The UK prime minister batted away calls from business leaders for looser immigration rules and closer EU ties to overcome labour shortages and trade barriers. Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘alignment’
‘Brexit is delivering’ says Sunak as UK PM rejects ‘any alignment with EU laws’

Karahan Tepe: Stunning New Discovery of Winter Solstice Sunrise Alignment

A recently excavated archaeological site in the Tek Tek Mountains in the Şanlıurfa Province of Anatolia is shedding new light on the ingenuity and astonishing creativity of the Neolithic people from this part of southeast Turkey. The site in question lies approximately 25 miles southeast of its more famous sister site, Göbekli Tepe. Karahan Tepe has […]
Korybko’s response to Pantucci: Pakistan’s multi-alignment policy is promising

By Andrew Korybko Source According to Raffaello Pantucci, Pakistan is losing its regional security significance as it cannot maintain a balance between the great powers. However, Andrew Korybko negates Mr. Pantucci’s claims and states that Pakistan is actively balancing between China, Russia, and the US and has a strong multi-alignment policy. Raffaello Pantucci, a senior […]
Sacred Alignment: The Constellation of Orion and Ancient Egypt

For thousands of years, the constellation of Orion has been tracked across the sky by numerous ancient cultures who studied the heavens since time immemorial. Based on the constellations and position of stars, the ancients built fascinating monuments, calendars, and ‘observatories’ that allowed them to track the position of constellations and heavenly bodies across the […]
The Alignment Between Ancient Sites Will Blow Your Mind

Did you know that ancient sites like Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n’Ajjer and the Pyramids of Giza are all aligned on a single great circle? There is a mind-boggling connection among ancient structures that is indicative of a far greater meaning than we were aware of. There have been numerous theories that ancient […]
Why Non-Alignment Movement Needs to be Strengthened, Keeping in View Also New Important Realities

In certain circumstances of the world the non-aligned movement was born in 1961 ( although the Bandung conference heralded the effort as early as 1955) and quickly gathered strength, before moving into a state of relative stagnation. Now in different circumstances and for somewhat different reasons the movement is becoming even more relevant and there […]
Star of Bethlehem Spectacular Alignment on December 21, 2020

December 6, 2020 written by Michelle WhitedoveDec 2, 2020 and posted on Patreon Dec 4th I want to share this again – Change is in the air. There’s Grand Cosmic Event shifting into place right now! Yes, as I’ve been saying for years we are coming into a time of great change for the Earth […]
Are Your Charkas Out of Alignment? Here’s What You Can Do To Re-Align Them

The Facts: The Chakra system has been spoken about and used to help treat people from several ancient traditions all the way up to the present day. Reflect On: Have you explored your chakra system? There are chakra meditation you can explore to not only tap into your chakras but to examine the energy at […]
Moving Into Alignment Through What You Do

9th March, 2018 By Stacy Vajta Guest writer for Wake Up World This awakening we’re in… it’s a funny thing. The more conscious you become, the more intolerable it is to do what no longer fits. The challenge is in knowing where to begin with the changes you need to make. That can be especially […]
Full Moon in Virgo – Surrender Into Alignment

March 1st, 2018 By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone Contributing writers for Wake Up World Since the new lunar cycle began with the New Moon in Aquarius on February 15, a new energy has begun to flow through us and around us. It has been a time to embrace new directions, say goodbye to the old, and allow a […]
Kenneth Marcus’ ideological alignment with Trump

The Muslim ban. Attacks on immigrants. Rolling back sexual assault regulations. Morally equating neo-Nazis with racial justice activists. Attacks on Black Lives Matter. Mocking a disabled reporter. These are all incidents that immediately came to mind when I heard Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) ask Kenneth Marcus, President Trump’s nominee to head the Office for Civil […]
5 Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment – and Ways to Rejuvenate Your Connection

September 30th, 2017 By Nick Polizzi Guest writer for Wake Up World Do you ever get a nagging sensation that something is not quite right inside of you? I’m not talking about a kink in your neck or an upset stomach – this is deeper than that. Maybe it’s a limitation within yourself, or a lack […]
Trump’s Speech in Riyadh Signals US Alignment with Global Terrorism and Extremism

Bill Van Auken Riddled with hypocrisy, clichés and absurdities, President Donald Trump’s speech Sunday before an assembly of monarchs and despots in Saudi Arabia spelled out an agenda of escalating US militarism throughout the Middle East and a buildup in particular toward war with Iran. Hailed by a fawning American media as “presidential”–supposedly eclipsing for […]
Indonesia’s Mount Soputan volcano erupts

Mount Soputan volcano in North Sulawesi province of Indonesia erupted several times on Sunday, spewing a column of hot ash by up to 2.5 km high, official of disaster management agency said. Mount Soputan, located some 60 km from Manado, capital of the province, has high potential for further big eruption which is indicated […]