“Our D-Day is coming,” declared the ominous subject line of an email from former Rep. Allen West sent on behalf of the religious-right voter turnout operation My Faith Votes on June 6, the 80th anniversary of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy, France, during World War II. My Faith Votes is one of […]
Posts Tagged ‘allen’
Elon Musk Calls The Allen Texas Mall Shooter Narrative “A Very Bad Psyop”

Elon Musk Calls The Allen Texas Mall Shooter Narrative “A Very Bad Psyop” by Anthony Scott May. 9, 2023 1:25 pm [*]CEO of Twitter Elon Musk isn’t buying the latest narrative that the Allen Texas mall shooter was a neo-Nazi. Yesterday Bellingcat journalist Aric Toler posted on Twitter photos of a Russian social media account […]
Booz Allen Consulting is getting rich from U.S. National Park visitors

Visitors driving into Montana’s Glacier National Park this summer must buy a vehicle pass on Recreation.gov. The pass is free, but visitors pay a $2 fee to book the reservation. Source Views: 0
Anti-Vax Mandate Geoff Diehl/Leah Allen for Massachusetts Governor/Lt. Governor Versus Pro-Mandate Healy in Showdown

Above Image: Leah Allen, candidate for Massachusetts lt. governor, Geoff Diehl, candidate for governor When Maura Healy was asked by MassLive if she would pledge “not require COVID-19 vaccine mandates for Massachusetts children,” she declined to answer. We’ll take that as a “no.” Via MassLive: “Diehl challenges Healey to anti-vaccine mandate pledge for Mass. kids” Geoff Diehl […]
Allen West Blasts ‘Radical Mob’ Who Protested His Speech at University of Buffalo

Appearing Tuesday on Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade Show, Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.) blasted what he described as a “radical mob” for disrupting his planned speech at University of Buffalo. A transcript is as follows: BRIAN KILMEADE: I know you went to go speak at the University of Buffalo. What happened? ALLEN WEST: I speak for the Young […]
Watch: NBC’s Ron Allen Shoved, Cursed by Minnesota Protesters

[WARNING: ADULT, RACIST LANGUAGE] NBC News correspondent Ron Allen and two men blocking the protesters from the camera were shoved and cursed at during a tense live shot at the protests in Brooklyn Center, MN following the killing of Duante Wright by a police officer. As they began to be shoved by the protesters, Allen […]
Dr. Rabbi Wayne Allen: Thinking about Good and Evil

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Mia Farrow Confronts Celebrated jewish Director Woody Allen About Raping Their Children

Woody Allen, much like Roman Polanski, has been celebrated for decades by Hollywood’s leading lights, despite all of the evidence against him. Download link Share now! Source Views: 0
Woody Allen’s “Death” at Tehran theater

TEHRAN – Woody Allen’s 1975 comedy play “Death” is on stage at Jamshid Mashyekhi Theater in Tehran. Alireza Ahmadi-Kheiri is directing the play based on a Persian translation by Shahram Zargar. “Death” is a comedic version of Eugène Ionesco’s 1959 play “The Killer”. His 1991 film “Shadows and Fog” was based on this play. The […]
Meet Allen Dulles: The “Psychopath” Who Created America’s Modern Shadow Government

Comment: The CIA’s Baby Raping Programs started under Allen Dulles and his Brother Avery Dulles is the Baby Raping Satanic Cardinal who was actually murdered during a Satanic Ritual. Tyler Curdin http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/news.php?q=1445014075&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=450&action=recommend&font=arial&colorscheme=light&height=35 http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=http://www.facebook.com/FourWinds10&layout=button_count&show_faces=false&width=450&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light&height=35Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/14/2015 22:00 -0400 national security SPY Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, Allen Dulles, the CIA director […]
Allen Ginsberg: The Father of American Degeneracy

“My name is Allen Ginsberg and I sleep with whoever I want.” This is the rallying cry of the “Beat” Generation, a literary and cultural aesthetic which formed in the early 1950’s; usually associated with Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. The movement, which spawned in the post-WW2 era, promoted sexual degeneracy and individual […]
Youtube Deleted The Richie Allen Show Channel

February 22, 2018 / Gilad Atzmon GA: Earlier this evening, Youtube deleted The Richie Allen Show channel, one of the best internet program on the net. You may want to ask yourself what is left of our elementary freedom. With Youtube and Google around, the idea of an open society feels like a remote nostalgia… YouTube Has Informed […]
Lily Allen RT: Britain’s ‘Working Class Culture’ ‘Groomed Pakistani Men’ Into Becoming Sex Abusers

By Chris Menahan Pop singer Lily Allen attracted controversy over the weekend for claiming the victims of Pakistani grooming gangs in the UK probably “would have been raped or abused by somebody else at some point” if their abusers were kept out of the country. She followed that tweet up by claiming “Type 2 Rapists” […]
Trump’s thug-power, or does anybody still like Woody Allen?

Let’s go back to when we were all a little younger and less terrified. Obama is president. I am talking to a slightly older, white, heterosexual male, highly esteemed by the academic world and by me. I, a lesbian, admire and trust this guy. We’re catching up, talking about life, books, friends. I tell him […]
Weinstein, Polanski, Allen & Toback “Another Holocaust” & US Now Admits Syrian Rebels Use Chemical Weapons!

Weinstein, Polanski, Allen & Toback “Another Holocaust” & US Now Admits Syrian Rebels Use Chemical Weapons! Download Today Dr. Duke talked about new reports showing that the Zio-media lied about the Syrian government using poison gas against its own people. As Dr. Duke stated at the time, it was the anti-government Syrian “rebels” (a.k.a. al […]
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of the American Secret Government

Exactly 70 years ago today, President Harry S. Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of Staff — and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Sixteen years later — just one month after the Kennedy assassination — Truman published a bombshell in TheWashington Post: […]
NASA’s Van Allen Probes mission analyzing eerie whistling sounds coming from space

NASA scientists are trying to decipher rather eerie whistling sounds its probes have recorded in space. Don’t get too worried though, it’s not aliens. The team says it recorded the sounds with the help of the Van Allen Probes mission, which allows us “listen to the sounds of space” and how different elements interact. […]
FEMEN Sluts Protest Jew Pervert Woody Allen in Hamburg, Germany

Lee RogersDaily Stormer July 12, 2017 This girl would make excellent sex slave material under White Sharia doctrine! The insane feminist protest group FEMEN is at it again. This time they disrupted a Woody Allen jazz concert in Hamburg, Germany. The crowd was angered at their disruption demanding the immediate institution of […]
Booz Allen Hamilton: Federal Civil and Criminal Probe in Connection with Its Finances

Booz Allen Hamilton: Federal Civil and Criminal Probe in Connection with Its Finances June 15th, 2017 Via: NBC: Shares of Booz Allen Hamilton sank as much as 13 percent in after-hours trading after the government services firm revealed in a regulatory filing it was […]
Moms Go to the Hospital to Give Birth and Wake Up Without Limbs

Dear friends, the insanity of hospital birth is escalating. Below you will find six stories regarding different women who have gone to the hospital to give birth and who have left the hospital later with half of their body missing. One of the women, a young teenager, actually died. In almost all cases, the women had […]