hezbollah, Lebanon, Iran, and other parties threatened by Israel with “total destruction. Data, Courtesy of Global Security.] A GIFT TO HEZBOLLAH: LATITUDE, LONGITUDE AND DESCRIPTION OF ISRAELI WMD SITES, INCLUDING NUKES AND BIO-CHEM SITES Israel warns Lebanon of total destruction […]