Posts Tagged ‘alienation’

Capitalism and Alienation

Capitalism is deeply unjust. It is a system under which labour power has itself become a commodity and is bought and sold on the market like any other object of exchange. A condition of neo-slavery like this has been historically presupposed by the concentration of ownership of means of production in the hands of a […]

‘Closeted’ liberal Jews plan to vote for Trump, but fear alienation from peers

New York Jewish Week — When Bonita Nathan Sussman, a 67-year-old Conservative Jew living in Staten Island, announced she would be voting for US President Donald Trump this November, her Facebook friends said they would hold a virtual shiva, or Jewish mourning ritual, for her. “Oh my gosh, have I lost friends,” said Nathan Sussman, […]

Academic Alienation: Freeing Cognitive Labor From The Grip Of Capitalism

Academic Alienation: Freeing Cognitive Labor From The Grip Of Capitalism Above Photo: St. Louis Community College freshman Isaiah Wilson, 19, rallies in support of adjunct faculty’s contract negotiations. Photo: Ryan Delaney In the neoliberal university, intellectual labor has largely become inscribed into the machine of knowledge production. We need to think of new ways of resisting. […]

Daesh, a product of ancient fundamentalist theology pre-dating Wahhabism and Western funding

     Islam, real Islam, is a religion of piety, wisdom and peace, and Muslims, real Muslims are not terrorists. Even though all terrorists that have been caught involved in terrorism are “Muslims”, this does not give a blanket description of all Muslims as beings terrorists. Those who “use” terrorism to spew hatred towards Islam and […]