US — Major League Baseball has announced that they will no longer be requiring any form of valid ID for the purchase of alcohol at all games. “We stand firm against racism and will never again require ID, and unfairly restrict people from purchasing alcohol,” said MLB spokesman Doug Wisacre. “Drinks are for everyone and […]
Posts Tagged ‘alcoholic’
Blatantly Drunk Alcoholic Nancy Pelosi Comment: This drunk has a net worth of $100 million for corrupting this country and taking us all down the road to hell on a salary of: Nancy Pelosi Is Getting a Pay Raise as Speaker of the House … › Everyday Money › CongressJan 3, 2019 — House speakers earn an annual salary of $223,500, according to […]
9 Signs of A High Functioning Alcoholic

While alcoholism is a devastating disease that can destroy lives, some people who struggle with it manage to hold down stressful jobs and big responsibilities. From the outside, these so-called high-functioning alcoholics seem to have it all together. They can drive nice cars, live in great neighborhoods, and make a significant income. However, just because […]
New study links intestinal fungus to alcoholic liver disease

Liver cirrhosis is the 12th leading cause of mortality worldwide and approximately half of those deaths are due to alcohol abuse. Yet apart from alcohol abstinence, there are no specific treatments to reduce the severity of alcohol-associated liver disease. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and J. Craig Venter Institute […]